Change my mind, TFT (The Forbidden Trove) Is the Gallywix boosting service of POE.

Snorkle_uk wrote:
Pyrokar wrote:
I am really interested in this because i usually play ssf (btw) so i've never used tft, but the OP doesn't really explain how or what exactly happens in tft.
How do the TFT owners get rich from tft in order to rmt? Do you have to pay a fee to use their tft? Do you have to pay the TFT owner first before you do a trade with a normal player? Where do these numerous mirrors come from, because if that is from smart trading or from leaks then that doesn't have much to do with tft.

no, none of that is a thing, you dont pay anyone anything. if i want to sell something i can go into their dischord, post in a selling channel what ive got for sale be it a craft, a service etc, people can then pm me on dischord and say hey, i wanna buy ur thing, whats ur IGN and we hook up, do the trade/service/whatever.

then if everything went well, as advertised, the buyer goes to the vouches thread and posts a +1 vouch for me that i did the thing as advertised. its all some sort of automated system where if i get say 20 unique vouches i get promoted a level and everyone can see im a bit more trustworthy. theres a channel where people can go in, post my name and the server will tell that person how many vouches i have so they can make a judgement call on how much they trust me based on that.

equally theres want to buy channels where you can post wtb X for X price and people can pm you, say hey i got ur thing, this is my ign hit me up.

its expected that you vouch for anyone selling a thing that sold the thing properly and honestly, because that helps everyone using the dischord make better decisions and be able to trade and provide/use services safely.

theres no fee, theres no cut, its just there, you log in and use the thing. theres tons of streaming channels anyone can just jump into and share their screen in the channel so if im selling say remove fire/add fire harvest craft, the person can say i wanna buy it but can you stream it so im sure its happened incase it just rolls the same mod etc? you say yep of course, meet me in stream room 27 then you can potentially both record the entire event even if you want to for maximum security.

obviously the server was started by people who are mirror service veterans, they provide their services through the server just like everyone else, and they buy services. ive sold harvest crafts to high officer level people, ive mirrored items from some of these guys in the past before tft even existed. so theyre buying and selling services just like everyone else, just like they were doing before tft existed but now theres a framework, a true functioning vouch system, the ability to stream services on demand easily for everyone. someone might scam someone but its the first and last time theyre gonna get away with that and all the rep they have built up that gave people trust in them is gone and theyre banned.

Well from what you say, they don't use or abuse the TFT to gain currency to rmt. Is this just another angry about other people being wealthier thread?
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
Pyrokar wrote:

Well from what you say, they don't use or abuse the TFT to gain currency to rmt. Is this just another angry about other people being wealthier thread?


ultimately its poe, ggg have designed this economy to be the way it is. the economy in poe is the main form of pvp in the game, its a competitive community mmo trade environment. do they flip items? yeah im sure they do. do they co-ordinate for profit? yeah, im sure they do.

look, i co-ordinate with them, and they dont even know me. im not as rich as them but i got a lot of gear in standard, i got legacy items, alt art items. i see the price they are setting, they see the price i am setting. you put an alt art up for sale, one guys got it for 170ex, then 190ex, then next guy is someone whos name i recognise because ive mirrored from them or traded with them for triple figure exalt items back and forth before, i know theyre a serious market trader. they got theirs for 430ex, so does the next guy, then its 450ex...

ok so i know these 170 and 190 ones are gonna sell first, they know it, but they also know when they sell the market is cornered. its alt art, itll never be reprinted, its worth whatever the seller demands and the buyer pays. i see what theyre doing and ill list mine at 420ex. theyre dictating a market price, and im gonna do it along with them. none of us are gonna find a buyer for 3-6 months, none of us care, were gonna double the price of this item and the more of us that set the price and stand firm on it the more that is the price if you want the thing. we know were all rich enough that we dont need the money for anything, if it takes a year to sell then no worries. we havent spoken about it, were not friends who talk with each other, but we see whats on the market and we understand how the market works.

im sure they get up to all kinds of shit, buying and selling, market manipulation, of course they do theyre rich people. its poe, trade pvp is the design of the game. never mind trade, the goal of the game was to have a pvp loot system, free for all item drops, you were supposed to fight over the exalt as it dropped and the guy who got the exalt links it in chat and laughs while everyone else in the party calls them a bastard.

cruel, ruthless, merciless, this is wraeclast, theres dead babies on the beach.

but its also only pixels. rmt is a whole other thing, thats more than pixels, its a serious allegation and i dont think any of us really know either way on it. its not something i concern myself with.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
TFT gives me the opportunity to find good and trusted crafters, lab runners, bulk buyers...

Also it gives me the opportunity to sell harvest crafts, syndicate, incursions. People are not afraid to give me their shiny items because i have houndreds and houndreds of vouches

If you wanna burn TFT - give me a LEGIT IN-GAME way to show another people that I'm not going to run away with their multi-mirror items, that my word is iron.

We dont have in-game karma or whatever, we CANT see ANY info about stranger - is he a scammer, is he an honest person?
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
neohongkong wrote:
You over estimate what is testing for alpha tester and imagine thing

The synthesis implicit "leak" is due to datamine , which more sounds like employee level to know how to reverse engineering the game

a new post on reddit about alpha leaks was posted today.

But chris is talking about current leaks not these old ones.
Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Aug 13, 2021, 9:58:51 AM
GGG dont care...
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Pyrokar wrote:
I am really interested in this because i usually play ssf (btw) so i've never used tft, but the OP doesn't really explain how or what exactly happens in tft.
How do the TFT owners get rich from tft in order to rmt? Do you have to pay a fee to use their tft? Do you have to pay the TFT owner first before you do a trade with a normal player? Where do these numerous mirrors come from, because if that is from smart trading or from leaks then that doesn't have much to do with tft.

TFT adds alotof quality of life to the game. That's its primary function.

You want to bulksell or bulkbuy items like Heist Contracts, Shaper Sets, 5way Emblem Sets, Delirium Orbs et.c.? You go to TFT.

You want to buy a Timeless Jewel with x3 Slum Lord node -> Go to TFT

You want to buy a boss carry -> Go to TFT

You want to sell or buy a Harvest craft -> Go to TFT
(Especially important now that harvest crafts are more rare than Mirrors)

You want build help or have questions about the game -> Ask away in TFT and people will instantly answer.

You want to make some high risk trade and avoid being scammed? Use TFT

TFT is a great community that makes playing the game easier than ever before.
Alot of these features were previously done on the official PoE forums but it was clunky, you had to search through threads and messeges as there's no chat function. Also, Scam reporting isn't allowed on forums.
I've avoided ALOT of scams due to TFT. Had I bought Harvest crafts from something like tradechat I would have suffered so many scams during Ritual, Ultimatum and Harvest league.
This thread about TFT popped up on reddit just more evidence the whole discord is a festering shit pile.
Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Aug 15, 2021, 12:24:50 AM
stormyknight wrote:
This thread about TFT popped up on reddit just more evidence the whole discord is a festering shit pile.

just got banned for "long term toxicity", right after i showed everyone the mechanics to some immortal build scammers used to systematically scam in tft.

mods banned the first 2 who complained about this issue, now i am banned aswell.

guess it really is staff who are doing these scams.
Very cool mirror Service:

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