Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

Anteo12 wrote:

Marthuk wrote:

Speak with your wallet

That's -exactly- what this thread is about and call for, but from what you write is obvious you completely missed the point or you just read the title. :-(

No, im not missing the point. This "Call to Arms" is just over the top ridiculous. This whole thing is not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be.
If people dont wanna support the game over this anymore, go ahead.

But stop demonizing developers and putting evil intentions in human errors.
FaintXD wrote:
Honestly iv spent way to much in this game... The actions of GGG supporting streamers to the level they did upsets me.

Streamers already get *Paid* To play a fun game you took the actions to sponsor them which in turn gives them more money but alienated your fans

shame on you since I don't buy support packs to support streamers I buy them to support GGG for them to turn around use my funds I pay to them. to hire streamers then give them advantages and make no mistakes they are given more advantages then they let on I have no doubts.

just shows me you don't need my money anymore I could care less about streamers. Personally I think they need a real job so I'll keep my money to myself.

Lets do a quick math,
20streamers times 2hours times 30bucks is like 1200.
That equals the value of a burning bush in the desert.
But i´m pretty sure some people might find a bigger pile to set on fire.

Why are we here again waving torches ?
Because of one unversed random dude who only plays this game competitionly for 2 hours. A shame we can´t fire him and are now burning down the building.
Cancelculture needs to learn to aquire targets.

Still its a bit of a stupidity to pay your workers in amazon giftcards or special privileges or MagicTX instead of fluid papermoney.
DoubleU wrote:
ChanBalam wrote:
If the Streamers had the same RNG as I have, watching would be pretty boring.

+1 right there.

This is an interesting point. I absolutely do not believe in 'streamer RNG' or manipulated content -- I just think the cream rises to the top and in PoE terms, that means streamers who are a good mix of charismatic, astute and efficient. They make the game look good because they play it well, and they play it a lot. Just as few people watched all 24 hours a day of Big Brother, we mostly get the highlights, which can then make it look like they're doing better than others.

On the other hand, I do think my old train of thought that 'GGG are morally upstanding and would never overtly give streamers any sort of advantage over non-streamers' has been sort of derailed, thanks pretty much to GGG themselves. So I am now a little more susceptible to the notion that if they can do this openly because of 'money, piles of it', perhaps they're not so above doing that on the sly. It would be good business, IF it's somehow deemed necessary to make the game look good. If.

Just as I will not praise GGG for 'banning' cheaters (as convenient as the timing was), I won't praise the streamers who asked to be removed from the instant access list. In both cases, I think we're looking at the bare minimum, and once you start praising that, standards of 'good' go through the floor.

And despite everything, I think PoE has some very good streamers who do the game a massive service by playing it as well as they do, as entertainingly as they do. Hopefully no one's obtuse enough to still think that PoE would have been the success it was without I'm all for GGG spoiling them with aesthetics or merch or anything else that doesn't affect the gameplay. That doesn't directly contradict the fairness-for-all foundation upon which the GGG of yesteryear made so much of its most important money -- back when it really needed it.

I think highly enough of the most well-known PoE streamers that were they offered something like 'favoured' RNG for drops, they'd mostly say no.

Outsiders who are here only for a pile of money, or entire posses of elitist Exiles supporting a particularly noxious streamer? I'm not so sure there. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Would the whales and streamers even need to know if GGG is tweaking their drops a little? Nope.
What's with the most vocal people in this thread being people who haven't logged into the game in years - what's their ulterior motive?
"You want it to be one way, but it's the other way"
To those arguing that the boycott is doomed to failure. I would hope that this thread and this discussion is making GGG "sit-up-and-listen" at the very least. Therefore, I will declare this thread a probable success already.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
My beliefs:

1) Someone had to code it to make it possible for people to skip the queue... it wasn't just a "bad choice". Working ways to cheat into your game is asking for trouble.

2) The servers are virtual, and thus can be "pumped" with simply more money. I believe that sometimes people are allowed to play on pumped servers to make the game look better and play better for the camera. This is likely where the "pile of money" was spent... not just handed to a few basement dwellers.

3) The idea that PoE should be viewed in anyway as a competition has been ruined, and will likely never regain its previous status unless GGG comes out with a clear set of rules that they promise to abide by. It's not a level playing field at all. Giving some people a clear advantage at the start was a huge blunder.

4) A boycott isn't going to help. The people bothered by this are a minority. Most of the money GGG is seeing as revenue is coming from people who aren't even aware of the problem.
Turtledove wrote:
To those arguing that the boycott is doomed to failure. I would hope that this thread and this discussion is making GGG "sit-up-and-listen" at the very least. Therefore, I will declare this thread a probable success already.

Ever since it was restored to appropriate visibility it's garnered close to a thousand views. Nothing amazing but I think we've plenty of proof it's not being ignored. It will suffice for now. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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