Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

So, if words cannot help, maybe playing a different game can?
Last edited by Kashmiro#6676 on Mar 12, 2021, 6:21:04 PM
Tenzarin_MyNameWasTaken wrote:
Wow I just heard about this news. Props to GGG to removing the item editor and saving POE! It was far to easy for some people to get good items.

You don't understand one the time that people get these items, and 'complete' a build, GGG already changed the game fundamentally to the point where that item that took so much RNG to craft , well, is now vendor trash.

Anointedone wrote:
Chris, I think you've "manifested" a belief that you know what your customers want.

he rests. he thinks he did good job with his big game. he knows exactly what its players want.

fk archnemesis.
HowToGusta wrote:
I_NO wrote:
HowToGusta wrote:

Withdrawing support is not an insane idea. Remember, the consumer funds the business, its growth and the people who bring us more of the product. When you deliver a shit apple, I'm not going to want to buy it.

Maybe asking for your money back for the support you've already given is a tad much. But, I don't see it as a major issue.

No it just means you're throwing tantrums over power taken away from you it's like a kid having there toy taken away basically.

Hmm, fair enough, I just don't think expressing dissatisfaction and wanting your money back is completely nuts. But, I think if you've supported up until now, you've supported what you've enjoyed, so leave it at that. The insane thing would be to keep funding something you don't like/enjoy.

Have to agree with I_NO here, it's not constructive, or in any form critism. It's assuming privilidges that nobody granted you. Telling GGG that you won't support them if this change goes trough, is so wrong too. Blackmailing to get your things? Really? What makes one believe that they'd listen to that... YOu can express that you don't support the decision, but so many in this manifesto have done it in a, shall I say, less than optimal way...

QQing doesn't get you anywhere, basically
SovietPride wrote:
Rakushi wrote:

Edit: I have to say I find it disgusting how so many showcase their supporterpacks etc, like it gives them some form of entitlement. It feels, unnecessary. You've bought them because you've supported the game until now. Which for many of you, is many years in the game. And suddenly a powercreep change irks you to revoke all that support in one go? It's, quite frankly, insane.

I don't go buy apples for 3 years, eat them with delight, and after finding one spoiled one, ask for refund of 3 years purchasing apples. Do you understand how insane that sounds?

I don't regret supporting GGG until now. I got insane amounts of hours out of this game. But I have seen the sentiment on reddit and here that: "this has no consequences for the game, people will get over it."

I guess I wanted to show that it does have consequences. They are losing a paying costumer with their decisions. Now maybe I am a snow flake and they will gain more costumers/longevity by catering to to .1%

All I can do is express my frustration on the forums/reddit and stick to my guns of not supporting GGG until I feel it realigns with my philosophies.

Can we not agree that GGG keeps promising us all these cool things in POE2...but what about now? The game is in the worst possible state when it comes to drops. The game spits the most insane amount of loot/fragments/currency and all of it is shit. Tell me last time you found an influenced base with good rolls from the ground? Me? Never. If I ID every single rare in the league I might stumble on tier 1 life, triple res, 30 MS boots once. And it would still be pennies compared to elusive/tailwind boots.

Crafting. From zero to average still alt spamming but never chaos spam. For a league Harvest league was a league that truly pinnacle to make your own gear. This league harvest is just scamfest or wait so long for selling craft in discord since you are new and no vouch, it is not crafting it just richer got richer within elite party

Last time i crafted a thing that i feel good is speed fossil to craft 30MS + tailwind (at that time still have speed tag) by carefully tuning ilvl

For loot, well, it is my source of alt now and the habit or read the mod quick and expected to throw to the vendor is a meta for a very very very long time
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
Last edited by neohongkong#0222 on Mar 13, 2021, 3:51:02 AM
Zepepsico wrote:

I am not a Karen, and I do not believe in the customer's right to impose their whims onto a business.

No but you certainly believe in you having a right to impose your whims onto everyone in this thread. Just as i do. To a similar extent.

As you bring up more and more games that arent PoE and how making it easier for the working class killed the game you keep dodging other points that I and others have brought up. Most of those other games didnt triple the difficulty, add in additional mechanics and drastically increase your chance of dying that would require a higher baseline of gear to enable that for your newer player. This has very little to do with your personal experience or mine or anyone elses. Its directed towards attracting new players to the game and keeping poe going. So they dont run out of funding and shut the servers down because so few people want to play.

