Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

I think there will be financial consequences for GGG regardless of the streamer incident. This league is not that different from ritual, so i assume people will leave this league earlier and therefor not buy as much.

For me personally, i will buy the 2 supporter packs, but outside of that probably nothing. And normally i buy a good amount of mystery boxes, but the last two i found underwhelming.
Marthuk wrote:

3) PoE outside of Race events was never a competition. The fact that some people have supporters in their viewers and entire guilds manipulating the market invalidates the whole concept of a "level playing field". The VAST majority of players is in no way affected by that whole scenario, nor do they care about it. Its blown out of proportion.

The idea that PoE league launches aren't a competition

1. Isn't true
2. Isn't for you or any one person to be able to deny

Objectively speaking, as long as two or more people are competing against each other, there is a competition happening. Lots of people have league start goals (first to zones, first to 100, ladder position, wealth accumulation, economic goals, item collection/acquisition goals, other off meta goals like jousis builds, fishing secrets, we could go on and on) and they're all in competition for time and resources.

Let me ask you and some of the other readers of your opinion this:

if the league start is so irrelevant, and if the VAST majority of players aren't affected, why did GGG pay and contract streamers to play on league launch day from minute 1 of opening the gate? Why didn't GGG pay streamers to play in May or June? When the league would be at its technical best due to patching, and the servers would be at their technically least stressed due to player volume.

The fact is you and I and the rest of us who aren't related to or friends with a streamer were relegated to stand-in-the-corner-and-watch status while GGG serviced the streamers and their friends. And if you paid money on their recent supporter packs, you payed for the privilege. There's a word for that when applied to other areas of life, but I'm not here to kink shame.

English has many words for that. It's a fun language once you get it.
This entire thread is an interesting exercise in 'who bothered to read all that crap in the OP anyway'. Because oh boy are some of you responding to arguments either made elsewhere or not at all.

Shagsbeard makes a good point here: your support money has now been shown to go to, as well as any other PoE-related expenses, *streamers who have to be paid to play the game YOU pay to support*...let that sink in. And I reckon in the end they set that pile of money on fire anyway: from what I've seen, the paid streamer didn't exactly walk away from PoE eager for more, and his viewer count plummeted.

Chances are that will have more impact than this thread on GGG's decisions going forward re: paid streamers and currying favour with them by compromising their own fundamental beliefs, but as I keep saying, this isn't really about changing GGG now. I wrote this in General Discussion addressing you guys. I gave up trying to change or even understand GGG's ways years ago. Fellow Exiles, however...well, I'll be honest: I reckon supporting GGG now is as close as you could get to literally setting a (not particularly) big pile of money on fire. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 23, 2021, 11:33:17 AM
Marthuk wrote:

For me personally, i will buy the 2 supporter packs, but outside of that probably nothing.

"I'm not happy with the game, so I'm only buying 2 supporter packs"


Last edited by bauermayers on Apr 23, 2021, 12:25:39 PM
Who cares.
It helps with Visibility.
It helps bring in new players.
It helps grow the brand.
It helps the streamers grow.
It literally hurts no one.
Chill out XD

Get that money GGG

Shine this nonsense
Delirium ended...
But the Voices never did.
But, again, if you'd read what I wrote instead of forcing me to repeat it here for purely your benefit, you'd know that, and you'd know that the core message is not, again, about 'putting GGG out of business'.

No, you're repeating yourself purely for your own benefit because you are making your own assumptions.

Your "goals" for this boycott you want still boil down to the same thing, GGG shutting down. You make it clear that you don't believe anything they say, you make it clear that you don't believe they make mistakes, but that its all deliberately done, therefor the only way they can meet your goals is by actions. Any announcement of you getting everything you want would be meaningless, so, how long? How much time do they have to do things the way you want before you believe they have listened and changed their ways? Not likely a length of time is short enough for them to stay in business, I would think.

The problem is that all of your "moral outrage" is not shared by myself, and, I believe, most players. I don't care how they do business (unless, of course, they do things that affect people's actual lives, such as engaging in slavery, theft, or ritual sacrifice). I get that you do care about this, and I'm all for you getting to voice your outrage. A boycott at this stage, though, accomplishes nothing.

Anteo12 wrote:
And how many thousand times has this happened in the past years?
Every league? And you still believe them? o_O

You know that in "real world" a company that makes so many mistakes goes out of business, right? And you know that many other gaming companies that made far less mistakes still went out of business?

But sure, we should go on giving our money to a always-on-mistake company that seems to never listen to his customers, why not!

First of all, if I make some mistake and promise not to repeat said mistake, my making a different mistake does not make my word meaningless. If I promise to never make any mistake again it would, but anyone who believed anyone human can keep a promise like that is not thinking things through in the first place.

In the "real world" companies constantly make mistakes. That's what happens when companies are run by humans. The trick is not never make a mistake, the trick is not making a big enough one to end your business.

I'm not telling anyone how to spend their money. I give GGG money because they make the game I spend more time playing than any other. I play it because I enjoy it, and not because they listen to me. As long as they keep making a game I enjoy I'll keep giving them money. If I stop enjoying it I'll stop giving them money. Luckily, we live in a world (for now) where we get to make our own choices as to whether or not we want to support a company like this and get to use whatever reasons we want to make that choice, so you do whatever you want, you have my permission.
Streamer privilege superior rng when will be same as all of us? or our rng will be same as Streamer privilege superior rng when?
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Last edited by TreeOfDead on Apr 23, 2021, 11:44:43 AM
Malichus wrote:
so you do whatever you want, you have my permission.

Awesome. That's probably your cue to bow out of this thread then, because with your permission I'll keep doing what I'm doing. ^_^ -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 23, 2021, 11:49:14 AM
Malichus wrote:
so you do whatever you want, you have my permission.

Awesome. That's probably your cue to bow out of this thread then, because with your permission I'll keep doing what I'm doing. ^_^

That was in response to Anteo's quote, not you. You didn't make the claim that I was trying to tell you what to do. But, again, if you'd read what I wrote instead of forcing me to repeat it here for purely your benefit, you'd know that ;)

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