Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

girng wrote:
Pretty good write up

It's funny because Chris/GGG have always wanted a level playing field for new leagues. This entire priority thing is a complete opposite of that

ye and also they said they wont make what was done with delve boss and challenges in delve conditions kills and looks what now?! same mistake with trialmaster and conditions kill...

gj gj (not)
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As a wise man once said to another... (not so wise) man: You're gonna look awfully silly with that... [little] knife stickin' up your...

Note: What's in brackets was added by me.
Ἀρχή Σοφίας ἡ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἐπίσκεψις -Ἀντισθένης ἁπλοκύων
TBorgezHU3 wrote:
I just stopped the support. I don’t spend another cent here. And I regret what I spent. Not even that league I was able to play. I was disgusted with what this game became after tencent.

I still can't draw a straight line from the Tencent acquisition to where GGG are today. Business-wise it was a good call, but I don't think it was good for the game. If that means GGG's PoE peaked a while ago, so be it. Move on, make a proper sequel. But even that is too simplistic: most of the sale money went into private investors' pockets, and maybe they don't want to risk trying for a second miracle. Even Chris, or perhaps especially Chris, probably doesn't want to go through all that again. After all, he's putting some amazing ideas that would work much better in a new game into PoE 1 and calling the chimeric result Path of Exile 2. Talk about throwing in the towel...

And maybe that was part of the deal too. Tencent didn't buy Chris to fund a great game he might spearhead; they bought him to keep making money from the great game he already did. PoE's profitability is unquestionable. A new game, far less so. And GaaS do not go gracefully. They are very rarely succeeded by a proper sequel.

It's really hard for me to imagine Chris isn't a little miserable these days. Sure, he's personally wealthy as fuck but his greatest work, GGG itself, has lost its glamour. The number of unforced errors accumulate, errors the old GGG wouldn't have made. There is no way he enjoyed writing that apology but he knew he'd have to, immediately. Bosses usually don't eat shit like that -- middle management does. And when bosses do, we kind of respect it because we know the buck stops with them. Chris no longer owns GGG or PoE. The buck doesn't stop with him. He'd just love you to believe it does.

And, pun incoming, it's all about not stopping those bucks now.

Maybe that's as straight a line between the Tencent acquisition and where GGG is today as an mtx-flogging service provider as we can expect. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on May 17, 2021, 12:01:51 AM
where GGG is today as an mtx-flogging service provider as we can expect.

Similar thing happened with the game Continent of the Ninth. When it was first released and published by the developers, there was no pay2win or questionable MTXs in their cash shop. Now, the game has insane pay2win items in their cash shop that are for instant gratification. Their MTXs items nullify PvE/PvP aspects and degrade the game's replayability

Obviously, it's not the exact same comparison, but I do believe it's similar. Why you might ask? Because of $.

The saying $ is the root of all evil really rings true. And not in the philosophical sense, but in the gaming industry as well. It's really sad.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
Last edited by girng on May 17, 2021, 4:28:30 AM
It would also be surprising if TENCENT had no influence on Chris' decisions, after all TENCENT holds 80% (!) of GGG. After all, the shareholders want to be served and their happiness (dividends) is paramount. A pact with the devil :/

PRO: Financial power for future projects CON: Strong influence by the investor
Goauld wrote:
It would also be surprising if TENCENT had no influence on Chris' decisions, after all TENCENT holds 80% (!) of GGG. After all, the shareholders want to be served and their happiness (dividends) is paramount. A pact with the devil :/

PRO: Financial power for future projects CON: Strong influence by the investor

To Tencent China's Market is much more important than western market. They really don't care about you. Christ can do whatever he want with it, that is the deal.

Chris Wilson isn't kicking himself. Why would he? The company you've knew is booming, became bigger and better under Chris's superior management... just not the way you wanted. He is still a shareholder, just not the major shareholder. He isn't averse to acquisition of wealth and and money, a contributing factor to what GGG become.

Are you guys all anti-profit? See what is wrong with this? What is important for a Business, you want more Profit not less. The sound of money. Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching!

