The game feels horrible to play the 3.15 nerfs + the 3.16 nerfs have just killed this game
" totems have massively reduced hp in exchange for high damage resistance, thats why we got ballista totem bug afaik. Also youre right sunder used to be good becuase we didnt need MILLIONS of dmage, remember when 500k damage was considered "good" and 1 mil was the damage of end game gear? Sunder has also been "reworked" ever since it became a slam it was buried deeper into the ground. Not only did it not have damage, it was also clunky. People have never stopped to call for better look at old skills instead of dead on arrival skill release but GGG never seems to listen on that front. They even hear the wrong thing. Molten Strike nerfs arent a meme for a reason. |
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Completely agree. Every build feels terrible, since all the good builds have been nerfed and nothing was buffed. Characters that have good clear suck on bosses, and good bossing builds can’t clear maps or scourge at a fun pace. Builds practically all run lifetap for mana management, movement skill nerfs and quicksilver flask nerfs make every5ing more tedious, and nothing feels rewarding. I just threw all my currency in my guild tab and downloaded Last Epoch. PoE hasn’t really been fun since Ritual.
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shit, i mean i remember the first week of open beta, me and everyone i knew playing were the kripp meme at the time. we got to maps with 2k dps, 2k armour and 2k health.
i remember rerolling as an ek marauder and i had about 12k dps, that was obliterating everything and no one i partied with had even half that. i think etup and kerkrum were on top of the hardcore ladder with ek marauders doing about 8k dps. when bringer of rain was released people were complaining it was totally broken because cleave blenders were getting 20-40k dps. relative damage has shifted a lot. health and defence is an odd one. back then it was fairly accepted that if you wanted to survive shit then 4k life was a start, 6k life was a minimum to basically feel like you had a char that could theoretically never die. 6k life is still a sort of bench mark where less than that is absurdly glass cannon, but theyve basically let the balance of monsters get so far out of whack, not all of them but enough of a small handful of monsters do such a stupid amount of damage that youre gonna get unfairly 1 shot with 10k hp, so why even bother with 6k hp? people just get 3k now and try to get enough damage to kill everything before it can react because whats the point in dropping 90% of your dps to have 7k life + defences if they game balance is so shit that you still get unfairly 1 shot by utter nonsense? the meta around defence is so insane now, i talk to players who havent been playing since open beta, theyve been playing a few years. they tell me about their characters, they talk about them being really tanky because they got like 7k energy shield and some block or whatever... im sitting there thinking that sounds like a glass cannon death trap, like a walking corpse with no defences. i see build guides from sc players who have big budgets, people who are sinking 100s of ex into builds, and again they say things like actually my builds really tanky its got 4k life and 60/60 glancing block, feels really safe. again, to me that sounds like literally nothing, to me thats you have 0 defences and you will be 1 shot in white maps by trash mobs. and they will be, if they fuck up and dont kill everything first they will be instantly deleted by white mobs with those shit tier defences. the problem is that if they invest to have 7k life, 70/70 glancing block with 16k armour, 5 endurance charges, 5% life regen etc they will still be instantly deleted by idiotic unbalanced shit in maps but instead of having 20 million dps they will have 2 million dps and almost be at more risk simply because of that damage disparity. im so frustrated about how bad some of the balance is in terms of 1 shots/instant burst deaths. i tried out some builds in the last patch, stuff i wouldnt usually play just to see what other builds felt like, get an idea of how stuff plays with current balance. i tried crackling lance where you have to sort of stand there and shoot, cant just pop down a totem or a dot and run around, you got to stand your ground and spam. i had 10k energy shield + 8k evasion and i died 4 times in the space of the first hour playing it in red maps. to put that in perspective playing the builds i would normally play at that level of maps with that level of gear i would expect to die 4 times probably in 6 months to a year of playing, not in an hour. everything i died to felt like awful game design, literal offscreen 1 shots, on death explosions i couldnt see because entire screen is metamorph black bullshit. at one point i fired a lance at a single mob and accidentally killed a pack of porcupines that were off screen, i didnt see them, i didnt even know porcs were in the map at this point. i just fired my skill, it goes off screen because that is how the skill is designed and i instantly died to