[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

yankuch wrote:

Nice job so far, it's looking good!

I think you should have a much better tree on your bow, or a better bow altogether. the +2 arrow phys bow is massive and the +2 power charge almost just as much.

the 12 passives cluster needs 35% effect and at least 2 other T1/T2 mods from the following: attack speed, all res, attributes, chaos res, life.

Finally you should change your medium clusters to fill your crit requirements, so right now I see that you are at 80% crit, so you should remove 1 or 2 projectile cluster and put in some crit clusters instead to stay closer to 100% crit.

Yeah a +2 bow is out of the question at the moment. Too poor for that hah :) I have been trying to craft on a +1 fractured bow but absolutely no luck so far using contempt essences.

As for the crucible tree...I have been trying to find the max power charge but there never are any available. Is it a combine only mod?

The crit clusters should help I think. Gonna give that a shot today. Thanks for the suggestions.
I played the build in both trade and SSF and I have some questions.

Why no mana leech? Are you able to kill bosses with just mana flask or am I missing something? I run out of mana flask and then my DPS is 0. Could already feel it already during quest eldritch invitations.

Is life gain on hit that good? Is it better with TS than LA? Because I play LA and I am not sure it's that worth when I could just use attack speed quiver and get life + mana leech nodes with 10 % instant leech instead of life gain on hit. Although manaforged arrows + something + Life gain on hit could work for this too?
gamer15oo wrote:

Thank you to both of you for the tips, helped me a lot. Mind if I ask you guys to take a look at my pob and try to understand why I can only have 2 auras on? I feel like I'm missing something somewhere but can't seem to grasp what

Until you get to very late game build, you will only be able to use 2 auras (grace + purity of elements). You need to pickup the vaal version of haste, and just use the vaal skill of it (it gives increased move + attack speed for 4 seconds).

Some other suggestions quickly looking at your char --

Upgrade flasks, you want ones that give % increased evasion, and % increased armor. You can just use an alteration orb to reroll until you get it (try to find an ilvl 85 flask to get t1 rolls).

get an immortal flesh with higher life regen, to increase your berserk uptime

don't 4 link your gloves. you want 2 links and 2 links, so sniper mark doesnt attach to cast with damage taken, and heavily increase its mana consumption

It looks like you have a 4 link bow, but only 3 gems linked. move you inspiration into the 4th link of the bow

Annoint your amulet. panopticon is cheap, as is divine judgement.

pickup a lethal pride, even the cheapest one you can find, for a LOT of strength.
Swapped out Tornado Shot for Snipe and the end game build DPS exploded at 6 stages.
Barrage support doesn't work with Snipe too.

Might be a bug.
What is the discord link, I am having a significant deal of difficulty with this build. at level 90, nothing to defend against bleed. dps not high enough for red maps, one shoot'ed by chaos damage creatures. Guide shows having CWDT, steelskin, mark on hit, and sniper support all on gloves. but doing that makes it so sniper support and mark on hit never proc.
Hey, I had this 5-link bow,I rerolled crucible tree last night and it turned to have 2 decent nodes ,so i decided to spend 2 divines on 6 link, bought it for 1 divine originally, so this bow costed me 3 div. Did I make a mistake six linking it?
IceySword wrote:
What is the discord link, I am having a significant deal of difficulty with this build. at level 90, nothing to defend against bleed. dps not high enough for red maps, one shoot'ed by chaos damage creatures. Guide shows having CWDT, steelskin, mark on hit, and sniper support all on gloves. but doing that makes it so sniper support and mark on hit never proc.

At level 90 I have exactly 15 deaths, maybe 4 or 5 AFKing, and as for the gloves links make it two separate double links. not a 4L,works perfect for me.
I need some hep cuz i did a bit to many rerolls and now im in a total mess....
Is that tanu ahi even working ? is my ts even working with vengeant cascade? Mana goes to 0 in a sec and i get oneshotted. help
My char is in a total mess and my head hurts ffs
I got like 1 divine to fix stuff
RedStark wrote:
I need some hep cuz i did a bit to many rerolls and now im in a total mess....
Is that tanu ahi even working ? is my ts even working with vengeant cascade? Mana goes to 0 in a sec and i get oneshotted. help
My char is in a total mess and my head hurts ffs
I got like 1 divine to fix stuff

Vengeant Cascade doesnt work with TS,its for the LA/IS
hi in path of buiding is there a way to put dps on all ballista to show the combine dps of all summoned ballista? thx

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