Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

xssarinx wrote:
...Finally the one thing that actually pisses me off the most is streamers given free mystery boxes...

I consider that very strange. These boxes show off their flashy MTXs which they hope makes others buy them. It's perfectly normal advertisement and does not confer any in-game advantage to the streamer.

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.
May your maps be bountiful, exile
SisterBlister wrote:

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.

TBH you're just kidding yourself if you say "All racers have equal chances" - none of the people complaining have a chance anyway since all things being equal they would still be doing Act 3 while the speed runners are hitting maps.

Haven't seen any complaints from people who actually have a chance of competing or pushing ladders or dominating the economy which makes all this outrage pretty funny.
DoubleU wrote:
They have definitely gotten the last of my money for a long time.

This is pretty much the TLDR on sentiments of many long time exiles I have spoken to about this situation, and the general developmental direction of the game.

It's more of final exasperated attempt to get through to them. It seems as though messing with their piles of money is the only thing that will garner attention.

Overall, it's pretty sad and disappointing.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
RandallPOE wrote:
SisterBlister wrote:

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.

TBH you're just kidding yourself if you say "All racers have equal chances" - none of the people complaining have a chance anyway since all things being equal they would still be doing Act 3 while the speed runners are hitting maps.

Haven't seen any complaints from people who actually have a chance of competing or pushing ladders or dominating the economy which makes all this outrage pretty funny.

Doncha think that's kinda short-sighted? The league start is a form of race. So picture this:

There is a big city marathon, 10k people participate, inkl 20 pros who will all come in well under the 2:30h mark. There is some kind of hiccup at the start, and instead of delaying the start, said pros and 50 other people are allowed to start while others can't yet. But everyone's clock is started.
Half an hour later the rest get to start.
How would you (being a 4:30h runner) feel about that? You're not affected, you would anyway not end up in the first 100. But wouldn't it bother you anyway?
And how would you feel if you're an ambitious amateur who normally comes in around the 3 hr mark and has a chance to get into the top 100? But this time, 50 others got a half hour head start. How would you feel now?

It doesn't matter that we normos don't have a chance in the rcae, we would still hate racing if others are given a head start.

Even monkeys have been shown to have an acute sense of fairness...
May your maps be bountiful, exile
RandallPOE wrote:
SisterBlister wrote:

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.

TBH you're just kidding yourself if you say "All racers have equal chances" - none of the people complaining have a chance anyway since all things being equal they would still be doing Act 3 while the speed runners are hitting maps.

Haven't seen any complaints from people who actually have a chance of competing or pushing ladders or dominating the economy which makes all this outrage pretty funny.

The race offers an equal chance for everyone. But not everyone has equal skill. I, for example, cannot compete with the racers. That doesn't mean from a race perspective I am not given an equal chance.

So what is my stake in this? Well, I'm a spectator. I like seeing those racers go at it. Now I see a false start and it bothers me.

Regarding to what you've seen, I don't know how much you've watched. I've seen some respones from players that are pretty serious about the ladder and early waves.

Did you try turning it off and on again?
Isn't there a cash prize in SSFHC like used to be or was it taken away because of this? In that perspective boycott is more than deserved. These kind privileges push the game away from competitive E-sport.
What a disaster.
Last edited by Possu81 on Apr 22, 2021, 10:13:33 AM
RandallPOE wrote:
SisterBlister wrote:

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.

TBH you're just kidding yourself if you say "All racers have equal chances" - none of the people complaining have a chance anyway since all things being equal they would still be doing Act 3 while the speed runners are hitting maps.

Haven't seen any complaints from people who actually have a chance of competing or pushing ladders or dominating the economy which makes all this outrage pretty funny.

What does that have to do with anything? I don't want to be a fire fighter either but would be pissed if all my city hired was white males to be fighter fighters. I wouldnt support that unfairness and move.
Git R Dun!
RandallPOE wrote:
SisterBlister wrote:

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.

