Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

DarthSki44 wrote:
... GGG fucked up. Maybe not for "you", but certainly for me, and I suspect, a decent amount of others...

For me, too, as I've written in several posts of this thread.

But calling for code audits is unrealistic, unwarranted and wouldn't solve the problem.
Support, don't support, post your grievance or defend GGG. All fine in my book. But that kind of suggestion doesn't help anyone...
May your maps be bountiful, exile
DarthSki44 wrote:

To each their own, but I'm not going to be told how to feel, and where to spend my money. GGG fucked up. Maybe not for "you", but certainly for me, and I suspect, a decent amount of others.

Nah it remains the case that the great bulk of people play game however much they want and don't live on the forums/reddit like it's part of the game. One of the main reasons I feel comfortable posting frequently in this thread despite not fully endorsing the idea of a boycott is that we know no such thing is going to happen.

It was funny watching people come into the thread though with the perspective of '*gasp* what if everyone listened to you and actually did this!?! there would be no more PoE!!' as if that's the way any of this worked.

I don't require GGG told hold my hand and tell me they value my contributions. But when they do something like streamer prio they deliver a loud and clear message about who is expendable. Message received, support changes warranted. That's what this thread has always been about to me - getting people to consider their place in GGG's eyes and evaluating (or re-evaluating) GGG's place in their eyes as a consequence.

I wouldn't deign to tell other how to spend their money other than recommending the very general and common sense advice to 'vote with your wallet'. But it is important to make sure consumers know all the details before they go cast their ballot, and this post remains mandatory reading for the would-be fully informed citizen-exile.
SisterBlister wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
... GGG fucked up. Maybe not for "you", but certainly for me, and I suspect, a decent amount of others...

For me, too, as I've written in several posts of this thread.

But calling for code audits is unrealistic, unwarranted and wouldn't solve the problem.
Support, don't support, post your grievance or defend GGG. All fine in my book. But that kind of suggestion doesn't help anyone...

Besides code audits are mostly automated and generally looking for vulnerabilities, standards that aren't adhered to, bad practices etc.

The idea of some guy manually going through hundreds of thousands of lines of code for something that doubles the drop rate of mirrors for specific people is fucking hilarious.
Last edited by RandallPOE on May 6, 2021, 11:17:58 AM
Please dont lose the forest through the trees.

The suggestion that a meticulous code audit br done frequently is probably unrealistic. That isnt what I was suggesting personally. But it surely is an indication of the games infrastructure and how poor it is generally speaking

However that fact that GGG did a piss poor, unprofessional, job at the outset of development (which in their defense they were constrained with money and staff) means now we need to deal with...well a fucking mess at times, that they dont even understand what's happneing patch to patch. This is not the players fault, and its solely on GGG to get it right.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
Please dont lose the forest through the trees.

The suggestion that a meticulous code audit br done frequently is probably unrealistic. That isnt what I was suggesting personally. But it surely is an indication of the games infrastructure and how poor it is generally speaking

However that fact that GGG did a piss poor, unprofessional, job at the outset of development (which in their defense they were constrained with money and staff) means now we need to deal with...well a fucking mess at times, that they dont even understand what's happneing patch to patch. This is not the players fault, and its solely on GGG to get it right.

Nice objective analysis, perhaps you should apply to do the code audits since you obviously not only have many years C++ development experience but also intimate knowledge of the game & surrounding systems code.
Last edited by RandallPOE on May 6, 2021, 7:01:58 PM
It's a fact they designed their own engine and poorly pieced together their net code. They have admitted as much.

I dont claim to be a code expert, or at all, but I can fucking read and remember what GGG has spoken about over the years.

Perhaps you have selective memory or are in denial.

You have been here about as long as I have. Please go ahead and let me know what I have wrong about this.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
evinta wrote:
PoE's main hook, that being if you can negotiate its obfuscation you feel very, very intelligent indeed

There's nothing wrong with being hooked by this, and I am myself, but the sheer amount of people who revel in it and don't realize it baffles me. I could say a lot about it, but I've known this for a while and it's nice finally seeing someone admit that knowing the basics of this game doesn't make them a genius.

