[3.14] CoC Poison Bladefall / Blade Blast Assassin | SSF Viable

efun wrote:
ressiv wrote:

Isnt enfeeble a massive survivability boost?
"Cursed Rare or Unique enemies deal (10-15)% less Damage"
"Cursed enemies have (10-19)% reduced Accuracy Rating"

I wouldn't use temp chains for the damage, but also for the survivability.

The reason I'm asking is because I have some passive points left over, I would later on use these for the cluster jewels. But I need to target farm those (dont have the 9 passives chaos jewel and I just noticed my 12 passives version is level 55 lol, I spend quite some currency rolling it).

Not sure if I should use the passives for
A rare jewel sockets with probably life%/attackspeed/other damage mod(3 available at 3 points away) or
B go for the dual curse route (would also take 9 points with -mana reservation nodes) and get 26% non curse aura effectiveness, which would only apply to precision then

Enfeeble is okay but you can probably just use those points to get 15% more life. Temp chains is nice because it slows mobs and also gives you dps.

If I were to go for dual curse on this build it would be with assassin's mark on hit (shaper ring) with extra curse chest. More of a trade league option and somewhat expensive to craft.

If you have extra passives there are plenty of life nodes available, and a few DPS nodes (toxic strikes). I would spec those until you have a nice jewel to put in.

Thanks again :)
Yeah I thought so too, but I just love to fit "niche" stuff in myself like dual curse :P

Got this claw, I assume this one is better than mortem morsu. DPS felt a lot higher with it (if it's not a placebo ;)
I am at 11.76 aps during a fight now.

Target farmed Blight and got my annoint.

Should I spec out of Perfect agony now since I dont have any crit multi on gear? Or take heartseeker on the tree? I put my remaining passives into life nodes and have 5.5k life now. I can try more damage instead of life but not sure if perfect agony + heartseeker gives a lot more damage or maybe I should take other damage nodes?

Any next steps I can take? I looked into target farming cluster jewels but noticed that it's going to be really hard..

I have a shaper belt that I could roll CDR on to up my APS

I have this influenced dagger (not a rune dagger) and only 1.4aps

Another question, unrelated to gear, I have smoke mine leveled but never used it.
It's so much button spamming already imo, plague bearer, withering step, 4 potions...
How good is the skill? Should I learn to fit it in?
Last edited by ressiv on Jun 25, 2021, 10:41:09 AM
I also have a free cwdt spot. Tried cold snap for frenzy charges, worked pretty good. But my aps went over 12!
ressiv wrote:
I also have a free cwdt spot. Tried cold snap for frenzy charges, worked pretty good. But my aps went over 12!

Nice claw! Yeah it should be huge for DPS, the poison damage suffix is really good (aside from the crit and aps). I wouldn't worry about trying to craft a better weapon unless you get the cluster setup for fortify.

We naturally get 25 crit multi from Assassination so perfect agony is a decent DPS node for a single point, since you already want to path to the jewel socket there. You could drop that jewel socket and perfect agony for Force Shaper or something (if losing a jewel doesn't brick your life/resists/etc).

If you don't hate running Heist, then cluster jewels aren't so bad to farm. You really want the medium crit cluster (which isn't so hard to alt roll if you get the base).

I think CDR on belt is now easier to get with veiled chaos or Aisling t4 than spamming shaper/crusader belts. You probably need attack speed jewels to make CDR worth it. Conditional frenzy charges are kinda meh (you should be clearing packs easily now, and only really need DPS for bosses), but if you get a CDR setup and frenzies wouldn't put you over 15APS then cold snap seems decent in CWDT.

Smoke mine is a really OP skill because it gives you increased movement speed if you've used it recently, and movement speed feels great for cyclone. However, it's something to get used to. If you follow any PoE racing events, or even longer events like Gauntlet, EVERYONE uses smoke mine. The way to use it is in tandem with flame dash. Any time you would use flame dash to move between packs, instead you use smoke mine and then flame dash immediately afterwards. When used correctly, it basically warps you twice the distance as one flame dash and gives you a movement speed bonus. I bind "detonate mines" to space bar, smoke mine to "W", flame dash to "Q". Instead of just using "Q" to teleport ahead, I go "W"->"spacebar"->"Q". I'd just play around with it in hideout to see if you like it.
efun wrote:
ressiv wrote:
I also have a free cwdt spot. Tried cold snap for frenzy charges, worked pretty good. But my aps went over 12!

Nice claw! Yeah it should be huge for DPS, the poison damage suffix is really good (aside from the crit and aps). I wouldn't worry about trying to craft a better weapon unless you get the cluster setup for fortify.

We naturally get 25 crit multi from Assassination so perfect agony is a decent DPS node for a single point, since you already want to path to the jewel socket there. You could drop that jewel socket and perfect agony for Force Shaper or something (if losing a jewel doesn't brick your life/resists/etc).

If you don't hate running Heist, then cluster jewels aren't so bad to farm. You really want the medium crit cluster (which isn't so hard to alt roll if you get the base).

I think CDR on belt is now easier to get with veiled chaos or Aisling t4 than spamming shaper/crusader belts. You probably need attack speed jewels to make CDR worth it. Conditional frenzy charges are kinda meh (you should be clearing packs easily now, and only really need DPS for bosses), but if you get a CDR setup and frenzies wouldn't put you over 15APS then cold snap seems decent in CWDT.

