What Happened with Items

Bye poe! Jokes on you now
Got this message from a moderator:

[This is due to it breaching our Code of Conduct in regards to being needlessly negative.]

So, without beeing Rude we cant have any freedom of speech now?! "NEEDLESSLY NEGATIVE?!??!!" i just mentioned this league is totally a mess by itself and no one from poe team wants to admit it and fix it... i dont really get it anymore... plz give me back the old great Delirium patch times...

I bet even MODS know dev team screwed this game!

Im going to reddit this lol...
Last edited by Ameoth on Sep 3, 2022, 12:12:02 PM
Standard league drop rate: 0.000%
Season league drop rate: 0.001%
Enjoy your survival game

is this considered needlessly negative ?
delete this post too then !!!
Standard league drop rate: 0.000%
Season league drop rate: 0.001%
Enjoy your survival game
So, this game will become like a dark souls game?. I like this game the way it always was: planning a build, then planning the way you will farm, and then just clic and clic, or push the bottom of the control from your console in my case, i dont want to see all rare monsters for read his descriptions, there are many games with that formula and i hate them, i just look for a game to think not to exercice my eyes, the real world is better for that. I hope others think like me, if not, well... i will lose the only game i play.
I'm fine with "currency" drop rates right now.

What I am not OK with is div card drop rates seem to have been reduced by about 80-90%.
IGN : Reamus
There was not sufficient time to playtest the change properly for feeling. It is unacceptable that I allowed a change like that to make it into the patch without a big chunk of time allocated to making sure the game still feels great afterwards.

This shit plagues the game since Perandus League start.
Remember those fancy golden mobs which were covered by XL sized proximity shield and could snipe you offscreen right as you exit Lioneye's Watch?
If %!.ing Act 1?

How many years it took to acknowledge the problem?
And how many years it would gonna take to TRY starting fixing it?


big chunk of time allocated to making sure the game still feels great afterwards

The funniest part is, it doesn't an wouldn't in any observeable future.
You've tried to lick too many rears at once - so the game feels evenly horrible for ALL player groups at once now.
Last edited by ya_nou on Sep 25, 2022, 7:10:26 AM
So we now have all the IIQ and IIR nerfs without toucheds?
Just revert back to 3.17, the ground loot feels horrible, no ammount of bandaid will fix the post 3.18 loot rework, its just bad

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