Change my mind, TFT (The Forbidden Trove) Is the Gallywix boosting service of POE.
Late last year there there was a huge scandal involving end game guilds, players and RMT in world of warcraft and a LOT of the same things apply to a certain discord server. Now one of the most prevalent points bought up was that just what in the fuck are the people who run this exspensive, turbo boosted discord with a bunch of moderators, 24/7 moderation, constant maintenance of the service and an income of 100's to 1000's of exalts a week doing with it all. What does someone do with 10's of thousands of exalts and hundreds of mirrors ? In the gallywix scenario as was pointed out many times BY THE PERPETRATORS in the asmongold interview ( ) of them, there is only so much one can do with it and what is the point of accumulating and managing such a massive wealth of game currency... if you are not selling it. Now you can be sure as shit they are not doing this out of the goodness of their poor little hearts devoting all this time, money and effort into helping little timmy craft his item. There is OBVIOUSLY motive here, some of the people who run this discord have been fed information from alpha testers about upcoming changes to the game and have used this information to corner markets and buy out soon to be legacy items, mths in advance of everyone else finding out, this also isnt new and has been going on for years.. I'm sure GGG knows exactly who is using the information, Chris mentioned that alpha leaks were a big problem in the recent interview, I'm sure they also have some idea about what's going on at TFT as there is GGG staff in the discord, people manipulating the market using the information isn't anything new either and its always the same "mirror item crafting group" that somehow end up with this information and abuse it. Its always the same group of people, manipulating the market in leagues, in standard, in hardcore. Why ? to what end ? I'm sure the answer is obvious to anyone who puts a few minutes of thought into it. Now why am I writing this ? I don't have any "direct" motive or involvement with any of them I have even used TFT a few times during ritual league, do I think it had a DIRECT impact in harvest being nerfed ? absolutely, I'm salty about that, I even mentioned as much to someone who runs it in a conversation I had with them halfway through ultimatum when "mysteriously" they were buying up legacy flasks I had listed for years with no price and no interest in them...asking if I had more and anyone else that had them to contact him. TFT has always rubbed me the wrong way, I think while some people enjoy the benefits of TFT but it ultimately has a negative impact and will continue to on the game. Now their justification to me in this chat was, "oh we don't want people to get scammed" laughable, like I said nobody runs such a large operation out of the goodness of their hearts. Now MAYBE just maybe by the slim almost non existent chance there is no RMT going on at the top of TFT, but it is still a cancer on the game and the people who they cater too and support each league to craft those mirror items that pop up every single league by the same groups are screwing everyone else over in their quest to corner markets. If we are changing the fundamentals of how POE is played and one of the MOST LIMITING factors on why any form of deterministic crafting is not being implemented because of these types of groups, then there should be a discussion about what's really going on with them and I welcome anyone to say anything anonymously or on the record about anything they know or just give their opinions in general about why (or not) GGG should do something to shut down these groups. TFT (The Forbidden Trove) Is the Gallywix boosting service of POE. Change My Mind. Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Aug 12, 2021, 2:28:32 PM Last bumped on Aug 19, 2021, 6:55:19 AM
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" Might very well be, I have no idea. The discord provide services I need when I play PoE though so I will continue to use it until GGG makes it possible for me to play without using the discord. |
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Last edited by bustr#6583 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:50:38 AM
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" Which parts of it are fictional everything i wrote is fact checkable other then some speculation which is stated clearly. |
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What's a Gallywix?
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Just keep digging :)
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TFT and alpha tester have no relation
alpha tester only test the game a week or so earlier than normal people and then the true problem of the game is some people able to reverse engineering the game to datamine the spawn weight so that they can have knowledge on crafting item without fails. TFT only the catalyst of the process so that people can form another cult in 3.13 but they didn't This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature |
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" Alpha leaks from the testers has been a problem for years, chris literally mentioned its an issue in the interview, they are not leaking to media outlets he would of said so and we would see it ourselves, they are leaking to insiders to game the game. |
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You over estimate what is testing for alpha tester and imagine thing
The synthesis implicit "leak" is due to datamine , which more sounds like employee level to know how to reverse engineering the game This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature |
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" I dont think you know what you are talking about, This is all easily verifiable with google, there is literally an alpha test server that is up and down all during the current patch with new alpha pushes of the next league patch, including talent tree, item changes, gem changes, crafting changes. Exactly as we get it. There is posts on reddit from some of the testers, there are known testers on the forums. Its literally a push of whatever version they have ready at the time. As an example i believe Morsexier is an alpha tester and sometimes talked about it, Kripp was, IS ? an alpha tester at one stage not sure if hes still whitelisted and also sometimes spoke about being a tester, if you google away you can find comments from other testers some on reddit mostly saying that they get a week to a mth before the patch goes live and the realms are not always up, the whitelisted accounts are small, but hey if chris is bringing it up in that stream and its not the first time leaks have been talked about and im certainly not implying any of the guys i listed are leaking anything then its clearly an issue that GGG cares enough about and is a big enough problem to mention. Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Aug 12, 2021, 5:03:53 PM
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