Delirium Statistics

I've wasted 2K chances + scouring, still no weapon/jewel/strongbox. I was able to chance something around the 500 mark in average last league. I might just save for trash to treasure and be done with it.
Just came here to say that I really like the league..

Agree though with things like "Left to Chance" totally not being "Challenges" at all. I don't feel like a more skilled player because I chance'd something.
Pay me in exalts
Last edited by rpgbuddy on Apr 12, 2020, 10:02:17 AM
The fog is visually cool in act 1 and 2, by act 5 its just grey mass that hides the good art of the game. I find the brightness of it means I can run less maps and have to take more breaks. Grey on grey on grey is not really an exciting design choice :)

Its better now but it was pretty insane for the first couple of weeks. The "difficulty" of deciding whether to go slow and get swarmed or go fast clear and then hit shit that you cant see which explodes and kills you wasn't good. Most of the time I died I had absolutely no idea why, which makes it annoying and frustrating and not challenging. To me it screamed of here's yet another league we banged out in a hurry and haven't done any human testing. Most of the people I know left the league during this time so wont be getting the challenges :)

very minor but disappointing that the alva challenge is atziri again when you made various changes like temple bosses being tormented that could have been a good challenge. It looks like I will do a stupid amount of grinding to get Atziri and burnt out as far as temple goes then mostly skip it for a couple of leagues like last time :)
Similarly left to chance is annoying, not challenging but it has made it very clear to me that trying to chance items is a total waste of time :)

Overall though I thought the challenges this league were considerably easier than last league, I looked through them on day 1 and thought wow this is an easy set.
I'm in the minority but I don't care about challenge rewards except my 40/40 trophy (which I will get but it will be slower and with a lot less hours played.)

I normally spend as much time crafting as mapping and will I craft 30-40 helmets, 100s of belts and jewels and other misc stuff. With the reduced crafting options I've done 2 helmets and a few cluster jewels so spent less time in game and lost a lot of enjoyment there.

Simulacrum map is a lot of fun :)
but 3 times though I have exited simulacrum map to do a trade and found all my portals gone. I don't know if this common but if so it would be affecting your stats.

Orbs - most benefit with 1 orb and they are rare so I use them moderately carefully. Personally not enough benefit to run 5 orbs once the challenge is complete. It is also has more lag with 5 and the SG servers are terrible yet again and the game is often unplayable (like now).

Last edited by WildWombat on Apr 13, 2020, 1:28:53 AM
WildWombat wrote:
The fog is visually cool in act 1 and 2, by act 5 its just grey mass that hides the good art of the game. I find the brightness of it means I can run less maps and have to take more breaks. Grey on grey on grey is not really an exciting design choice :)

Its better now but it was pretty insane for the first couple of weeks. The "difficulty" of deciding whether to go slow and get swarmed or go fast clear and hit shit that you cant see which explodes and kills you wasn't good. Most of the time I died I had absolutely no idea why which makes it annoying and frustrating and not challenging. To me it screamed of here's another yet league we banged out in a hurry and haven't done any human testing. Most of the people I know left the league during this time so wont be getting the challenges :)

very minor but disappointing that the alva challenge is atziri again when you made various changes like temple bosses being tormented that could have been a good challenge. It looks like I will do a stupid amount of grinding to get Atziri and burnt out as far as temple goes then mostly skip it for a couple of leagues like last time :)
Similarly left to chance is annoying, not challenging but it has made it very clear to me that trying to chance items is a total waste of time :)

Overall though I the challenges this league was considerably easier than last league, I looked through them on day 1 and thought wow this is an easy set.
I'm in the minority but I don't care about challenge rewards except my 40/40 trophy (which I will get but it will be slower and with a lot less hours played.)

I normally spend as much time crafting as mapping and will I craft 30-40 helmets, 100s of belts and jewels and other misc stuff. With the reduced crafting options I've done 2 helmets and a few cluster jewels so spent less time in game and lost a lot of enjoyment there.

Simulacrum map is a lot of fun :)
but 3 times though I have exited simulacrum map to do a trade and found all my portals gone. I don't know if this common but if so it would be affecting your stats.

Orbs - most benefit with 1 orb and they are rare so I use them moderately carefully. Personally not enough benefit to run 5 orbs once the challenge is complete. It is also has more lag with 5 and the SG servers are terrible yet again and the game is often unplayable (like now).

I love this response. I was actually lucky with the left to chance challenge. But that there is the problem: I was lucky. Luck should have nothing to do with challenges. This includes challenges like finding Atziri in the temple. I honestly have burned myself out on the temple so much, and have never once had the temple cooperate, even during that league. Again, this is "luck" because killing the alchemists and deciding which room to upgrade is not a challenge.

