Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

Kshold wrote:
you guys cry like a baby.. if you don't like the game, go play another game, don't come here and talk shit... and tell me a free game that every 3 months give us new content

Guess GGG needs these kiddy white knights :)
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Hey, I made it out of the Mud Flats, but got DCed before getting next waypoint. Cool :(
lightgearx wrote:
Okay guys - its really the worst launch ive experienced... and there have been bad ones.

But still - im pretty sure, they are working the hell of their asses to fix it. I dont know any other game or publisher where as near as much content is created every couple of months.

And still this game is FREE TO PLAY. Tbh who wouldnt prior Streamers to show new content?! Thats totally fine imho...

However @GGG - for the future: if you give streamers prioritized ques - they shouldnt count for any "Firsts" - thats just insanely unfair.
Many people are trying to be listed atleast once...

Keep up the work and please fix the servers soon. Im pretty sure this experience kills alot of potential players... :(

And that's the reason why they keep their laziness when it comes to server issues. Because there are enough players that say that everything is fine and GGG is working really hard to give the best FREE TO PLAY experience, and there's no problem with streamer priority.

Kshold wrote:
you guys cry like a baby.. if you don't like the game, go play another game, don't come here and talk shit... and tell me a free game that every 3 months give us new content

You're badly missing the point. It's about GGG the company and Chris Wilson the manager and shepherd of that company saying one thing with their mouths and doing a different thing that undermines their public face.

The curtain was pulled back on their private face today and people are upset about what they saw. While I don't agree with every hot take you see here and there, I have to say their anger is justified - and I rarely hold that opinion. I generally find outrage mobs to be far too premature and over-reactionary.
I had already planned on not playing this league, and I was very vocal about my reasoning surrounding their development direction.

I felt GGG was balancing and catering to elites, and focusing on the experience of the .1% of players. (I wasn't the only one) Of course this turned into a meme in general on reddit and other social media, with the usual crowd talking about how it wasn't the case, and "casuals" ruin the game. My god how the tables have turned. The emperor has no clothes.

The absolute, blatant, disregard for the average PoE player. The contempt that this company has displayed towards it's own customers, is a shocking departure from the values they seemingly had as the game was being developed and formed.

Perhaps this is who the company has always been. Maybe money has corrupted their value system....

I don't fucking know, but how they have handled themselves today is as low and disgusting as almost anything I've seen from a developer. Literally live, on Twitch, on their verified account, in public, offering special treatment to hand-picked members, with no regard for how that would appear, was totally, and completely, beyond belief.

One thing I know for sure is that GGG will NEVER see one more dime from me. I encourage anyone that feels the same, let GGG hear you with your wallet. You don't deserve this kind of contempt from a company. If you enjoy the game, keep playing the game, but again, you don't deserve this level of disrespect.

If GGG doesn't value me, let's see how that works when I don't value them. GGG brought this on themselves. It's brutal, sad, and highly disappointing to me. It's frankly hard to believe, but I saw what I saw, and I feel how I feel.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
I'm not blaming an entire company for probably one or two persons taking a very debatable and so wrong decision during a rush. No one is perfect, it happens.
That being said I would find it absolutely normal given the current state of the league that they cancel the current start and delay it to whenever they are able to fix current issues.

The streamers bullshit is not even my principal concern here.

The fact that it's another fail start is my concern, it has been like that for YEARS now.

I do ask GGG to once for all do whatever it takes to stay out of current bad publishers and gaming studios modern practices where throwing the game in players faces no matter its current state is ok! It is not.

Only reason I'm not going further is its still a free to play with a decently ethical business model given the current state of gaming these days.

Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix on Apr 16, 2021, 11:49:04 PM
How is this not P2W? If you are a streamer of certain renown, you get (knowingly or not) priviledges like these.

How Am I going to belive this starts and ends in a queue privilege?
I had a nice long rant typed, but it doesn't matter who I am or what I've done. If you know, you know. If you don't, you've still been screwed over all the same by this event. You've still been treated with utter contempt by a company you supported.

ICYMI: -- and if you don't want to bother with that, here's the money shot: several clips of the most popula streamers being messaged by GGG to relog to bypass an extremely long log-in queue. And doing just that.

If being openly shown that streamers get preferential access to a new league isn't your breaking point to stop supporting PoE, if 'reset the league' would be enough for you, then I seriously question what it'd take.

GGG has openly shown they 100% choose profits over people, which for a free to play game shouldn't even be possible. YOU are GGG's profits.

It's time to remind them of that. One person can't make a difference. I, more than many, know this. That's why I'm saying it to all of you.

Don't take this as just 'GGG being GGG' and 'of course they give streamers first dibs'. Don't see this as the price you pay to play 'the best ARPG around'. Surely being treated like a lower priority for what should be a fair start for all is too high a price to pay. Because it's not just that they did this; it's that they knew you'd see them doing it via streams and didn't care that you'd see it. They're assuming you'll just get over it, forget about it once you're back to playing. Like the good little PoE junkies you are.

I can only conclude that is exactly what they think of you. How helpless and stupid they think you are.

Exiles: Boycott GGG. It claims to be a free to play game. So play it for free. See how that turns out for them while they're coddling their toxic, parasitic mouthpieces.

GGG have shown you who they are now. Show them that it's unacceptable.

Boycott GGG.

So before league was even started, we were prompted with new EULA/Legal Docs to agree to before updating the game. Curious if anyone actually took the time to read over it to see what it says....As I wonder if they knew this was going to happen and planned it, to prevent any sorta of P2W legal issues/repercussions. Since they were so openly not caring if people saw this madness right before everyone's eyes. Streamers acting like they didn't know before hand either is a bunch of shit IMO. At least among to the top streamers, some need acting classes. I've already made the decision to boycott POE sadly and any game that Tencent has their hands on.

Seems as though China's greed and power control knows no bounds, to where games aren't even safe from it anymore. MSM today is an absolute propaganda joke, the manipulation is astonishing. Complete disregard for integrity, truth and honor. Sad really.
How Am I going to belive this starts and ends in a queue privilege?

Yeah i am in the same situation.
I had a nice long rant typed, but it doesn't matter who I am or what I've done. If you know, you know. If you don't, you've still been screwed over all the same by this event. You've still been treated with utter contempt by a company you supported.

ICYMI: -- and if you don't want to bother with that, here's the money shot: several clips of the most popula streamers being messaged by GGG to relog to bypass an extremely long log-in queue. And doing just that.

If being openly shown that streamers get preferential access to a new league isn't your breaking point to stop supporting PoE, if 'reset the league' would be enough for you, then I seriously question what it'd take.

GGG has openly shown they 100% choose profits over people, which for a free to play game shouldn't even be possible. YOU are GGG's profits.

It's time to remind them of that. One person can't make a difference. I, more than many, know this. That's why I'm saying it to all of you.

Don't take this as just 'GGG being GGG' and 'of course they give streamers first dibs'. Don't see this as the price you pay to play 'the best ARPG around'. Surely being treated like a lower priority for what should be a fair start for all is too high a price to pay. Because it's not just that they did this; it's that they knew you'd see them doing it via streams and didn't care that you'd see it. They're assuming you'll just get over it, forget about it once you're back to playing. Like the good little PoE junkies you are.

I can only conclude that is exactly what they think of you. How helpless and stupid they think you are.

Exiles: Boycott GGG. It claims to be a free to play game. So play it for free. See how that turns out for them while they're coddling their toxic, parasitic mouthpieces.

GGG have shown you who they are now. Show them that it's unacceptable.

Boycott GGG.

If I hadn't already purchased the sup pack the moment it was announced, I would not have bought it.

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