What Happened with Items

I'm okay with this direction.
I hated juicing.
just revering to 3.18 would be a buff for this league.
Great post. Thanks for the clarification and clear communication. Most of us understand that everything can't go perfect 100% of the time.
this ain't it chief.
a number of balance changes that were not properly communicated before release

No bruh, you deliberately kept all the nerfs a secret to secure your supporter pack sales. It's far from any unintended consequence from miscommunication. They are not the same.

I am so disappointed you're still playing word games. I just can't trust you no more.
im half way through

Everything i was afraid of is true
The memes about vision have been correct this whole time

fix your goddamn game
archnem is still overtuned as all hell
Can we Just either Revert or fix it this is getting out of hand Reviews on steam are very negative. player retention is at an all time low. and even streamers who live off the money they make playing the game making content are quitting.
This vision is not worth losing your entire playerbase and fandom.

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