Nerfing Defensive Archnemesis Modifiers

but what about loot?
It's nice, but the league is already dead anyway ...
Surprisingly, still trying to keep this ridiculous system in the game at this point.

Have you seen Alkaizer and Carn_ clips?.

Not to mention other players too.
So the loot is going to stay like this..

You're not going to revert the changes back to 3.18.

Alright. Don't complain later that the community is toxic, you have the tools and the choices. Players have been very vocal about their concerns since 3.14 the ship crashed now because they can't tolerate this nonsense of decisions any longer.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
Last edited by Xystre on Aug 25, 2022, 1:28:47 AM
VryceK wrote:
Here's the thing, and why you are doing ALL of this wrong.
When people play a game, that they have played for years, there is a certain amount of TRUST that exists between the Game and the Player. If the Game shipwrecks that Trust, the Player gets upset. And they have a RIGHT to be upset.
Kind of like, if I go into a burger joint, and I order a burger every week for 5 yrs, and then one day, I order the SAME burger, and instead, I get a bowl of bugs with squid oil on top. Now some people might like that, but if I have been fed a BURGER for 5+ yrs, I OBVIOUSLY don't want a bowl of BUGS and SQUID OIL!
And NO amount of attempts to "explain the reasoning behind the change" is going to CHANGE MY MIND and make me LIKE BUGS or SQUID OIL! See?
I ordered a BURGER not BUGS and SQUID OIL!

So that is the problem.
NO ONE CARES what your "intentions" with the "balance changes" were because they were SO OFF TRACK there is no "intention" that is going to be received as ANYTHING close to acceptable. NONE.

People paid for YEARS in MTX for BURGERS and you just served them BUGS.
Don't expect ANYONE to be HAPPY with that.

And even worse, the sign on the Menu has a picture of a BURGER next to, No, you haven't just lost trust, you beat it into a pile of goo.
No one trusts you AT ALL.
At this point, it might be YEARS before the community trusts you ever again.
That's the problem with DECEPTION. Once it's found out, it's REALLY hard to get that Trust back, because people will always wonder, "are they going to serve us Bugs again?" and that will make them wary, and cautious. And those aren't two emotions people associated with spending money or fun.

[Removed by Support]

Excellent analogy. I made one with clothes yesterday because I share the same thinking. They want us to play other game and We don't.

It is like to go to shop buying one colored shirt while the vendor insists to buy a black one.

The results everyone knows: buy in another place.
lexcaintt wrote:
We want defensive modifiers to exist, and these implicitly make rare monsters harder for certain builds to kill. However, we absolutely agree that it's frustrating when multiple similar mods stack together and extend the length of the fight exponentially. A build affected by this has no way to get around the mods, other than enduring a long fight or running away from the monster.

Okay, good. So overlapping modifiers no longer exist or only the highest defensive bonus counts?


We have nerfed many defensive modifiers. Our primary goal is so that when two similar defensive modifiers stack together, they don't make monsters incredibly slow to kill.

Wait, what? Seriously? That.. No. In which universe does that solve the problem?
You are incredible bad at math apparently.

You do NOT need to nerf the nemesis mods themselves, but make certain combinations that stack the same effect impossible.

Magma Barrier(25%) + Steel-Infused(30%) + Ice Prison (20%) is still sitting at 75% physical damage reduction. And that's just three mods. If we add a "touched" mod, we're sitting at 85% phys dmg reduction.

Again, the issue is that they stack to absurd levels. You said it yourself.
The problem is that they stack, not necessarily the defensive mods individually.
Problem: They stack
Solution: Make them not stack
It's REALLY that simple.

If you just nerf the mods themselves most AN enemies might as well not be AN until you get some crazy combination. That has not changed.
Reading through a list of 5 or 6 mods before you know what the enemy can do is ridiculous. That is IF you've memorized the 40+ mods, which I haven't and I'm sure I am not the only one.

And for the love of god, just get rid of Drought Bringer. There is no version in which this mod can make any encounter feel more interesting or rewarding to overcome.

+1 to this

In the words of the great Regina George: "Stop trying to make Fetch happen! It's not going to happen!"
oh you are "sorry for the delay"...great

how about you apologize to the players for simply beeing WRONG?

your league is almost dead already, how much more till you step out of your stubborness? roll back all these damn changes and dont touch these fking AN modifiers ever again! is it so hard to get? players want to have fun and that only works if you finally STOP tinkering with the CORE MECHANICS. you had your beta, now save the rest for poe2 or whatever, if it isnt too late till then...

also no word on the drops? really? play your own game ssf pls and see how far you come with finding a specific unique. you guys are in denial
This still havent solved the main issue with no loot. As a player we should be rewarded for the hard content that we do i personaly dont mind that i have to spend 30-120 seconds per rare monster to kill but it should yield "x ammount of fixed loot" so i would feel rewarded to kill them but now att this point everything i see is "Archnemessis" do i do this league mechanic it will contain a maga juce rare skip.....

This game is all about economy and trying to get rich early on so you can make builds and do whatever you want in the league. It's something GGG has promoted themselves. And these people are right, it is too little, too late. The league is marred by these decisions. Most of the community does care about this stuff. You are the minority here.

Yes, but everyone is in the same boat and have played the same content. It's not as if 1/2 the people got a head start and are rich and the others have to catch up or something. Everyone is on even footing seeing the same strong monsters and dealing with the same loot issue.

Sooo if you do think it's too little too late, what's the point of even spending your valuable time on the poe forum when you can be playing another game? I'm assuming you'll never log in again since "it's too little too late" right? Just move on to another game if that's the way you feel...........
why did it make it live like this?

your willing to spend almost a year on ultimatum but you shove this crap in untested and refuse to back down

good luck with the player base you have left

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