[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter


Yeah red maps aren't that bad the occasionally arch nemesis mob might kill you still even with my gear. I nuked a t15 boss pretty nicely . But yeah Ryslatha and Paradoxica are the bare minimum to feel ok ish in red maps Id say. But I dont have purity so ailments will nuke me if im unlucky. A big help is getting a corrupted blood immunity jewel cause that was torture dying to that every other map . I cant speak for above t15 though as I only got to do one and then I had no sustain and no alchs :(.

Good to know, thanks.

Got some upgrades with those divines i had.

New PoB: https://pastebin.com/9g02wGd8

Guess the next thing is goin for unnatural instinct to get some block chance and overcap res.
Could someone help me into what items should I be looking for now? Kind of late, but I just noticed Thread of Hope, the amulet and a couple more items are worth more than an exalt or divine.
Is it just me or is the formatting kinda broken on the main page of this with shields in the armor section and body armor in the gloves and helmet section.
I started off with just the 30 Div budget and though I occasionally die to one shots, it started feeling really good for mapping and single target after I got the following items. Paradoxica, max block shield, t1 phys and crit multi amulet, and a vulnerability curse ring. A key thing to note is to get consistent power charges while mapping or even bossing, the alt quality gem really helps with the extra 20% chance of power charge generation. Finally look into get a anomalous Reckoning as it has a 40% chance to debilitate enemies when you proc it, when you debilitate an enemy, they are slowed and deal 10% less damage to you; not the most consistent defense but better than nothing. Currently rocking 6.2k life , capped res, and positive chaos res. Will update on how things go later, looking into upgrading my chest and probably and Aul's at some point.
so how do you get 30% impale chance gloves exactly? im seeing 20% max everywhere i look
So, iv decided to try out your build with a bit of my own twist at the end, (ideally reaching 100% crit) since you’ve got no cluster jewels I think theirs slight room for improvement, haven’t tested yet though right? Question remains, what other defenses do we have besides max block, & elemental ailment avoidance, is the massive amount of life we have supposed to be making up for it ? Also, it’s been irking me since I started playing this because I keep trynna get a feel for what stats on gear I should be prioritizing, but iv noticed you’ve been using sweep since the start of the league, what’s your reasoning for this? I’m not currently running pride I haven’t had any issue killing enemies without the aura setup (w/ arrogance) as iv been trying to find an Aul’s so I can make that switch. Thanks for any information you can provide me, since iv gotten so far in progressing this build I was really hoping to get to speak to you on all of this. Did a killer LS raider last league and I’m loyal to the way of melee. Lmfaoo
Last edited by Illao on Aug 26, 2022, 5:50:09 AM
your gem category is confusing me, I dont know what you want me to link power charge on crit with. reckoning? where does blood rage go? That section just seems all over the place. Why is multistrike on dreadbanner and blood sand?
Scrolled last several pages could not find - probably dumb question: in previous versions of the build Impale support was used - now close combat. How these two compare?

EDIT: question withdrawn, found my answer in poe builder
Last edited by xriegg on Aug 27, 2022, 1:27:53 PM
Can you please make what you pick first in tree I am level 73 and I am confused as fuck what is best to take
PoB takes Soul of Garukhan (cannot be blinded), cancelling out the effect of Second Sight, which doesn't make much sense to me. If this is wrong, which do we swap out, the minor god or the jewel?

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