Smoke mine is a really OP skill because it gives you increased movement speed if you've used it recently, and movement speed feels great for cyclone. However, it's something to get used to. If you follow any PoE racing events, or even longer events like Gauntlet, EVERYONE uses smoke mine. The way to use it is in tandem with flame dash. Any time you would use flame dash to move between packs, instead you use smoke mine and then flame dash immediately afterwards. When used correctly, it basically warps you twice the distance as one flame dash and gives you a movement speed bonus. I bind "detonate mines" to space bar, smoke mine to "W", flame dash to "Q". Instead of just using "Q" to teleport ahead, I go "W"->"spacebar"->"Q". I'd just play around with it in hideout to see if you like it.

Thanks! The claw felt a lot stronger, happy its not a placebo effect :P
Will try the Heist way for cluster jewels then.
Hmm I get what you mean with the conditional frenzy charges... I dont have the -1 frenzy charges craft yet..
Will definitely try to work smoke mine into my build then! Hope it's playable that way ;)
efun wrote:

Sceptre is fairly deterministic to craft but expensive:
1.) ilvl 77+ driftwood sceptre
2.) deafening essence of loathing until t1 attack speed
3.) annul until only t1 crit/t1 attack speed as suffixes and at least one open prefix
4.) if still have any prefixes, craft "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" and scour
5.) craft "Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers" and Augment Physical with Harvest (guarantees +1 to physical spell gems)
6.) multimod chaos damage/chaos DoT multi

Hello there, im crafting the scepter but I have thing dont understand
- essence of loathing only affect to crit chance, not attack speed, or I miss something ?
- what do you mean by annul ?

Hello there, im crafting the scepter but I have thing dont understand
- essence of loathing only affect to crit chance, not attack speed, or I miss something ?
- what do you mean by annul ?

You use essence of loathing until you hit a good attack speed roll (can take many essences - according to craft of exile, 38 essences to hit either T1 or T2 attack speed).

You can also start from essence of zeal and look for a good crit roll (zeals were more expensive when I was crafting my sceptres, but in my case T3 crit (28%) was sufficient to cap my melee crit, meaning I would only need 25 essences on average to hit T3+ crit).

Once you hit a good crit/attack speed combo from essences, you may need to use Orbs of Annulment to clean up the item before further crafting:

1a.) you have crit/attack speed and one other suffix: use annul orb and pray it removes the other suffix (if you remove crit or attack speed, go back to spamming essences; if you remove a useless prefix, annul again and pray)
1b.) you have crit/attack speed and no other suffix: no annul required

2a.) you have no free prefixes: craft a random suffix and use Harvest's "reforge keeping suffixes" to free up a prefix
2b.) you have a free prefix: craft "suffixes cannot be changed" and scour

Each sceptre cost me about 16ex (~4ex essences, 2ex "suffixes cannot be changed", 1ex "cannot roll attack mods", 7ex "augment physical" from TFT, 2ex multimod). So these are definitely not cheap but I'm not sure what the market is like now. If TFT is dry on aug phys crafts you can craft the sceptre without +1 gems and just multimod, which is much cheaper. Usually in the annul or "reforge keep prefix" step you'll end up with 2 open prefixes so you don't even have to do the "suffixes cannot be changed" -> scour step.
Can I also use the left click detonate mines setup on this build? It saves me some button spamming :P
efun wrote:

Hello there, im crafting the scepter but I have thing dont understand
- essence of loathing only affect to crit chance, not attack speed, or I miss something ?
- what do you mean by annul ?

You use essence of loathing until you hit a good attack speed roll (can take many essences - according to craft of exile, 38 essences to hit either T1 or T2 attack speed).

You can also start from essence of zeal and look for a good crit roll (zeals were more expensive when I was crafting my sceptres, but in my case T3 crit (28%) was sufficient to cap my melee crit, meaning I would only need 25 essences on average to hit T3+ crit).

Once you hit a good crit/attack speed combo from essences, you may need to use Orbs of Annulment to clean up the item before further crafting:

1a.) you have crit/attack speed and one other suffix: use annul orb and pray it removes the other suffix (if you remove crit or attack speed, go back to spamming essences; if you remove a useless prefix, annul again and pray)
1b.) you have crit/attack speed and no other suffix: no annul required

2a.) you have no free prefixes: craft a random suffix and use Harvest's "reforge keeping suffixes" to free up a prefix
2b.) you have a free prefix: craft "suffixes cannot be changed" and scour

Each sceptre cost me about 16ex (~4ex essences, 2ex "suffixes cannot be changed", 1ex "cannot roll attack mods", 7ex "augment physical" from TFT, 2ex multimod). So these are definitely not cheap but I'm not sure what the market is like now. If TFT is dry on aug phys crafts you can craft the sceptre without +1 gems and just multimod, which is much cheaper. Usually in the annul or "reforge keep prefix" step you'll end up with 2 open prefixes so you don't even have to do the "suffixes cannot be changed" -> scour step.

totally clear, thank alot!!
ressiv wrote:
Can I also use the left click detonate mines setup on this build? It saves me some button spamming :P

Yeah left click detonate mine for smoke mine should totally work, I just never got used to it that way. If you like the smoke mine/flame dash combo you can basically use it on any build (smoke mine can be level 1 and it's fine). There are some tricks with blinding enemies but I only use it as a movement skill.

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