Change my mind, TFT (The Forbidden Trove) Is the Gallywix boosting service of POE.
" Heh ironically no lol, i know it was some stupid crowder meme i dont follow the meme culture to deeply im afraid heh. |
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" They are friends and want the best for the community ? This is stunning in its willful ignorance. GGG are constantly dealing with the fallout from scams related to TFT, the PR related to it and the constant bickering its caused for the past almost 2 years. You are being completely intellectually dishonest in your replies a simple google of TFT will list plenty of TFT related drama and GGG being asked to intervene. remember this doozy ? Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Aug 12, 2021, 11:47:46 PM
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" i didnt say thats why they did it, you posed that as an idea, reread my post. or dont. theres less scams because of tft. ggg are dealing with scams from trade chat all the time, theres always been bickering. there are less scams now because tft exists and its actually got some level of accountability in the system which trade chat and the trade forums here do not have. scams dont exist because of tft, scams exist because of the trade systems which ggg has implemented and tft actually mitigates a lot of the problems cause by these systems and deals with a lot of the bad behaviour themselves rather than it all being on ggg. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" You said there is less scams because of TFT twice and a third time in a different way, People were trading exactly the same way with bench crafting and syndicate crafting via forum vouches for YEARS before TFT came along, i dont remember oceans of complaints about scams before id ever heard of TFT. Do you have a single shred of proof that TFT mitigates any more or less of the "pandemic" of scamming before it became mainstream ? Id argue it didnt change anything, there is the same amount of assholes who were going to scam before TFT and the same amount of assholes who are going to scam now. |
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theres always been complaints of scams in poe since day 1. the forum vouch system is worthless, you are not allowed to post in those threads that someone has scammed you because you cannot name and shame on these forums.
people post about being scammed via regular trading here endlessly, and they are never allowed to name who scammed them. theres multiple posts about it every week. using tft is a lot safer than just random trading in game, that should be obvious. youve made tons of claims you have no proof for and are not obvious, often dont make sense and some of which we have substantiated are not true. im done with this conversation, it was never my intent to get into some kind of dialogue with you as the pointlessness of such a thing has been apparent since the opening statement. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" Hey ill make your to dm you for the inevitable eat crow moment :) |
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I am really interested in this because i usually play ssf (btw) so i've never used tft, but the OP doesn't really explain how or what exactly happens in tft.
How do the TFT owners get rich from tft in order to rmt? Do you have to pay a fee to use their tft? Do you have to pay the TFT owner first before you do a trade with a normal player? Where do these numerous mirrors come from, because if that is from smart trading or from leaks then that doesn't have much to do with tft. I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
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" Those bastards bought my legacy flasks as well. That is a clear case of market manipulation. You get jailed in real for that. Heart of Purity
Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020. POE 2 is designed primarily for console. |
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" no, none of that is a thing, you dont pay anyone anything. if i want to sell something i can go into their dischord, post in a selling channel what ive got for sale be it a craft, a service etc, people can then pm me on dischord and say hey, i wanna buy ur thing, whats ur IGN and we hook up, do the trade/service/whatever. then if everything went well, as advertised, the buyer goes to the vouches thread and posts a +1 vouch for me that i did the thing as advertised. its all some sort of automated system where if i get say 20 unique vouches i get promoted a level and everyone can see im a bit more trustworthy. theres a channel where people can go in, post my name and the server will tell that person how many vouches i have so they can make a judgement call on how much they trust me based on that. equally theres want to buy channels where you can post wtb X for X price and people can pm you, say hey i got ur thing, this is my ign hit me up. its expected that you vouch for anyone selling a thing that sold the thing properly and honestly, because that helps everyone using the dischord make better decisions and be able to trade and provide/use services safely. theres no fee, theres no cut, its just there, you log in and use the thing. theres tons of streaming channels anyone can just jump into and share their screen in the channel so if im selling say remove fire/add fire harvest craft, the person can say i wanna buy it but can you stream it so im sure its happened incase it just rolls the same mod etc? you say yep of course, meet me in stream room 27 then you can potentially both record the entire event even if you want to for maximum security. obviously the server was started by people who are mirror service veterans, they provide their services through the server just like everyone else, and they buy services. ive sold harvest crafts to high officer level people, ive mirrored items from some of these guys in the past before tft even existed. so theyre buying and selling services just like everyone else, just like they were doing before tft existed but now theres a framework, a true functioning vouch system, the ability to stream services on demand easily for everyone. someone might scam someone but its the first and last time theyre gonna get away with that and all the rep they have built up that gave people trust in them is gone and theyre banned. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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I spent an hour writing a wall of text about TFT and in the end, I just deleted it, what needs to be said can be done in far fewer words.
In short: The "Front end" of TFT is the service trading platform that lots of people seem to swear by and agree is absolutely flawless. Whatever. The "Back end" of TFT is the cesspit of their leadership structure that deals with market manipulation, extortion, abuse, and power consolidation. I realise that this is not exactly pertinent to the thread topic at hand, specifically "Do the top dogs in TFT conduct RMT?", but I genuinely wouldn't put it past them considering the damning evidence that has come out about them in the past. Although I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they don't RMT just so they can drool over their piles of mirrors and hostage mirror services and brag about it. But hey, I wouldn't know. I'm banned from TFT (Despite never joining the server in the first place) because one day one of the TFT mods decided to join another community I'm in (MFAcad) and state "Everyone in this server is being banned from TFT, we don't tolerate rivals." But hey, they did me a favour to be honest. Now I can't visit their backwater shithole even if I wanted to just out of morbid curiosity. At least they have no idea what my ingame account name is, so I'm not banned from the multitude of third party tools which they use to exert control over the community by blacklisting people that don't obey them to the letter. The day TFT no longer needs to exist will be a happy day. Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
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