Improvements to Item Drops
No apologies, no explanations, no actual maths given to players? According to Empyrian’s groups drops the juiced maps dropped a LOT less (95% less?) meaningful loot that before, how is 33% more uniques and 25% more currency going to balance this change?
Multiplying an incredibly low number with a small increase will still be incredibly small number. Just revert the changes, or at very minimum change the removal of ”massive historic bonus to item quantity and rarity” to a less impactful nerf and keep the global buffs mentioned in this post. This way the juicing would still be worth it, but the gap between casual players and top 0.1% will be smaller. Oh, and try running a survey asking how many people wish to see the Archnemesis mods in the game? I am disappointed, GGG. |
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I'm not sold
I will try it Everything that I have heard and had explained to me about the way loot works in this game this is a pittance of what we need but I will withhold judgment until I play it. |
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" To quote a Redditor, "When you nerf by 90% and buff by 25%, the net result is 87.5% nerf" They take us for stupid. |
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I will wait until the loot nerfs are fully reverted, no reason to remove fun from the game like it has been done every patch for the last year. Try again.
Honestly stop nerfing everything that is fun into the ground just to make the game that you think people want to play. Make the game that you know people want to play, bring back deterministic crafting. Stop nerfing everything because of the 1%. They are not your full player base. You promise all of these things like loot 2.0 and better things dropping, but never bring them out and just continue to nerf every aspect of fun into the ground patch after patch. Last edited by manashne#0503 on Aug 24, 2022, 12:32:03 AM
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I'm already back in the game :D
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so we will back in to
farming 2 days and have bulk of currency that can use till end of season and still left to non-season and 5 days after get bored because already done min-max and need to try another build and maybe 3-4 weeks later done for this season .. again Maybe the past league currency drop rate is too much ,, this league is much reasonable for grind game to ME ;; but indeed every one love high drop rate GL |
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I never lose my faith in ggg dev. Thank you for listening to the players!
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Hallo ggg,
You didnt told us about these nerfs in patch notes. It feels like you lied to us! This wont make me trust you. You nerfed so many fun aspects of the game over the last leagues. I used to tell all my friends that you can do whatever you want in poe and make money and have fun. That there s dozens of ways to craft gesr and you can play nearly all builds you like. look at the game now. Im very disappointed in your communication, in the way you test these changes and i lost all trust in your „vision“. PoE was my biggest hobby! It is not anymore… The game is not for me anymore. And it is absolutly your fault. Actions speak louder then words. And you failed your players miserably! Im not supporting these changes with my money anymore. Thanks for healing my addiction. Sincerly yours.. once your biggest fan. |
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That's the problem with training your players to carefully understand math with addition, more, less, and how percentages work, they can call you on the numbers very easily. There are no fools here, they can easily tell that you're planned "improvements" still don't come anywhere close to pre 3.19
The GGG reputation is in tatters and there is no faith in statements any more. Actions speak louder than works and what we've seen is no real action of any import. Archnemesis is still a terribly executed mechanic that destroys huge segments of the game. Face it, it's a fail. You're statements of "It's been tested" are just laughable now. It's so obvious nothing was tested adequately. Or, it was tested and met the desire of the Developers, in which case you have been continuously deceptive in your communications with players. So which one is it? Harvest is still pointless with your proposed solutions. Again, missing the mark by a country mile. GGG really needs to take a step back, take the ego out of the equation and listen carefully to what everyone is saying to them. How easy would it be to delete Archnemesis, roll back all the Harvest changes and roll back all the drop rate changes? Literally a copy paste job that should take an hour to do. Why not test that and see if people actually have fun for a change? I very much doubt it will result in people dropping the league early because it's too much fun for them! |
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LMAO same old strategy, same old tactics, nerf the hell out of it and then trying to fix it with random percentages that ARE NOT ENOUGH, this is a lame movement, just give back the orginal loot drop rate, but probably they do not have an idea of how to revert it, that is why we all get breadcrumbs.
AND the cherry on top: a dog that can carry "loot" at the supporter packs, they know what they did to the drops and they just rub it all over our face, this people is laughing at us. GG GGG |
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