And hijacking a comment to make it focused on you and your highlights is VERY karen-esque.

Since you mentioned you skip some leagues. In metamorph, they increased enemy hp by about (i dont remember the exact range) 200%. They increased the damage enemies dealt by 50% ish and increased resistance for bosses and some enemies to make them harder to kill. But the gear and tiers of mods more or less stayed the same. You cant get 300 life on a chest now theres no 400% increased physical damage modifier.

So before 3k life with 100k dps was okay. 5k life was good and 7k life was amazing. Now... people are getting one shot with 8k life. You need to stack multiple layers of defense just to live in some maps and bosses. But if you only have 100k dps you literally cannot kill the boss because it will out regen your damage.

For people like us who have played for awhile we can be accepting. Eventually me and you will find a new game to play and leave poe. But until then we kinda need new players to like it and stick around. And if they cant experience the game they arent gonna play. Not everyone is going to play 10 leagues and be okay with never getting good gear and never clearing 40% of the game because they just cant stay alive to clear it or even take part in it.

But I dont want to be perpetually upset so if you want to calmly discuss things like the family adult you say you are. I will gladly chat with you more. But if you want to continue with the "oh yeah well guess what i can do" tone then take care and stay safe
Certainly it's your game to do what you want with, and I'll probably keep playing. However, from my point of view having a slow but realistic way to improve gear that was "pretty good" into "really good" is something I have very much enjoyed since Harvest was introduced to the core game.

I haven't made anything remotely close to a perfect item, and probably never will. Turning a +lightning damage to a T3 lightning resist on a ring that allowed me to have the resists to swap out another piece of gear was so satisfying when completed. I didn't keep slamming rem lighting/add lighting until I got tier 1; I just don't have those kinds of resources.

Throwing exalted orbs at an item with almost no chance it will improve it, leaving me to start over is not something I enjoy, and I don't do it. I don't think that mechanic is entertaining; there's just too many outcomes that are bad. I also don't generate enough exalted orbs (or items on which to use them only to fail) to do it 100s of times to have a good chance of finally getting somewhere.

I will simply save my exalted orbs and buy items fully made (or which simply need a bench-craft). An issue is that a certain point, the specific needs of my character mean that I can't realistically buy improvements without saving for a month or more (I'm an older player with less time, and probably a less "efficient" player). Harvest let that process of having a hope to improve my gear slightly go on a LOT longer, and that was entertaining for me.

I do wish you could find a solution to your "perfect items" problem that would still allow players like me to have a reasonable expectation of making a pretty good item a little bit better.

In short, it was fun.
This has to be an April Fool's Day joke. The only people that can exalt craft are the ones that run auction bots to buy everything and sell it at a profit so they have 1000s of chaos and exalts. Having Harvest takes nothing away from these people. They will always have mountains of currency and make their god items. Removing Harvest significantly harms the other 99.9% of the population. They will once again have only one method of obtaining gear which is to buy it from the market since crafting is impossible without 1000s of chaos and exalts. Which is impossible without running an auction bot. The market they claim to be protecting is already falsely inflated by scripts that skim everything and resell it. There is no way GGG would cater to the botters to the detriment of everyone else. So yeah, Chris has to be messing with us.
Actually a terrible idea, the maven's orb raised mirror tier requirements by an absolutely massive margin, so if a player invests a very justified ammount of time chasing a 100 ish ex item with 2 awakened mods and few other t1's thats considered above average, not mirror tier, what would be a problem with that? "players losing interes' yeah... like the delirium manifesto, when it was announced no changes for aura stacking, then nerfing it a week later out of the blue.... this is on a whole other lvl, the 1% of players are still gonna do what they kept doing, their way of item crafting doesnt care about ammount of investment, and "tft" discord issue will still persist untill you make harvest tradeable, or removed since they will first craft 4-5 t1 item, then slam random influence they need and finnish it with influence crafting, just making a bigger mess it already is.
honestly either remove the harvest completely, or leave it just as is, it is not broken nor, unballanced, its FUN. but over the many years i've played i know that "fun" in poe lasts for half a league, till its gutted next one or, for 1 league max.


or we can delete all the leagues except SSF ones. In that case we will be free of trading forever

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