3.13 crashing and other bugs

Crashing alot. 8700k 2070 super. W10.

Sucks, lost 2 characters in HC duo to crash to desktop :/
Happening more and more often, game is unplayable, regret returning to play after a break but hey, we got so many big and flashy, laggy MTX`s!
@GGG Fix these damn crashes! This is ridiculous.
Just ran a carcass with beyond. Every ritual locked up and just sat there. Took all portals just to get to the boss. Locked up every time a beyond boss spawned too. Had to ignore mobs just to get to boss to get credit (Did that after the first three crashes).

Hadn't had any crashes in other maps, but Carcass specifically seems borked.

If it is an effect problem, whatever effect is triggering the lockup seems to be from my experience something present on the Carcass map.

This last patch seems to be pretty bad for stability in my experience so far, worse actually than the pre-patch.
I keep crashing once every 10 minutes and textures are not loading properly whenever I change instance. Never happened before 3.13, and seems to have gotten worse after the latest patch. The game is unplayable, please fix this.

Running an i5-8600K and a GTX 1060.
so is GGG not even acknowledging this problem for so many people?

but like so many other say, good thing we have all the new flashy MTX to enjoy at 1to30FPS drops.....
Can reiterate what the others are saying here... 3.13 is the first and only patch that has made my game unplayable.

I get 5-10 hard client crashes to desktop every hour. No errors in windows event log, nothing.

I have a decent PC with an RTX 2080 Super/i9-9900k. No issues before this patch.

Tried everything I can think of, including switching between Vulcan/DX11/using steam client/using standalone.

Nothing works - this patch has made the game completely unplayable to me.

If there is a way of submitting crash reports please let me know.
Just adding in my own experiences. I was crashing constantly during gameplay and after restoring the window when it was minimized to the task bar.

I've switched back to directX and haven't crashed since.

I'm not saying it will fix everyone's issue, but it fixed mine.
Still random crashes. At this point I'm not expecting a fix anytime soon.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Guess I'll add another voice to the masses. Frequent crashes to desktop since launch. Recent update 3.13b felt like it helped for a little while. Back to crashing all day again today though. Can't bring myself to start it up again for the 10th time, guess I'll wait for another patch.

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