Map drops need to be increased/changed

Map sustain in this league is a bit on the rough side to say the least and honestly GGG needs to stop messing with it. I know there is the RNG factor and that is fine to a point.

I ran two tier 11 maps and one tier 12 map (all alch, chiseled, and corrupted) and developed a Temple to tier 12. After all three maps and the temple (which had a Storage Room rank one and Atlas of the World) I dropped one tier 12 map in return.

I perfectly agree with rarity and its fine to adjust that for items and currency from league to league but maps are the only way to really play the game. I know some players are able to super juice the maps with bot accounts running to really increase their chances and fully sustain their map pools but the semi casual players are at a dead end.

Honestly GGG should just get rid of all maps except the Uniques and maybe the tier 16 / guardian maps. Keep the map device and allow players to put currency into the device to roll/juice a location on the atlas. Keep a slot in the device for players to add a unique map or "special" one.

Its all fine to keep certain items or currency as rare but progressing into the atlas is how you actually play the game. Its kinda crap to expect 80% of the player base to just spend the day farming The Quarry.
Last bumped on Apr 30, 2021, 8:35:04 PM
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I literally sold 900 mostly T14-16 red maps yesterday with solo mapping, here's 3 days before that.

Bought ~ 3 maps in league start.
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How is this possible then? It's not they run sick juiced maps either.
Git R Dun!
I am not saying there are not people with tons of maps and even several mirrors. I am just saying from my personal experience and those of the few people I casually play with the map drops seem far less for us this league. I just ran three tier 10 Dry Sea "warlord influenced" and the warlord's map which was tier 11. I chiseled, alch and sextant and out of the four completely cleared maps I dropped a single tier 11 (gardens) map.

But damn dude, getting 900 t14-t16 maps in one day is sick. I will just buy a couple 14's and go try from there. If GGG reads this and they didn't nerf maps drops then I am just being super unlucky and can try my luck next league.

I mean after all it is only a game and if its not fun then no reason to play.
bagman2488 wrote:

I mean after all it is only a game and if its not fun then no reason to play.

The game says that monsters drop loot.
The game says that more item modifier = more dropped loot.

More monsters, more item modifier = more loot, which include maps!
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums -
Aim_Deep wrote:
How is this possible then? It's not they run sick juiced maps either.

playtime beats all, the issue for players struggling is they usually map slowly and don't have enough familiarity with bad streaks.

For a ~ 24 challenge player, reasonably competant but not really no-lifing a streak of 100 maps with poor results is tough to deal with.

For a player going for 100 its barely relevant, you'll be running thousands anyway so naturally trend towards decent sustain if thats the base rate.

Tbh I'm surprised map drops are still a thing, I liked the system when guardian maps were valuable and most didn't sustain them but in the modern era its just an arbitrary gate on the content all players expect to be playing.
The easiest way to guarantuee high level sustain is buy all your watchstones, and 10-20 Tier 14 maps (but the Tier 14s that would be there WITH all watchstones in, not the ones in the outer regions that should be T16s).

All drops will now be Tier 14-16, and you have to have a really bad streak to get less than 1 map per map you run.

If you do get really bad luck, rebuy the Tier 14s, otherwise you are done with map building and sustain.
Last edited by trixxar#2360 on Apr 28, 2021, 2:34:06 PM
I'd be happy with letting Zana reset her shop after a "natural" Zana mission or a fight with one of the conquerors.
Draegnarrr wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
How is this possible then? It's not they run sick juiced maps either.

playtime beats all, the issue for players struggling is they usually map slowly and don't have enough familiarity with bad streaks.

For a ~ 24 challenge player, reasonably competant but not really no-lifing a streak of 100 maps with poor results is tough to deal with.

For a player going for 100 its barely relevant, you'll be running thousands anyway so naturally trend towards decent sustain if thats the base rate.

Tbh I'm surprised map drops are still a thing, I liked the system when guardian maps were valuable and most didn't sustain them but in the modern era its just an arbitrary gate on the content all players expect to be playing.

There was definitely a time where maps were hard to sustain but it's been years basically since before the SSF leagues were made. They are keen on seeing them progress/race to 100 without much running zero exp maps so maps were buffed. Maps may have taken a dip this league but it's no where near unsustainable. Especially if you juice which HC dudes can't do or they wont be HC very long. lol
Git R Dun!

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