[3.25] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

Hi again! I'm approaching the end of the build now, having finally gotten the belt after too many attempts but have not managed to get the body armour veil. The resistances on this build feel really hard to cap and you really need to rely on the jewels to cap your resistances (bought some at 3ex each). I'm starting to farm Simulacrum now for currency but I'm unsure if I'm doing it right. So far I can only survive till wave 27-28. Do you think it's profitable to do Simulacrum even though I can't make it to wave 30? Are there any additional strategies you do with your simulacrum farming like gem levelling? Asking here since I remember you mentioning that you used this build for simulacrum in the last league while looking through some of the comments. Apart from that, any idea if I'm missing anything out defensively? The simulacrum bosses seem to hit very hard coming close to one shot on each attack even though I feel that I do have all of the defense layers already.
Tripz123 wrote:
Thanks again for the build guide Jenno. I just finally one shot a T16 133% qaunt Veritania Conqueror. (No boss mods)

I spent a long time pumping up the Tidebreaker Non Crit version, up to around 16mil dps on slam. (Which was still blasting T16 maps and Sirus, etc). Not one shots, but enjoyable. It was pretty great even investing into the non crit version since Tidebreaker essentially turns you into 7linked Slam and the endurance charge synergy is really good imo. I't was really hard to switch over to the crit version for me actually because anytime I tried to POB a staff into the build and rearrange stuff, I wouldn't get much benefit.

But... then today I got my hands on a worthwhile staff finally!

Rearranged my talent tree and didn't have to change too much gear (mostly a few jewels) because I was slowly prepping for the conversion already while doing the non crit version.

I do play a slightly different playstyle though, mostly because I don't have unlimited currency and I'm only level 95. Also had to spec more hit rating because I can't prefix craft 100% hit rating. That being said, I am not as tanky as your build but thats because of my own choices and lack of currency, in order to reach about 36 million slam damage now! Funny part is it can even go higher if I had better gear and max level. Crazy crazy. I just one shot Veritania. Good times!

Thanks again for answering questions and offering advice. Played it all the way as a league starter with ZDPS until now.

congrats! that's a pretty nice weapon, and i'm glad that you made it work!
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Deltidsninja wrote:
Hi JennoJoye,
Firstly, just wanted to say thank you for the detailed guide and all your feedback from the different forum posters here. I am myself not a very regular POE player, but I pick it up once every few leagues to try out something new.
Since i feel like I don't have a very good grasp of mechanics and gear, I would love if you or anyone else in the forum had any feedback on my gear/stats. Any critical things I should work towards? I'm thinking about getting awakened gems as a next step, but maybe I also need to invest in better jewels?

POB: https://pastebin.com/XbxN2Mid

Hi, I checked your character and your gears & skills are on the right track. If you are planning the build in long term then I suggest getting the awakened gem, they are a good long-term investment.

Regarding mechanics, you can take a look at Q&A, especially the recent one I posted about damage
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
jamie_4_1_0 wrote:
I desperately need some advice on my build. I used the "League Start Version" and almost exactly same tree but my DPS was only 200K, I am level 86 and still cannot do the last lab. When I looked into the POB and my POB, I noticed there is a big different in the calculation, your physicaly damage was multipled by "increased" x 9.15 and "More" x 13.91 and converted 234% into fire. However, mine was X7.95 x5.42 and converted 134%. The main difference was the "More" damage. Icannot see in POB how it was calculated, what was it? can you take a look into my build and see what went wrong? Ithink my build is far more than your indicated budget of 50c but why is it so bad? also how to convert 100% more fire damage?


About the damage difference in POB, it's because the config tab in your POB is empty, you need to use the same config as my POB to do a real comparison.

Also, I see you've deviated quite far from the build, and those changes weaken the build.

For example, I see CWDT + immortal call getting used that would severely affect survival and damage. (because it would depletes endurance charges which our defense & attack rely on)

There are other examples such as Defiance banner doesn't have much benefit in this build, faster attack doesn't do anything, ancestral protector isn't necessary, enduring cry is missing etc.

What I would suggest is first strictly follow the POB first, then use POB as tool to justify any changes you want to make.

[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Fallman2 wrote:
Hi again! I'm approaching the end of the build now, having finally gotten the belt after too many attempts but have not managed to get the body armour veil. The resistances on this build feel really hard to cap and you really need to rely on the jewels to cap your resistances (bought some at 3ex each). I'm starting to farm Simulacrum now for currency but I'm unsure if I'm doing it right. So far I can only survive till wave 27-28. Do you think it's profitable to do Simulacrum even though I can't make it to wave 30? Are there any additional strategies you do with your simulacrum farming like gem levelling? Asking here since I remember you mentioning that you used this build for simulacrum in the last league while looking through some of the comments. Apart from that, any idea if I'm missing anything out defensively? The simulacrum bosses seem to hit very hard coming close to one shot on each attack even though I feel that I do have all of the defense layers already.

