Map drops need to be increased/changed
You might want to make sure you're doing everything correctly before asserting the system needs changed. I can guarantee you that if you've progressed enough to have T11 maps and complete T11 maps then you can sustain. You're skipping steps somewhere either in your atlas completion, your map rolling, your watchstones, or taking advantage of zana/master missions/side content. You can slack on the last one if you do the first 3 correctly.
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you know you could've simply shared your experience instead, or posted in feedback forum, but no, you actually demand to have the game changed to please you. well good luck with that! btw I have no idea what you're doing, I'm rolling low maps for safety (UHC), no chisel no juice whatsoever, and I'm getting maps just fine. I also engage in other content that drops maps, like alva temple. so... must be an unlucky streak for you and/or user error. also, what the hell would be the point of swimming in t16-s effortlessly? I think (high tier) maps should be relatively rare so they feel more valuable and meaningful. do you realize, that many many years ago we used to exalt maps? yea... now you want everything for free, not willing to put in even the smallest amount of effort. [Removed by Support] Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Apr 28, 2021, 3:03:24 PM
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Haha. tell how you really feel tho... but he's right and exalts were real money back then...didint drop like candy in hiest and other place like today.
Git R Dun!
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Every single league lol. Maps drops are fine.
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reasonable rolled maps and atlas bonus is they key
i always do it the same way and it never fails before i start using watchstones i unlock all posisble maps and i keep doing that until tier 11 at that point its kinda impossible to drop below t14+ it can lead to other problems though i.e. i really love makeing alva tempels and sell them i do this in yellow maps though,because its freaking fast and i can run any mod without even looking at it sadly this made me run out off t8 and t9 maps,because they keep droping higher,because of the maxed atlas bonus btw the "make all areas t14+ areas" doesnt work like trixxar said you will only see t14+ drops yes,but not because all possible map drops roll tier 14+ mapdrops that roll below tier 14 will simply be destroyed,because they dont exist in your atlas it doesnt improve overall mapdrops,it only looks like it |
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" Do you have any references to this? I would honestly like to see them to learn more. My experience is, if you run 20 Tier 14 maps not using this strategy, you see 2 Tier 15s, 6 Tier 14s, 20 Tier 13s, 15 Tier 12s, 30 yellow and below maps. If you use the strategy, you see 2 Tier 16s, 6 Tier 15s, 20 Tier 14s. Less maps overall but significantly better progression and high end sustain. I mean, slotting the watchstones (last league) I saw an instant difference, but I would love to read more about this if you have links. Oh, and if I unslot a watchstone in any area, I very quickly started getting lower level map drops and fewer 14+. Last edited by trixxar#2360 on Apr 29, 2021, 6:28:28 PM
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Map drops are NOT fine this league...or else I have the absolute worst luck imaginable. Started this league a bit late, I just finished the campaign last night. I did 4 T1 maps this evening and got zero map drops. ZERO. ZERO. From T1 maps. That's ridiculous.
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" cant exacly remember when it was,but a few league ago ppl complained about delve map chests/alva tempel etc not droping maps in the fix they eyplained that map drops roll the tier first and than pick a possible map from your atals from that tier those chests didint drop anything because the rolled map tier had no maps available maps outside of the atlas are now able to byspass this,amps inside the atlas cant ofc this could be outdated,but as far as i know this is still the case |
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@OP yes map drops are garbage this league, several streamers have mentioned this including ziz, ghazzy, asmodeus, bigducks etc. Having myself played solely ssf this league and in ritual, I can confirm its much much worse than last time. Yes its still sustainable, but there is a significant reduction in drop rate.
But as you might have seen from the responses to this thread, this is a taboo topic. There are a few idiots who're in severe denial of this fact, and who'll jump into every map drop related thread and try to tell u its not changed at all since 3.13, without any evidence to back it up Last edited by stalkingjackal#2441 on Apr 29, 2021, 11:46:38 PM
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Same issue. Last league I was only able to sustain maps when I did the rituals and I'd get <1 map on average when I skipped them. I'n also constantly out of alchs chisels and sextans so its not like im not using my currency to run maps.
I haven't done a lot of betrayal yet but it might be worth to try to get the cartography scarabs from the safehouse. Using carto scarabs and alva missions helps a bit too for getting drops and trying to get the map room in the temple. Ultimatums sometimes give a map but if you trade they're super worth since pretty frequently just drop chaos or expensive items that can go for a lot of currency. |
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