Will Harvest Become Core Path of Exile Content?

Okay, PS4 player here.

Reading the post, I think the 'data storage problem' is causing ALOT OF the frequent crashes on the PS4 platform and I agree with that in mind to some extent.

BUT, crashes aside:

1. Harvest league has increased my interest in building multiple characters in a league way beyond any other league did in the past.

2. 'Overpowered' crafting isn't really common [I don't have statistical data but I'm inclined to believe that], a majority of the people on any given platform DON'T craft silly overpowered items as stated, because that requires running so many maps in a small time frame and treating the game as a job instead of an enjoyment thing to achieve a goal. Basically you set goals for desired items and follow crafting processes.

3. Even if it is overpowered, it increased the gameplay value so much for any given player and I don't think this value will be diluted in the long run. I ALWAYS like to achieve power through hard work and good thought process, so when I'm bored of a character I would definitely build a new one in harvest league
3.a I don't have more than 4 characters right now, but I've been following POE videos for a long time whenever I could spare, and it was only HARVEST
league which prompted me to TAKE TIME OUT to play this game like a kid again

4. What I do believe is, you can have MORE DIFFICULT content to match the harvest crafting benefits, something which forces you to re-strategise your crafting goals and entire builds.

So yeah, I'm against the NERF aspect of Harvest crafts because THIS IS LOTS OF FUN, and it gives you endgame goals to achieve. I WOULD HIGHLY LIKE there to be more difficult content instead of NERFS, it would balance out things in a better way rather than nerfing stuff.

Again, you can always increase monster and boss health.

I don't know about the player demographics here, but I'm a working individual and I don't get more than 3-4 hours AT BEST to devote here every day. Despite that, I have some pretty good stuff on my elementalist because I follow a structured process to craft and I prioritise each item based on time likely to be consumed.

DON'T NERF ANYTHING FOR FUCKS SAKE GGG, you've created the best thing ever since delirium and legion in POE and IT SHOULD STAY AS IT IS.

Please don't take my uppercase letters as a way of expressing anger or frustation, it's jsut a way to put more focus on my desired words and content haha :P
Nice and if you do , leave the T1 out
Wise words buff -> balance <- nerf , need to happen , deal with it
May it stay away forever. I don't want to play farmville to craft items. I want the stuff to come from drops mainly with small adjustments through crafting.
Last edited by Invuln on Oct 29, 2020, 7:58:50 PM
loved the crafting.
The gardening was kinda sucky though.

crafting really needs to be improved in some way like the crafting in this league. Just not gardening.

i do not mind the grinding or the crafting as is but it really limits peoples ability to play when they already play way to much and cant actually craft what they need unless they can figure out how to play more than 24/7.
I play a lot ( way to much)
10 video games utterly ruined by RNG.

If you keep obsessing over random rolls and nerf Harvest late game crafting into the ground in its future form, You will make this list, at position number 1.
No please NO. GOD PLEASE NO. U give as a terrible leage with no content and we have to wait 10-15 map for this PLSS STOP. make ANother leagasy or sorta if u dont heav ideas. PLS MAKE LEAGE WITHOUT THIS SLOV AND NO CONTENT LEAGE. u make dellirium so fast pls make some thing better. woth more risk and more reward. like big map with costum mobs. make anoter map dev. but with HORROR MODE where all mobs have A FUCKINH ALOT MORE stats like 1k booses. but not like dellirium way. App resistens add some deff spells for mobs, more auras, combos of mobs of one side like KITAWAS but they summon deamons ot pitlords if can cast the retual. OR SORTA. I loke one shots rly, but only if i misstake. if it spider in delve or just of barraje of spells its make mee angry and no more. BUT ITS ALL IMHO i belive in GGG AND RLY LOVE THIS GAME
Dear GGG,
I very much enjoyed Harvest League. I have had more fun crafting this league than ever before and I would love for some way of deterministic crafting to be introduced into core POE. I can totally understand that it might not be in the current form of Harvest, since that probably had some flaws. As a frame of reference I usually spend all my alterations in a league, multimod a few items and very very rarely (maybe once a league) use an exalted orb just fun of probably "wasting money". This league i used multible awakener orbs gonna look into meta-crafting with the old master mods and i bought tons and tons of alterations. So yeah this leauge is a blast. I find myself not using many "chaos"-crafts later in the league and I am hungering for those remove-add or augment crafts. So please do not nerf the "drop-rate" of those valuable crafts! I can see many people falling into old patterns and just selling or holding onto valuable currency instead of engaging in crafting, if those interesting crafts become too rare.

So to summmarize for the poor person who's job it is to read this:
Love the crafting! Don't really need the garden. Don't nerf the droprate of the interesting crafts(!), so people don't sell them instead of using them (like exalts or awakaner orbs). Totally can see the point of nerfing specific crafting uses (forcing tailwind and power charges "cough").
Thanks GGG can't wait for more fun crafting leagues/improvements.
The tears in this thread are DELICIOUS.

Garbage league. Good riddance.
Last edited by XeoTech on Aug 13, 2020, 7:48:35 PM
Harvest been really nice for 80% players could craft their items, and i dont see economy suffering at all. Most supporter youtubers pay real money at start of league for items and currency, make their stuff, advertise their godlike chars, and people start slowly to follow them. GGG support that, i dont mind, your game and some sort of income i guess you mantain. I wonder what youll bring in 3.12, to better Harvest league will be difficult. Maybe you can make crafting easier, the 80% of the player database dont kill sius in the first week, and a lot dont kill it in the whole league. Keep things hard, you only favor people sending cash on trades...
my 2 cents

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