What Happened with Items
I really cant comprehend the need to change the dificulty in the game, im sure there are a lot of people like me in the game that just wanna run maps/league mechanics without struggling that hard, let people have fun, all these changes pushes the game into a state that almost nobody asked for, is the game made for the devs that probably not even play the game or for the player the consumer of your product? you really should not only listen streamers that play 15+ hours a day because most people dont have that time, poeple want to log in and have a few hours of pure fun, that what path of exile was all this time wasnt it? if you want a hard game create hardmode and not just mess with the whole game, nobody asked for this.
but i trust in ggg that they will end up doing the right decision, everyone has his ups and downs lets not forget this, and hating on ggg wont help anyone, its just a game at the end of the day not a life or death situation |
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I have played this game since 2013, December 2013. I have seen the rise, and fall of everything in the history of this game. Double/triple dipping DOT damage, Snap Shot minions. I've been playing when there were 2 league mechanics (one softcore, one Hardcore). I have been playing a VERY long time. The way these drop rates are, reminds me of back then, 2013-2014, tough grinds for gear/currency, and that was ok, because back then, there were no maps. When maps were introduced, you had to use them in the solaris temple, right hand side. Where the lady that calls you a "cockroach" is in ACT3. That is what this feels like, where a 300PHYS DPS bow was god tier item. Now, i have responsibilities, wife, kids, 60 hr work weeks, house, typical adult BS, in a league, on average i get to play MAYBE 30-40 hours. It takes me 14-18 hours to get to level 90, and i'm fine with that, i enjoy this game. by the time i hit 90 on my first character, i have all the currency i could ever need to make myself something that i want to play. with all this being said, the question i have is.. What do i do? I'm not getting the small currency i need to make this enjoyable, and i don't have the time to play like i used too to grind it out i would like CONCRETE answers. What do people do that have real time constraints. Do i have to make a MF character like you used to back in the day? There are a lot of "i's" in this response/question, but i play this game alone, so all i have is what i am seeing and feeling. If this is something that the company is doubling down on, i don't think i have the time available for this to be enjoyable for me. |
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This league is zero fun.... @GGG did you even test your kalandra boring 2 hour zero loot mechanism once? Or tried to sustain maps on a solid level without a metabuild or party play?
It is slow and boring af as soon as you hit maps you just get annoyed. Nothing drops it takes ages to get your late game gear and crafting maps is pure pain. The archnemesis are totally [Removed By Support]. Fight for ages to get 2 fusings. or get one shot for no reason by overpowered bs that does not drop anything either Oo Meeting a solid archnemisis that has huge drops needs you to spam maps and clearspeed. That are diametral goals: fight longer get good loot (which does not apply) and have to spam maps to meet the good archs. Hence you have to skip all content and just respam boring map runs until you hit them. That meets not your "philosophy" (which are totally understandable) at all. It is indeed against your "philosophy" statements.... logic bruh? sup? Also this new league favours immensly group/guild etc map rotation due to the need of faster map spams to get looty archs. As a sociolgist I can just tell you if you plan development on numbers and NOT on player behaviour (TESTING! Qualitymanagement?!) you will end up with a lot of further failure. It is beyond listening to the community. Get data on behaviour every structure demands players to follow a pattern. Test the pattern and if you did that why end up with kalandra AT ALL ;D That leave solo players in a terrible boring game. Last league i farmed a 100 ex gear and finished with a pure ex bought mageblood with ease. Now i got already bored after lvl 92 and dono why to even bother to keep playing. For real get that archnemisis loot fixiation on rares out of the game. GGGs archnemisis are indeed their archnemisis. Ironic :D and for the record i freaking love this game and company for over 10 years now. This is really a disappointment on many levels. No communication, zero testing (you can not seriously come up with that failure on drops and map / gear sustain if you tested this like for 3 days come on..). The average player is not a full time streamer with excel sheets to plan strategies. People have jobs, family and even other more important things than farming 200 hours. All recent late game patches were amazing and well thought out. Brought granular mapping, boss strategies, deterministic loot, better crafting. With archnemisis being the most important drop pool for general loot you killed the whole game with one mechanic.... come on. Last edited by RoryF_GGG#0000 on Aug 27, 2022, 6:50:56 PM
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Pretty Glad u are happy with the state of the game considering all the useful and fast changes. But if pushing away over 50% of the player base was your strategy then it worked like a charm :) But surely we'll be all coming back for Poe 2 if it's getting simular to the shit u are presenting us here :)
GL tho |
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I think i understand the intentions on loot... the company its called Grinding Gear Games and not Swimming on Gear Games. Also slowing down the game let it expand the times between expansion from 3 months to lets say 4 or 6 reducing the amount of workers needed. Its hard to be profitable.
In sum its not working very good for now but i believe that with some tuning GGG will get the sweet spot where its not too easy to get items but not also too hard. |
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How is GGG this out of touch with their own game? Why force this shit? 3.17 was fantastic and I'm now convinced it was out of dumb luck as opposed to by design. Who benefits from making the game more annoying to play? Nobody likes archnemesis or anything you've done since 3.17, what is wrong with you? Why?
Last edited by tetrode#3347 on Aug 27, 2022, 7:54:26 PM
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Bit of a shame, you look at the graphs and interest in this league was higher than normal, then the drop off is about as bad as expedition.
From very positive on steam to mostly negative, forget review bombing, this is a nuke. I wish normal people could talk to a GGG staffer just to hear their side of the story, it's likely impossible to 150k people to be heard by them but it does feel like they look at the first page and then lock the thread in their mind and never go past that unless you are an influencer of some sort. I truly liked this game when I came back to it in betrayal, it was fast and snappy, builds were fun and rewards were earnable but now it feels like if I don't meta slave I will get stuck in yellows, if I can even sustain them. [Removed by Support] This is the problem I'm finding now, I cannot spend an hour or two mapping just to get to a boss then find it drops be an alchemy orb, time is finite, the input to output is no longer fun, it's a job I don't get paid for. Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Aug 27, 2022, 8:42:04 PM
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Wow, instant censor for showing support to tools being used by others to get around being screwed out of rewards.
I guess GGG does go past the first page if they don't have to respond. Nope.. it just a bot.. Last edited by Sherudonst#2629 on Aug 27, 2022, 9:05:46 PM
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" Not-a-cockroach! :D ta-ta! That's both tragic and inspiring that old players hate old-style poe as well. Problem: Players are having fun in Path of Exile. Solution: Remove fun. Last edited by 51percented#2828 on Aug 27, 2022, 8:58:13 PM
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yah.... usually I try not to be negative... but the thing on solo players "alch and go" still feels good and is rewarding thats bs. It does not. It is not rewarding. To make "farming currency / for currency to buy some upgrades or to ATTEMPT (AHAHAHAH) to craft an upgrade is leaps and bounds slower then in past leagues. SOME level of juice needs to be done by SOLO players to make some kind of decent currency farming speed forcing trades for say scarabs n such. I wish alch and go was a thing. trading this much just feelz bad lol. Anyways hope the league gets salvaged a bit more cuss still feelz bad.
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