3.13 crashing and other bugs

Bumping this thread, cause my patient is over. I'm crashing a lot. Playing on Ryzen 5 3600 + 1660Ti. It's not the best PC, but PoE isn't a AAA game either. I'm literally crashing at least once every 15 minutes. Sometimes the game crashes for me 3-4 times in a row. Most crashes happen in Legion and Delirium encounters. Sometimes the game works without any issues for 2 hours. Heist (mostly just Rouge Harbor) crashes as well (lost grand heist today). The only good thing is that I killed Sirus, so whenever I need something from "town" I'm in Karui Shores and there is barley none because ofc other people causes crashes for me too :)

For the whole week I was forcing myself to play and ignore all of these crashes, but past level 92-93, whenever I crash - I die. Losing the exp at this point is really painful and frustrating. Just can't stand it anymore.

The last league the game was working for me flawlessly and NOTHING changed in my PC setup since then. I was trying to do everything to make PoE playable but without any results. Crash after crash after crash. 2 days ago, PoE crashed to this point when it killed my whole computer so I had to restart the PC.

No idea what happened this league with stability, but looking at this thread, not only I have this problem. Hope you guys will figure it out, cause the league is great.

First disconnects, then freezes now crashes, sometimes 2-3 times per map. Can't really play more than 1-2 hours per day. Is this the memory leakage Chris was talking about?
No crashes from act 2 to act 9 after set Vulkan and now.. here we go again. Crash for no reason. I don't know what happend with this league. I'm tired.

16GB RAM, i5-7300HQ, GeForce GTX 1050 was enough..
I keep crashing all the time. I must have crashed 50+ times this league, definitely lost patience at this point. My computer handles all over games without problems. Please fix this!
Managed to be able to play somewhat safe, i mean without crashes.
I switched from Vulcan to DX11 and also restart game like every 10-20 minutes. That helps, i am not crashing and can atleast play the game with this extra step.

I can't get past the cathedral roof because my game is crashing, falling from fps and when I enter the game, it doesn't render, I did everything and nothing solves, help there!

Constant crashes. Random Disconnects.
For the first time since I've played this game, I am switching to softcore because it's unplayable otherwise.

Feels bad man.
invisible monster
invisible damage
Sometime after using movement skill my character doesn't want moove
white trash mob very strange damage
I just can't play anymore without fix.
This is bad.
Last edited by LeShor on Jan 22, 2021, 9:04:27 PM

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