3.16 is disappointing, more powercreep for the wealthy and no toning down of OP content

raics wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:
I don't have any problems in MMO's / ARPG's grinding out for 6 month for a piece of gear that will make my build better.

So, how's that different from grinding currency in PoE and buying what you want? Even if you really want to do it yourself there are ways to get guaranteed upgrades, but a game with lively item economy can't really give you a way to get the 'exact thing you need' yourself.

PoE operates pretty much on a 'pick 2' system from this list
1. Meta build
2. Trading
3. Time investment
If you're running a meme build it's hard to do it without trading and more time, if you're playing SSF you need more time and a meta build, and if you don't have time you should trade and pick a good build. That's the cutoff point of comfort, of course, you can do 'pick 1' but you won't have a good time, and you shouldn't, a game like this can't have that much wiggling room.

And, I hope you realize that what you're asking access to is the equivalent of, for instance, savage/ulti raids in FFIV, and I can assure you not every Joe is doing those.

In MMO's, and i played a lot of them :
1/ I don't use meta build
2/ I usually don't trade before even trying to loot what i need
3/ I have all the time of the world when it is not limited to a 3 moth gap before complete destruction of my build whom MMO's rarely do.

I don't run meme builds, but a frost blade build or a double strike build should not need hundreds of exalts in investment to perform good enough to reach and farm T16 maps. I don't ask for more, being able to reacj and farm T16 maps without burning my self out...

Upgrades in PoE are not guaranteed at all. They depend on your ability to understand / Cicumvent RNG layers of gambling system...
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Last edited by Azarhiel#6045 on Dec 17, 2021, 5:26:01 AM
Here's the thing:

In PoE basically everything is a meme build except 1-2 builds.

Scaling is PoEs solution to bad balancing:

If three skills are okay and ten skills are bad, you just provide scaling options. Now three skills are super strong and ten are okay. Problem solved, every skills is playable.
The problem: Three skills are too strong and delete your content. Buff your content. Now three skills are okay and ten are bad. Rinse and repeat.

This is a shame, because PoE has so many interesting skills, classes, passives and mechanics, but most are underused, because of bad balancing.
Scrooge League* Felt like things were out of control on price in some areas and other things were absolutely worthless which shouldn't have been.

Trading even harder to engage with, more bots than i've ever seen before.

Changes to enlightens long standing drop rates causing a 400+% price increase literally stopping me in my tracks at level 92, I did try to farm the 40 ex i needed for such a SMALL reservation boost but my map sustain just went through the floor with no change in juicing.

Tried to restart 3-4 times since then to get sustain going again and maybe hold out til i get that "big drop" but yeah no such luck.

Pretty disgusted, I'm not going to spend all of that extra time farming now, I put 35k+ hours into this game because i was having FUN.

I'm not having fun now.

And i think i'll stop on that note before i go any further with this post.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Dec 20, 2021, 8:33:32 AM
POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1.
Last edited by Bosscannon#3325 on Dec 22, 2021, 12:06:21 AM
To me farming strats and 3 ex per hours reads like busywork and I immediately get sleepy just imagining it and that is one of many major turn offs of todays POE. I dont mind spending time in the game but standard currency gain from playing normally and not applying fucking spreadsheets and 5head strategies to game is in the gutter but shouldnt be. When game stops reminding me of tryhard busywork I will stop complaining. It was previously much better and I will keep asking for that fun game back. I am also not happy how majority of player power is currently locked in equipment, I have been playing when better balance was a reality and I will asking for that back too. Finally I am not happy with idiotic one shots and burst downs, this is not "challenge" this is forced stat check at best and utter bullshit at worst.
POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1.
Last edited by Bosscannon#3325 on Dec 22, 2021, 12:07:21 AM
Well I don't expect to crush anything in the current game but I don't think it is absolutely necessary to keep balancing around top 30% or whatever they balance around currently.

What is happening now is vast majority of players are locked out of content and exclusive drops from said content. Thats not good for multiple reasons. Tryharding people should have bragging rights but not semi-monopoly on best items which results in complete control of ingame economy. Especialy when they make sweeping balance passes that makes game harder for everyone and dependance on equipment increases. It creates a cutthroat competitive enviroment and frankly I don't turn on my pc after work to compete with other people. It was supposed to be a PVE game but lately it turned into a competition for resources. Its no longer fun and relaxing like it used to be and that is why people are leaving.
POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1.
Last edited by Bosscannon#3325 on Dec 21, 2021, 3:17:23 PM
jimmy7777 wrote:

I apologize, mate. I removed those posts because they're stupid, childish and offensive.

