Change my mind, TFT (The Forbidden Trove) Is the Gallywix boosting service of POE.
The only way to close Pandora's box with this community is to make all crafting benches tradeable. They could just add curio displays as hideout decoration where other players in the same location can use mirrors on the items for a set fee without risk involved. Itemize betrayal benches like they did with with temple. Itemize harvest crafts.
That way there is no need for a trust-based community that gatekeeps trading those services. It would immediatly get rid of the economic power those communities wield, but hey guess what, this was suggested multiple times over the last 5 leagues. Chris doesn't care, he loves the aspect of the mirror-mafia in his game and they don't have any intention ever investigating why some people don't have to pay mirror fees on tft or wether its ok that some power tripping mods blacklist people for their personal vendettas. They now even have a tool that notifies you automatically when you're interacting with a blacklisted user in the game. If you ever got into an argument with the mods and got banned for someones ego trip, you'll be ignored by the 50k players that use that tool. It's completely fucked to give such a small and rich community so much power over trading commodities and its honestly infuriating as it is frustrating. You cannot openly talk about this without risking also simply getting excluded from trading services. Very cool mirror Service: Last edited by impulze3#1573 on Aug 12, 2021, 6:53:09 PM
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I don't think you made a strong enough case to merit trying to change your mind (which is to agree with the people saying this is more of a faith based belief than a justified true belief).
It's like Gallywix, sure. But the certainty about RMT stuff is unfounded because Exalts and Mirrors in PoE have a lot more intrinsic value than gold in WoW. Does someone 'high up' in TFT RMT? I'm sure they do. Do 25, 50, or 75%? Who can say? Last edited by innervation#4093 on Aug 12, 2021, 7:21:50 PM
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" this basically. the post reads like 2 + 2 = 4, and 4 + 4 = 879, therefor moon lizards. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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I'll keep using TFT as long as they keep making helpful Browser mods / Scammer Reports / Flags while using Trade sites.
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I have love-hate relationship with TFT
It is basically the hero we deserve. I have only good experiences with them actually, the ranking system works pretty well to not get f* much better as just trusting any random guy in global chat It takes time to build up rep, and the rooms are well diversed and moderated. Would i preffer GGG to make ingame QoL better so we do not have to do trust trades? Sure, but it is not happening, QoL is what this company seems to hate, we are still picking wisdom scroll shards by hand in 2021. I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay, And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today! | |
" Great, how about breaking down my argument instead of hur dur conspiracy ? For instance, why do you think GGG has a presence in official capacity on the server ? they clearly hate TFT and have said as much before. Do you really think they manage this whole service "for da good of the community!" these guys are not your "buddys" they are and always have been ruthless market manipulators. Do you think they do it for absolutely nothing ? the entire setup, moderation and day to day, is... for the players ? I mean c'mon that's naive.. When someoone sets up a huge service like this and a bunch of power is being funneled to a few its because someone somewhere is making money, the money lebowski, where is the money. I havent see one person offer a single explanation for anything i wrote other than "you crazy" yet people said a lot of the same stuff about gallywix and similar services... Look how that turned out. Nobody knew anything really about what was happening in gallywix until one day blizzard just mass banned them all and all their stuff, but people were not realy surprised because why would they be, they werent doing it to make a couple chaos orbs on the side for their weekend crafting sessions... |
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where have ggg said they hate tft?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" Thats it ? thats the only thing you come back with out of everything i wrote ? I believe they stated that they didnt like that people had to interact with TFT when all the changes to harvest were being rolled out, not to mention it has only caused them endless grief, i mean they must love that a 3rd party has taken control in some ways one of the core mechanics of their game. They must enjoy all the work they get from constantly dealing with the grief related to the discord. Name a single positive that GGG gets from TFT. And the rest of what i wrote ? i assume you have zero explanations for any of it. Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Aug 12, 2021, 10:55:31 PM
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does the op know that the "change my mind" meme is mocking the type of people who try to put on appearances of intellectual honesty without any actual intent to engage meaningfully? the type that belittles and intimidates and chewbaccas while smugly thinking they're making rational arguments
I've no comment on actual topic though~ Украина в моём сердце
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so they didnt say they hate tft. k.
the rest of what you wrote is hot air. why do they run tft? is it because theyre peoples friends and want the best for the community? is that why i trade? when I sell items why am i selling them? ggg dont deal with grief from tfts dischord, its a 3rd party site, as long as theyre not breaking tos then whatever problems tft has are tfts problems to deal with. you think youre saying things, but youre not. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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