32:9 ultra wide support gone!

XeoTech wrote:
The amount of whales in here asking for revert should speak volumes.

Yup. But hey, maybe ruining the game for some of their players with lots of disposable income will work out for them.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Smooshfaced wrote:
Same, even though their refund policy is not stated anywhere at all, they won't budge. Going to contact PayPal to decline the transaction and have it refunded that way. Will likely get my account banned or flagged or something, but ridiculous rules require ridiculous solutions.

I'd advise against that, they'll probably lock your account and you won't be able to play again on it.
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Been having a break from poe the last few leagues and came back for this one. I've never had an issues with ultra wide in the past and to be honest one of the reasons I came back for this league was the post I saw on ultrawide support.

Im disappointed in the fact they said we were adding support for ultra wide only to completely remove it. Its not going to stop me playing the game however its left me losing some of the good will I had towards GGG.
Another update from GGG. Another failure to fix this.

The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Jesus what a pile of unintuitive unoptimised shit this game is... (besides stuff like the trade improvements this league which is a step in the right quality-of-life improvements - direction. I was positively suprised by that!)
Dropping a final bump in hopes that it will be reversed knowing full well it wont. Between this the loot nerf the harvest nuke and the replies we have gotten I'm done with with this abusive DvP.
I have uninstalled and for the first time in 4 years looking forward to a D3 session. I'll be playing some last epoch until then.

The saddest part is knowing its very unlikely I'll ever return. Best of luck to everyone that stays hope things get better.
IGN: Dorenthl
Nice thing is the league is so boring that I'm not even sure I care about this issue anymore.
22 pages worth of complaints, and GGG has not given a second response to this. I think they are going to stick to their decision here and make the game unplayable for users with high quality hardware.
Smooshfaced wrote:
22 pages worth of complaints, and GGG has not given a second response to this. I think they are going to stick to their decision here and make the game unplayable for users with high quality hardware.

I'm happy to bump this thread until they fix this decision.

Definitely not playing the game with this feature removed and broken.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Smooshfaced wrote:
22 pages worth of complaints, and GGG has not given a second response to this. I think they are going to stick to their decision here and make the game unplayable for users with high quality hardware.

I have plenty other games to play, I'll be back when they fix it. Doesn't sound like I am missing much this league though, seems like its a big steaming pile. Hell, pretty much any other game in my steam library supports UW...Spiderman is simply amazing on these UW monitors and I don't even enjoy that type of game but its so dang pretty I got sucked in.

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