What Happened with Items
" Yes, it's true that GGG does better than most medium size companies in the industry. It's also true that they've done better in the past. Why spoil is with fun factor of previous league, just to give us scraps and slog this league? Shouldn't things get better, not worse? |
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If these item changes were such a
"why are they still in the game and why have they not been fully reversed until you can properly test them? " Either they were meant to be from the beginning and it’s not being fully admitted or something else is going on. Is there any further changes coming? The game feels lackluster and the grind to get something worthwhile is not worth my time anymore. “Oh yay look! A stack of 200 whetstones!” Like seriously wtf? Who wants to fight a mob or clear a map and have that be the most noteworthy drop? Like where the heck is the fun and excitement in that? Who thought this would be a cool idea? I literally made a 2nd character for this league just to replay the acts and get currency built up because my main hit a wall with not being able to complete RAW (no alch, no chisel)WHITE maps and I didn’t have currency to reroll socket colors or link sockets or even buy some gear to help progress me even a little bit. I was basically forced to either go back to act 10 and rerun it, or just make a new character. New character seemed to be the better option. You know, casinos like customers to play and play. They tend to keep people in the chairs by letting them get a sense of winning usually. You win more, you spend more, you stay more. Being that this game is technically, at its core, 1 gigantic casino if you think about it, you’re taking away that winning factor and basically just telling us “oh well, deal with it! But please spend more time in the game and oh also, buy our supporter packs” and not really giving us any sense of reason to continue playing. Yeah this game is free, but you know what else is free? Casinos! You can enter for free and then CHOOSE to play and spend money. This is not dark souls and I see no tags on steam saying this game is souls like. It sure feels that way though unless we can make an over powered meta build that will probably be nerfed into the ground by next patch because you will think it made it too easy and too fun to play. Get over it! twitch.tv/Heartgrave Last edited by Heartgrave#4764 on Aug 30, 2022, 1:36:37 PM
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How are drops mostly not affected, thats a LIE -_-, I'm lvl 87 and i have 40 alchs, like 30c, 7 GCP (no idea how i'm going to 20q my gems), around 3 regrets and so on.
Previous league at this same point i had over 4 or 5 times the amount of basic currency i have now, its absurd how shitty basic currency drops are, oh but we have tons of wetstones and armour scrap yikes |
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This only seems to affect in a negative way super hardcore players that break the game with massive juicy maps. 99% of the people will actualy benefit from this change.
Nefing 90% of that massive stupid juicy maps that most players will never even be able to do... is just whatever. If you have reached this point where you can consistently do these maps, then i guess you have achieved nearly evreything you wanted anyways. The only downsides is that streamers like empeering wont be able to do those crazy projects anymore (or it will be much harder). |
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Solid response.
I got to 90 by league day 3 and experienced the archnems in red maps/harvest before the nerf, and it was rough - I'm glad it's been acknowledged and addressed. The harvest currency drop rates and craft costs were soul crushing (I had such high hopes, and I really think you should bring 5L harvest crafts back, leave the fusing grind for 6Ls). BUT! I really do appreciate you taking responsibility for the communication errors and playtest limitations. It's unfortunate that it occurred, but holding yourself responsible does deserve kudos, as not everyone in that position (business owners and/or dev heads) would do the same. I'm going to keep playing and 'testing' the loot drops and see how it feels with the new changes. As it was super rough [not fun] getting into red maps and not having enough alchs, chaos, chisels or vaals to run/complete them properly). I would not have been able to complete the atlas as quickly as I did if I hadn't specced into kirac, therefore requiring me to spend points I would've preferred to use elsewhere to increase difficulty and rewards. Hopefully, it does feel better and less unrewarding than launch, as I want to feel the enjoyment more than the grind, in order to keep playing. Also, because I want to bring more people into the world of POE; it's simply the best arpg and I love it despite the current issues - but right now, I don't have the tools (the current status of the game) to make a strong sales pitch to outsiders. PS. As a ssf player, it kind of feels like you've killed crafting for us. I hope I'm wrong, but right now I'm mostly praying for good gear to drop, rather than crafting for my main and rerolls as I did every other league. And it's not a good feeling, as that rng grind is minimally affected by experience and knowledge. Whereas the crafting abilities I've used in previous leagues allowed me to enjoy making a new piece, and rerolling, and improving, and keep playing, all league long. |
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" Farm cemetery map with divination scarabs and mob adding scarabs. The union is a fairly common drop then. A set of 7 is worth 10 GCP. You can also get the now pretty lame brothers stash 5ex card, or the empower 4 card the dragon's heart but those are much rarer. |
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" bullshit. and we should trust a person with a closed profile? maybe with a couple of achievements and without a single loot filter? well, well... then it's not surprising that you think that there is too much loot in the game. of course, you can say that you don't have to prove anything, but then how can we believe that you are also playing your game?? ok, maybe you've completed 10 acts... you are just a businessman who wants to earn money, you have no time for games. therefore, you complicate the game in any way for ordinary users, so that they stick in it as long as possible, so that there is more chance that they will spend their money on transactions, in order to somehow relieve the bitterness from the fact that they almost do not see any worthy loot in the game, no achievement, no pleasure, even no satisfaction. |
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" Diablo 2 wasn't even slow paced. They are looking at D3 GRs for difficulty tuning. I'm certain of that. I used to run 8 way chaos runs as a fishymancer soloing the place and even THAT was faster than killing these AN rares sometimes. Nobody likes ten minute boss fights. Go ask the WoW raiding community if they'd rather have ten, five or two minute boss encounters. If it's not the last option I'd be surprised. |
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Hi Exiles,
finally I have to comment on this post too. Here are my thoughts: • I’m a casual player since more than 10 years loving every of the thousands of hours I’ve spent in the game • I’ve paused POE for nearly a year and came back to enjoy the new season “Lake of Kalandra” • I have to admit that loot was a bit upsetting at first – no more loot explosions on juiced maps – way less loot to be exact. But: • I’ve tried out many league mechanics such as Heist, Delve, Metamorph and so on. This way I’m getting my actual build in the right direction and this makes so much fun. • All in all I do NOT agree with all the hate POE got in the last couple of weeks • I do DECLINE all the mimimi’s of the hardcore players who want to squeeze the game in the most efficient way possible but apparently can’t. • There’s a simple solution to all of this – give feedback to GGG – I’m sure they will listen and react. Quit if you do not enjoy playing POE. So here are my final words: I do LOVE your amazing game since a decade and I will in the future – it brings fun into my life and I’m having a blast playing it! Thanks for that and don’t let you get down by all those toxic players. Regards Mike |
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Hi all,
I've been playing PoE for around 10 years now and even if I didn't post a lot (not to say nothing) on the forum, I used to wander around and have a look to different posts. I do remember some players commplaining because their preferred build was nerfed but never so much haters over there. I can't keep thinking that those people are not very smart, because when I don't like a game, I just move to another one instead of imposing me a bad moment. Since its first release this game has been free AND kept alive with regular extensions, not to mention with a shop that didn't transform this game in a pay-to-win. Not sure if anyone seen something similar anywhere else, but from my side I call this a miracle. So I'll just finish with 2 points: - To all the haters: please go being toxic somewhere else and let the real players enjoy their game and share a good moment with the community - To GGG team: I do think there are a lot of people like me that don't usually comment on this forum and give their good feedbacks just because they prefer playing the game instead. Today reading at the comment of this post I felt it was neeeded. I do hope these words arrive to you and you'll continue to work on your game and be proud of it. Sincerely |
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