Hi, good to know that you are getting close to end-game gear.

I would only suggest doing simulacrum if you can do all 30 waves.

Regarding what's needed to complete all 30 waves, I would say gear is only part of the requirements. The other part is the understanding of simulacrum boss mechanics.

Think of simulacrum boss encounter as Sirus or Maven encounter, no matter how good the gear is, if you don't do it correctly it would one-shot you.

For example, dodging Kosis's detonation ball, fire ball burst. There's a good video that illustrates all of its mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l978TZfL1-Y

By the way, if you check the video you will see, Kosis deal quite a bit of chaos damage, therefore having chaos resistance high is very important.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Last edited by JennoJoyce on Mar 5, 2022, 1:36:56 PM
JennoJoyce wrote:

Hi, good to know that you are getting close to end-game gear.

I would only suggest doing simulacrum if you can do all 30 waves.

Regarding what's needed to complete all 30 waves, I would say gear is only part of the requirements. The other part is the understanding of simulacrum boss mechanics.

Think of simulacrum boss encounter as Sirus or Maven encounter, no matter how good the gear is, if you don't do it correctly it would one-shot you.

For example, dodging Kosis's detonation ball, fire ball burst. There's a good video that illustrates all of its mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l978TZfL1-Y

By the way, if you check the video you will see, Kosis deal quite a bit of chaos damage, therefore having chaos resistance high is very important.

I've been trying to figure out the attacks myself and from the video it looks like I understood most of them. I think what I need to prioritise is getting shock immune from jewel implicit. I'll try to work on that and getting body veil for slightly more chaos resist (at -1% now). Thanks for the advice!
I still like the build and playstyle, but I really feel like I am lacking defence. Having only offensive Cluster things missing I dont know where the survivability should come from. I got oneshoted quite often and have serios problems with bleeding and other ailments like bleeding (and poison I think. Dead comes often so fast, that I don`t know what from...)

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong/ how to improve?? (changed jewels for shock and chill immune, missing only 5% Chill)


Thx in advance
Last edited by ogli on Mar 8, 2022, 1:53:18 AM
Hello , i'm new to this game and decided to try this build.
The build overall fits me and I like it - it's not fast-paced and the damage is good. What i am struggling with is with survival - i think i'm way too squishy - i get hits which takes away half of my hp and if i'm not very careful to dodge i die. Could you have a look and see if i'm doing something wrong please?
Atm i'm going with league starter version. Thanks in advance !
Fallman2 wrote:
JennoJoyce wrote:

Hi, good to know that you are getting close to end-game gear.

I would only suggest doing simulacrum if you can do all 30 waves.

Regarding what's needed to complete all 30 waves, I would say gear is only part of the requirements. The other part is the understanding of simulacrum boss mechanics.

Think of simulacrum boss encounter as Sirus or Maven encounter, no matter how good the gear is, if you don't do it correctly it would one-shot you.

For example, dodging Kosis's detonation ball, fire ball burst. There's a good video that illustrates all of its mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l978TZfL1-Y

By the way, if you check the video you will see, Kosis deal quite a bit of chaos damage, therefore having chaos resistance high is very important.

I've been trying to figure out the attacks myself and from the video it looks like I understood most of them. I think what I need to prioritise is getting shock immune from jewel implicit. I'll try to work on that and getting body veil for slightly more chaos resist (at -1% now). Thanks for the advice!

Welp abit of an abrupt turn but I think I might have to take a break from this build. I've been trying to craft the body armour for around 2 weeks now, just with the suffixes. I've veiled the body around 15 times and unveiled it 6 times, failing on every single unveil even though I blocked ES regen. I'm almost convinced that the resistances veiled mod does not exist. I've spent more than 80ex trying to get that one suffix and have nothing to show for it. The build have been very fun and I really want to be able to do Simulacrum on it but I think I have to cut my losses here. If there isn't an alternative to that veiled mod then I think I'm gonna have to swap to a different build a make better use of my last bit of currency. Thanks again for the advice but I think I'm going to have to swap to a different build for now.

Edit: Well scratch that because I invested abit more and finally got the unveil. It took me about 90ex to try to get just that small bit more resistances. I think it's probably gonna be a good idea to add in more details into the crafting guide. In this case, crafting on dual attributes (like strength and dex) greatly improves your chance of unveiling the correct mod so you might want to add something like this to the crafting guide.
Last edited by Fallman2 on Mar 8, 2022, 10:21:21 AM
Damage currently feels alright, although I feel weaker than I think I should based on the gear I have.

Any tips/help would be appreciated.

Currently I am in the process of finishing the chestpiece with additional curse, and after that I am starting on crafting the elevated onslaught boots. Then I plan on picking up a second curse ring and finally rounding it out with a new amulet.

I have crafted the early end game weapon and also currently running labs for the helm enchant. I should also mention I do not have the alternate quality gems or awakened gems yet, but will come in time.

Anything else I should be looking for? No large cluster yet but also a work in progress.

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