Eh, I know a few very smart gamers who took one look at PoE's skilldrasil way back in Closed Beta and didn't see 'complex and intricate' -- they saw 'easy to break and exploit', because that's what happens when you get too clever in your design. One made it a few acts in anyway and was like, 'I can feel the treadmill under my feet already' and moved on. Of my humble circle of RL friends who still play computer/video games any more than casually, I am the only one who played PoE regularly. I was never under the impression that playing it made me smart. I know busywork when I see it, and poring over spreadsheets, mulling over minutiae for which one isn't even being paid, is 100% busywork. It didn't make me smart; it made me occupied. It just did it in a way that if you lost track of what you were really doing, you could indulge in vague fantasies of using some of that dusty high school math (or tertiary even, if that's your thing) for something...worthwhile.

To invert a certain sentiment from Arrested Development, I don't think PoE's complexity is an illusion; it's a trick. A trick that convinces certain people that 'complicated' is the same as 'complex', and that mathematically-sound language (e.g. PoE's 'more' vs 'increased') makes sense beyond extremely specific circumstances (it really doesn't). A trick that encourages laborious mimicry of stand-out performances without then demanding much personal innovation beyond it, and of course turns the mere act of that mimicry into a ridiculous multi-stage process where most developers have reduced the act of gearing up to a few clicks because they actually want people to play their game. GGG fell far too in love with their own metagame far too early and just use the actual game as a cramped playground in which the lumbering hulk can feel supreme, which to me is like a fiction writer fawning over their sentence structure and word choice with no real care for, oh I dunno, a story, interesting characters, consistent themes, shit like that. I only chose that simile because it's what I know; pick your favourite act of creation that demands both micro and macroscopic awareness and go nuts. Cars, for example. We do like car metaphors around here...

Because at the macro level, PoE's complexity (old already, and growing still) sure as shit doesn't resemble the work of a confident, in-control developer. It reeks of timidity and hesitation to commit to what works. I am a fan of buried treasure when it comes to entertainment, of flawed masterpieces and divisive works. Especially when they involve moments of brilliance, as PoE surely does. But with PoE it's just moments of brilliance all the way down, and that' As a GaaS (Game-as-a-Service: lovely little acronym), it has no end; as a densely packed product designed to fool people into thinking its Gordian tangle is worth unpicking, it has no solution, no resolution. Three months later it all resets, but not by hitting the bottom...just by inverting what is fast revealed to be an hourglass, and yeah, Exiles are like sands in it...

So basically PoE is just Days of Our Lives for people who think they're far too smart to be sucked into something as repetitive and pointless as a soap opera.

They are, of course, dead fucking wrong. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Three months later it all resets, but not by hitting the bottom...just by inverting what is fast revealed to be an hourglass, and yeah, Exiles are like sands in it...

So basically PoE is just Days of Our Lives for people who think they're far too smart to be sucked into something as repetitive and pointless as a soap opera.

It is the rat race game in the virtual world.
DarthSki44 wrote:
It's a fact they designed their own engine and poorly pieced together their net code. They have admitted as much.

I dont claim to be a code expert, or at all, but I can fucking read and remember what GGG has spoken about over the years.

Perhaps you have selective memory or are in denial.

You have been here about as long as I have. Please go ahead and let me know what I have wrong about this.

Please Google the word refactoring
awesome999 wrote:
Three months later it all resets, but not by hitting the bottom...just by inverting what is fast revealed to be an hourglass, and yeah, Exiles are like sands in it...

So basically PoE is just Days of Our Lives for people who think they're far too smart to be sucked into something as repetitive and pointless as a soap opera.

It is the rat race game in the virtual world.

Ongoing human behavioral experiment. Ever feel like you're in a fishbowl?
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