TBH you're just kidding yourself if you say "All racers have equal chances" - none of the people complaining have a chance anyway since all things being equal they would still be doing Act 3 while the speed runners are hitting maps.

Haven't seen any complaints from people who actually have a chance of competing or pushing ladders or dominating the economy which makes all this outrage pretty funny.

There are several flaws with that kind of reasoning.

How do you know that every single player being held back were chanceless when it comes to competition? Do you know us all personally?

Also, what you are saying? That because someone never competed before, they shouldn't even get a chance to try? It's called equal chance, not guaranteed win.

Third, and I know this is difficult for people to grasp, it is entirely possible to be both casual and still care about fair play. Especially as one of the selling points of a fresh league is just that, Chris even said as much in the apology.

I am casual, haven't even reached maps yet. I have no personal stake in this whatsoever. I still think the entire matter stinks like last months shrimp, and will withhold any support moving forwards until they prove that they actually mean what they say. But that is waaaay too soon to tell.
calendir wrote:
RandallPOE wrote:
SisterBlister wrote:

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.

TBH you're just kidding yourself if you say "All racers have equal chances" - none of the people complaining have a chance anyway since all things being equal they would still be doing Act 3 while the speed runners are hitting maps.

Haven't seen any complaints from people who actually have a chance of competing or pushing ladders or dominating the economy which makes all this outrage pretty funny.

There are several flaws with that kind of reasoning.

How do you know that every single player being held back were chanceless when it comes to competition? Do you know us all personally?

Also, what you are saying? That because someone never competed before, they shouldn't even get a chance to try? It's called equal chance, not guaranteed win.

Third, and I know this is difficult for people to grasp, it is entirely possible to be both casual and still care about fair play. Especially as one of the selling points of a fresh league is just that, Chris even said as much in the apology.

I am casual, haven't even reached maps yet. I have no personal stake in this whatsoever. I still think the entire matter stinks like last months shrimp, and will withhold any support moving forwards until they prove that they actually mean what they say. But that is waaaay too soon to tell.

Word. Well said. I doubt I support again tho. The unethical mystery boxes started me reconsidering what kinda company I'm voluntarily giving cash to because at this point (actually a long long time ago) I dont need tabs or MTX to play game at full potential...having 100s and only needing 20 tabs or so.. so it's all voluntary... The streamer advantage probably sends the spare change to another charity for good
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 22, 2021, 11:06:14 AM
RandallPOE wrote:
SisterBlister wrote:

The whole fiasco would be a lot less important if people in the priority Q couldn't compete with others. Still wouldn't be totally ethical (as it's a form of false advertisement) but would have been much less bad as it would not cast doubt on the "all racers have equal chances" principle.

TBH you're just kidding yourself if you say "All racers have equal chances" - none of the people complaining have a chance anyway since all things being equal they would still be doing Act 3 while the speed runners are hitting maps.

Haven't seen any complaints from people who actually have a chance of competing or pushing ladders or dominating the economy which makes all this outrage pretty funny.

Here is just one of many comments in that 'mega thread' of people who had their hopes set on competing. And more in the replies to that comment.

It is simply wrong to say that because someone doesn't meet a certain threshold of twitch/YT viewers/subs that they couldn't possibly compete. Not only is it false, but even if it were true it wouldn't matter since we're talking about the opportunity to compete.

If marathons limited racers only to people who had won the marathon in the past, you'd never have a racing pool. You'd never even have an inaugural race.

Why even have sports tournaments? The best teams are guaranteed to win right? Of course not. Sure in a lot of sports the top tier dominate, but I don't need to go through a list of times where non-elite, surprise, or underdog teams or individuals win. That's half the fun. It's why we play competitive games.

I'm sorry if you can't relate, but if you're going with 'I haven't seen complaints I consider valid, so everyone else is fooling themselves' well then... I think you're fooling yourself.

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