Blizzard was a small indie company too, but they grew up. That kid is never coming back.
Blizzard took a lot of heat and similar calls for boycotts when it trashed D3... the original D3... not the published one. The BlizzardNorth crew left it when B/A demanded that they monetize it like WoW and the project was cancelled. B/A didn't even bat an eye. They made D3 without BN's help. And it showed.
Goauld wrote:
It would also be surprising if TENCENT had no influence on Chris' decisions, after all TENCENT holds 80% (!) of GGG. After all, the shareholders want to be served and their happiness (dividends) is paramount. A pact with the devil :/

PRO: Financial power for future projects CON: Strong influence by the investor

Again, I think the simplest answer here is the one that makes the most sense based on what we know about Tencent. They tried to brand themselves internationally with movies (eg Tencent Pictures) but soon learned that, surprise, Westerners didn't find that as palatable as a more familiar name (eg Legendary). Same deal with games: they will be exactly as hands-off as they can be as long as their investment pays off. They know their recognition clout is restricted to China. But that clout is damn near absolute, and anyone wanting to break into that massive market must play by their rules. Or some other local publisher, such as Netease.

It's what happens when that investment starts to falter that should concern Exiles, but of course they are why it won't. This is why I encouraged people to keep supporting PoE after GGG sold out -- it was in their best interests to do so.

It still is, if they're fine with being treated like dumb little open wallets happy to take second place purely because they don't make GGG as much money. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on May 17, 2021, 9:07:51 PM

Again, I think the simplest answer here is the one that makes the most sense based on what we know about Tencent. They tried to brand themselves internationally with movies (eg Tencent Pictures) but soon learned that, surprise, Westerners didn't find that as palatable as a more familiar name (eg Legendary). Same deal with games: they will be exactly as hands-off as they can be as long as their investment pays off.

Buying Foreign Brand is much faster than building it themselves. It is the same trick used by western companies. Using Chinese products but using Western brand, let them reposition themselves as premium brands in new markets. Not knowing any better, consumers end up paying more.

The negative attitude and irrationality of Made in China products are silly. As the Chinese start buying local companies everywhere. What are they gonna do? It is now their money, your product, made in your country. Does it matter who made it, as long as it make money?

They know their recognition clout is restricted to China. But that clout is damn near absolute, and anyone wanting to break into that massive market must play by their rules. Or some other local publisher, such as Netease.

Tencent and Alibaba totally didn't get in trouble wth the Chinese regulators and anti monopoly law.

Shagsbeard wrote:
Blizzard took a lot of heat and similar calls for boycotts when it trashed D3... the original D3... not the published one. The BlizzardNorth crew left it when B/A demanded that they monetize it like WoW and the project was cancelled. B/A didn't even bat an eye. They made D3 without BN's help. And it showed.

That isn't exactly accurate. That is the Vivendi vs BlizzardNorth drama.

Vivendi want to scrap D3 because they think it is trash. So BlizzardNorth crew want and demand to make NEW games instead. Vivendi didn't allow it so they left and form their own companies to do so. More than 30 BlizzardNorth crew left during the falling out and D3 had to be shelved. This is during 2003.

That monetization happen after BlizzardNorth crew left and Blizzard bought in new employees to fill in the gaps. Development of the new Diablo 3 didn't really start until 2006 when they bought in Jay Wilson. Activision Blizzard didn't demanded that they monetize it like WoW and They really want to make Diablo 3 a MMO. That didn't come to fruition.

Last edited by awesome999 on May 18, 2021, 2:35:04 AM
My experience with performance of their servers stopped my play 2 leagues ago. All the MTX I bought only makes it worse to do juiced maps. All the normal sized tabs I bought are useless because they cannot be converted to quads. The only MTX that I wasn't experiencing buyers remorse over was Quad tabs. But what's the point of them when the server throttles and sputters because I'm doing my mapping "correctly?"

To hear this problem is only worse now, and that they're giving bandwidth and cutsies to streamers goes further than I would have thought.

They should just give us an offline version single player SSF that can't be converted to trade league. They can't be trusted to fix this issue, they have the money, they won't do it and I accept that even if I don't like it. If they want to sell more MTX to people who know what using their MTX on THEIR servers entails(lag) they'll do it. Just have 2 more league types for characters SPSSFHC and SPSSFSC, easy.

But as it stands I'm not going to play or give them any more of my money on my account, my wife's account, my brother's account.... I can't imagine you losing money if you did what everyone who played Diablo 2 wanted from Diablo 3. The rubber hit the road 2 years ago when you couldn't keep the servers stable AT ALL GGG! Give us offline, if people play the offline version you also free up bandwidth. I know you tech elitists LOVE your control over EVERYTHING but your control over server performance has lost you customers, let it go.
IGN @ExileProz

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