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I am having issues with and have lost several uses of the ability to turn Kirac missions to breach stones. I have attempted to use them several times and they fail to open on repeat with nothing I can due to fix this.
Posted by Community_Team
on Feb 9, 2022, 9:21:30 PMGrinding Gear Games

This will probably be the first league I've played where I won't bother getting to maps. The mechanic is an uninspired copy/paste of metamorph, and I can't be bothered playing through the acts for the umpteenth time without at least a decent league mechanic to look forward to each zone.

There needs to be some alternative or a rule where you only have to level 1 character per league. Please don't stick with the same philosophy for POE 2. I know you guys have said you're making the campaign much more interesting and geared towards multiple playthroughs, but it too will get stale after a handful of playthroughs.
jeanno wrote:
defiance banner isnt working rn!pls fix!

There is nothing wrong with defiance banner.
Started to skip league mechanics as my stash is full, all 64 slots filled up. Can't manage the stash, can't use recipes, huge headache constantly consulting excel spreadsheets - no fun at all.

Just running maps for new bosses, doing this and that, waiting for a patch that will make this league playable.
Yo, GGG, a few things:
* Love the league and its mechanic
* For the ingredients for Archnemesis, flag em for stackable? This would help more than anything
* For the busted blighted maps: This has been around for a bit. In 3.16, the best workaround I found was trying to open portals on a map from a different region than the region where maps would not open portals. This tended to fix it for a long time. In 3.17, I have found the best workaround is a bit more lossy. If my stash map is not working, I can fix it by starting a Kirac blight map mission. When I try his mission, the portals will fail to open as well, however, my stash map will work and I will LOSE the Kirac mission and its map.

It SEEMS like the instance management for the blight map expires and is not refreshed/regenerated. And with a bad id, a portal won't open.
Nothing about fixing the issue with either bigger stash or stackable components for the recipes? I cant believe that noone realised this during testing as the stash fills up allready during leveling. As they are not automatic pickup atleast let us have the option to have them in regular inventory if u are not gonna fix it.
Started to skip league mechanics as my stash is full, all 64 slots filled up. Can't manage the stash, can't use recipes, huge headache constantly consulting excel spreadsheets - no fun at all.

Just running maps for new bosses, doing this and that, waiting for a patch that will make this league playable.

+1 Such bs that nothing is being done
There is somthing wrong with map dropping. I have now 4 Voidstones and Map wouldnt drop from Monsters at all(execept forced by leauge mechanics, sextence influence alters)
I am useing the 100% chance to drop 1 Tier higher from atlas tree.

My understanding is that when i use all 4 voidstones all maps are t16 but it seams that only natural t16 can drop very rar
still cant see public mapping parties from town or hideout. can you fix this already? if i wanted to play SSF then i would choose it

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