Will Harvest Become Core Path of Exile Content?

Well this was to be expected.... once again ggg is basing it's whole player-base on a few no-life streamers that play 18/7. Its ok to farm deterministically for divination cards that will take you one year to get a set but its too fun if you only have to spend one week farming to craft your own good gear. Its ok to have to buy all your OP gear but its not ok to be able to craft it yourself.
This is great news as I personally don't like how it works now. I agree it's too easy to roll certain things. It's also woefully slow to acquire seeds and would agreeably be too slow in maps. Much slower than it is now.

Psychologically that felt like I was getting very little satisfaction for what I was doing. I wasn't enjoying maps (which I infrequently do as is) because I was focused on getting enough seeds and juice to push the garden.

It also invalidates a lot of older crafting which replaces masters, betrayal and delve.

Maybe it can become core by having it be map based, like blight is. Where a map gets a seed influence and can contain enough seeds to plant an entire garden if completed successfully. Have the garden timer work off maps completed.

I think the crafting aspects could still be done just not as cheaply. Maybe double or triple the cost of weapon modifiers.
Aktinium wrote:
This harvest crafting shit is just ruining the game anyway, glad deterministic crafting gets the dildo. I want to be happy finding items while grinding again, it felt almost pointless in Harvest, too deterministic crafting just removes the need to ever pick up any rares what so ever if not for high lvl crafting bases for the harvest craft.

Good riddance.

Lol what? And how many good items were you able to find across your whole poe playtime? Like 5, maybe 8? The game is built the way that you're not finding good items and based on what you wrote you're a dummy. As for the dildo, I guess you're the one getting the dildo since the harvest mechanics will be introduced as most of the players both casual and high end enjoyed it to a great extent.
imo a good choice if you even keep it out of the game at all. As soon as poe becomes too casual it loses its uniqueness.

Diablo 3 was so boring i could not even play a second time, just too casual, no challenge.
Goodbye harvest, you will not be missed.
In my opinion you should mantain the deterministic crafting mechanic in the main game, as one of the main possibilities for crafting. Crafting could be reworked in order to be somehow "Harvest-like". It could be like an add-on to the Crafting Bench. For example you could obtain some specific Harvest crafts while running maps, killing bosses, etc. Those would drop as seeds, that can still be traded. You can just scrap the whole Garden, even if I'm sure some people enjoyed it.

I think that for Path of Exile it would be very nice to have deterministic crafting not as side-content, but as main part of the game.
Make it way harder to create perfect items by manipulating the odds of the single exalted outcome for the highest level mods.

That's my personal idea.

Thats a good idea, I was thinking the same, because the crafting gamble isn't fun at all. It's not about effort, but luck!

Only PoE had this kind of mechanic pre-Harvest.

GGG, just figure it out, we NEED deterministic crafting. Make it more rare, difficult, I dont know, but keep it!
Last edited by Sinthraxlol on Aug 13, 2020, 5:09:04 PM
I believe that GGG should make the seeds drop from regular monsters on a "Oshabi influenced map" and, instead of growing the seed, we could just use the seed and it would send the craft to the crafting bench.

This would require a finite number of slots for Harvest Crafts on the bench and also once you use Harvest Crafting on an item, it would become untradeable (account-bound).

That might solve the issue with data-storage, wouldn't hurt the econnomy and still provide the power level to players.
Expected and not a bad news anyway. Here's my opinion :

The recent leagues mechanics (Delirium, Metamorph, Blight) have all become core. However, since there is no Blight & Delirium scarabs as well as Zana's related mods, those encounters only remain based on your good luck or not. While Blight rewards are pretty easy to acquire (I never lack oils or blighted maps if needed for the EGG), can't say the same for Delirium. I also read some complaints about Metamorph encounters not happening so often, but I kinda disagree because of the existence of a map device mod & scarabs.

So basically if they decided to add Harvest as core PoE content, the encounters would be rare and... you need encounters to witness your seeds's growth. That would make impossible for seeds to simply grow, or they would need to lower A LOT the number of cycles needed (example : 1 cycle for T1, 2-3 cycles for T2, 5 cycles for T3 and not more than 9 for T4). If they don't, well no hope of getting harvest. And I ain't even talking about the necessary lifeforce to make them grow.
Catering to people who literally get paid to play this game instead of people who genuinely enjoy the game itself but have other obligations is fucking terrible ethics but what do I know I'm just an irrelevant number.

This was my favorite season in five years of path of exile, finally felt like the game was where it should be. Of course that means you have to take it away. *shrug* pretty used to it now.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
I think this is the worst development decision I've seen since i started to play PoE.... =(

In my opinion, harvest crafting reduced the HUGE item power gap between hardcore players and casuals, making the character progress more dynamic and allowing a bigger number of players to have the experience of using some non-crap rare influenced items.

I also think that the crafting process became less tedious and time consuming and turned into a new fun feature of the game. Using harvest crafting I was able to make many of the items i used in my characters which was an amazing experience for me. =)

too easy to gain very powerful items that previously required a lot more work

It seems you want some items to be available only to the 0.01% of players that can play 80h/week to buy nice rare items or craft them using one of the previous tedious methods of crafting.

Is this really necessary?

I don't think so and I really hope you reconsider this decision.

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