the on death effects of the porc spines. with 10k fking es and 8k evasion, in a t14 map with 1 damage mod, 1 damage mod, not an 8 damage mod vaaled t16 map with 5 deli layers on a 4k life build. a 10,000 hp character with 8k evasion in a t14 map with 1 damage mod instantly deleted from offscreen because i used my skill to kill a monster. fking what the actual fk is that? seriously? if someone from ggg is reading this can you explain that balance? can you explain why that is in your game for us? we lose 10% xp on death, that is a punishment for us making a bad build or playing it badly, can you explain why 10,000 hp + 8k evasion and then using you skill to shoot at a single monster on your screen is something that needs to be punished with losing 10% xp? and they wonder why people are complaining about death penalty. because your game is broken, fix your game for god sake how long have porcs been like this? why does a thing have to be broken for 4 years and its still not fixed? vol dead, remember the old vol dead? it was broken for years and years. why does it take so long? have people not been mentioning unfair 1 shot/instaburst damage? because i feel like the game is 8 years old and ive read 50 posts complaining about those things every week for the last 8 years and theyre still happening? why? theres a certain vibe of complaining atm and i think a lot of people are being unfair on ggg, unfair on the game and making more of a lot of complaints than is really there. but there are issues like this where the game really needs fixed. 90% of builds i had going into this patch came out the other side with lower defences, nerfed in terms of defence. this was supposed to be a defence buff patch. how about just actually address bullshit monsters that unfairly kill people? every time they try and buff a thing it ends up nerfed so just forget fiddling with defences. make a concerted effort to identify bullshit deaths and remove them from the game. and while ur at it remember the mantra, screw hardcore, it doesnt matter. these hardcore players saying oh, dont make it too easy to survive in hardcore, btw i have a logout macro and instantly close down my entire game if i feel threatened so you have to balance the game around me doing that... no, no fuck that entire game mode and the bullshit way people play it. it doesnt exist because its idiotic, balance the game so that the other 99% of people who play the game properly have a fair, reasonable experience when it comes to what kills them and feel like if they invest in defence that they are defended and not still just 1 shot by bad design situations. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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i think its not just the raw monster damage that's the problem but the way rare monster auras, buff and player debuffs (such as shock) stack with each other - multiplied by map mods, chance of getting crit, crazy mob density etc. Except for maybe a few niche builds no amount of defense can survive that. My champion with 50k evasion, 30k armor and fortify was still getting instagibbed sometimes by rare scourge packs.
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+1 Really good read. The game is in a very bad nerfed state and i could go on and write an essay of what feels shit to play (melee/strikes) but really a lot have been said already the constant meme scourge items on reddit, the huge players drop followed by another probable revenue loss speak for itself. The game is not really fun with all the nerfs to the passive tree in 3.16.
Last edited by zzang#1847 on Nov 6, 2021, 5:37:02 AM
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" I disagree. The ones who are complaining, the ones the devs tries the hardest to cater to isn't the casuals, it's the top 5% or whatever who crafts godlike items. Since they are the ones finding that the game "becomes too easy" after achieving GG items since they have like 100+ hours a week to play the game, then it's THEM and THEIR power level that needs to be brought down, not EVERYOBODY's power level through the nerf of support gems. THEY want harder content. I do not because I don't have the time investment that they do. And this is where GGG keeps on screwing up. They need to find a way to lower the power level of the top players WITHOUT it being taken out on us "casual plebs". |
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The whole point of an ARPG is to eventually feel like a god. Nerfing this will not be good for anybody because suddenly there won't be a goal in sight. Basically by nerfing the top end only you'll make the game bland.
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i look forward to more nerfs
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi
He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1 |
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" They also nerfed awakened gems, why doing that when those gems were already really expensive to get? Forum pvp
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The unnerfed them with the last patch though.
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