I'm not really defending the status quo. There's a lot of things in the game that still suck (one-shots are one of them) and I wish GGG went a different direction after 3.13. All I'm saying is that POE is in a decent spot now after the changes to the tree and defences (but it's highly likely they will get nerfed in 3.17).

Also people like you should realize that everything is balanced around trade and trade league's economy is balanced around players who use farming strats and count those ex per hour. It's OK to go at your own pace, just don't expect to be able to crush all endgame encounters.

The game is balanced toward players who play PoE as a job. Players that can't do that 24/7 will never have the currency to get mandatory gear in the time frame allowed between resets.
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Bosscannon wrote:
Well I don't expect to crush anything in the current game but I don't think it is absolutely necessary to keep balancing around top 30% or whatever they balance around currently.

What is happening now is vast majority of players are locked out of content and exclusive drops from said content. Thats not good for multiple reasons. Tryharding people should have bragging rights but not semi-monopoly on best items which results in complete control of ingame economy. Especialy when they make sweeping balance passes that makes game harder for everyone and dependance on equipment increases. It creates a cutthroat competitive enviroment and frankly I don't turn on my pc after work to compete with other people. It was supposed to be a PVE game but lately it turned into a competition for resources. Its no longer fun and relaxing like it used to be and that is why people are leaving.

Seems to me that people started adjusting their expectations so the population is bouncing back, this league is kinda ass and it has more players than the last one. In the end, as long as the game is good it will have players and it doesn't really matter if it's easy or hard, there's room on the market for both fortnite and escape from tarkov.

Of course, if you make something with broader appeal (and it's good), you'll have more players and more money, but what does that matter if *you* want to make escape from tarkov and there's a solid niche for it. Another thing to think about, tarkov has a following precisely because it's made the way it is, and the casual arpg market is more crowded today than 10 years ago.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Dec 21, 2021, 4:52:07 PM
slimthug879 wrote:
They never lied on what the game should be in chris's wilson eyes.

Man, you must be quite new here to say that. PoE now has NOTHING to do with the game they promised us in the early 2010's...

Go to Poeninja, is the best doctor to see how healthy the game is, and right now is utterly crap. First month of this league 48% of characters was grouped into 3 ascendancy out of 19, or even worse with main skills with Toxic Rain being played by a huge majority. The meta is so narrow that is disgusting at this point.
deteego wrote:
Orbaal wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:

The problem with 3.15 an,d 3.16 are that they did not reduce power.

It did reduce the average powerlevel, thats what matters here.

GGG never cared about players sinking tons of time into the game being extremely OP. There wasnt a single league in the past when this wasnt the case.
But you have to invest a ton of time to get there.

GGG wont nerf that, because it provides players with that much time on their hands with a goal and GGG also wont balance the game around these guys. They are an anomaly GGG simply doesnt care about and never did.

What they do care about is the average playerpower. If that spikes up too much due to for instance Harvest or a specific build can get there too easily, thats when the Nerfbat will hit hard.

GGG has a specific timeframe in mind how long it should take to get powerful enough for super lategame content. I cant tell you the specifics but I do know they have drawn this line in the sand and will defend this line - sometimes with drastic measures.
This is how they have been operating for years.

I think the more pertinent point is that GGG should focus less on power level of average player and more on the actual game play experience and design of the game.

GGG has historically always been guilty of using primitive and crude techniques to reign in the power level.

The points about game over emphasising dps, clear and speed are valid ones and it's gotten to this stage because in order to prevent players from doing content easily, they took the easy way out by overturning mob damage to be so high that predominantantly speaking it only makes sense to invest enough defence so you can last long enough to wipe the screen in that second or so.

This means that generally speaking certain archetypes that rely on some amount of tanking (I.e. actually melee as in melee range/channeling) have historically been terrible.

While I do agree with GGGs goal of slowing down the game is the correct one, if they want to do this well they have to crack some eggs and change their minds about those hard lines. For example the recent changes should have also been accompanied with changes in monster health/damage and if they happened to have overshot this and make the game "too easy", this is fine at least they have a feedback mechanism they can work with.

In summary in order to slow the game down successfully, GGG needs to experience some pain and they also need to revisit their core assumptions and principles. You can't have your cake and eat it too, of they actually want to slow the game down something had to give

What they REALLY want is to increase player retention, [Removed by Support] If they wanted better player retention they could just broaden the viable meta builds so people will build multiple characters. The best example to this is when Harvest came back after Heist...
Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Dec 21, 2021, 7:24:14 PM

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