I agree that the fun of crafting has diminished. I dislike the rewards (except the helm...that one was excellent), but I always enjoy the silly trophies to throw in the hideout. I have numerous I've decorated and whichever hideout I decide to use is the one that gets the trophy. It's a cute little reminder of where I was hanging out the most for which league.

I've never made 40/40 in a league, I'm not that skilled a player to warrant investing the time it would take for me to complete it. I don't doubt that I could, but like I said... it isn't worth it for me. I feel this league the challenges were about the same difficulty. As I mentioned, the RNG portions of the challenges are not challenges in the least. It isn't fun to be forced to spawn perandus chests to open 500 of them, collect and use countless orbs to *hope* you get the corruption or quality you want, or even to pray that one day I will see Atziri in the temple.

I typically complete somewhere above 25, excluding the metamorph league, which I simply found drab and boring (repetitively spawning loot pinatas got lame and had no challenge whatsoever) or leagues I don't have the time to play due to life.

I have to agree with the quoted post that the visual effects of delirium is absolutely obnoxious. I feel basic human testing would have made the first 2 weeks bearable enough to not lose streams of players. The latency and FPS issue I have faced makes it so I usually never know what killed me; I'm frozen and then dead.

What I wouldn't give for a combat log, or at a minimum, the last couple hits leading up to your character's death. I will never be able to play HC with the performance issues I face with the game, and that is disappointing to me because it's a mode of gaming that has always been a favorite. That is an example of a challenge. It would simply be a waste of investment and time knowing that I will freeze at any given point and die.

On the note of dying often, I find it disheartening that my 90+ character can go hang out with my husband's character that is still running level 8 and below where I die (again) an unknown ability. What on earth on a map under level 76 has a one-shot ability that hits for over 7k on a character with maxed block, resistance 50+ over the 75%, a minimum of 75% (+/- 5%-ish) chaos resistance, and physical reduction in the 30%-ish range? I ask because I've never figured it out, and I ask because most people playing that level map are not going to be at the point to actually survive that anyhow. That's just silly to a point where it isn't even laughable, its just dumb. With the performance problems so many people face, one-shot abilities (especially those coming from off-screen) aren't fun, aren't a challenge, and are a total turn-off.

I do find that blighted maps drop too infrequently to even get a decent amount of practice in to improve. The smaller blight events that occur in maps don't match the intensity of an actual blighted map. I also wish it was a little more possible for a single person to complete them. It may be, and I may simply not have the skill level, but I feel really overwhelmed trying to keep up. I typically enjoy melee, and it doesn't feel melee-friendly.

I also wish that the delirium orbs weren't as rare as they are. I enjoy them, and seeing it is the delirium league, I wish it were more plentiful (perhaps increasing in rarity if it's permanently implemented). But those of us playing the league... let us really enjoy the league. I don't hate the delirium as some people do; I hate the gray on gray, the abilities that are still hard to see, and the increased performance issues that come with it. The concept itself is fun. I'm so sparing with the orbs I do find, that I hold off using them because I don't want to run out completely.

I do love POE and won't spend a ton of time complaining, but since opinions were asked for, I figured I would contribute.
auspexa wrote:
all of my deaths are because of delirium smoke and fps drops caused by it, nothing to do with these orbs

Same reason here. Client either completely freezes/crashes on me upon opening the league mechanic or shortly after only to come to and find that I'm dead. I am glad others are getting to enjoy it but I hadn't had the chance to. PC is pretty new and it's a good one. It either can't handle it for whatever reason or the issue isn't on my end. I'll probably wait until next league and come back.
Last edited by Thegreatest1979 on Apr 12, 2020, 1:15:29 PM
My Delirium experience compared to other leagues was a rocky experience, shadowed by a delightfully new and eerie theme packed with rewards. (too many rewards, truth be told) My league start went as expected for a non race league start, beginning with exploring league mechanics that seemed to breathe a new life and tone to the early story which would inevitably lead to the long and dreaded map grind to end game. These new themes sparked a fresh drive to expand my atlas to red tier maps quickly in order to farm adequately and push challenges at a tier with the best rewards possible. (I haven't been this focused to push content since Synthesis League which I regard as my favorite league to date.)

Unfortunately this is where the content hit a few slippery slopes, my progress became a frustrating ordeal when it came to older content, skill gem nerfs, and Sirus reworks slowed my progress down, causing me to make a second character to overcome these challenges. My second character progressed quickly through the content reaching level 90 and wave 20 of simulacrum almost immediately, (I'm unsure of my play time at this point, i'm assuming it was early in the second week) Up to this point I had been playing quite reckless, dying nearly every map. I haven't really cared about deaths since I quit hardcore, I was however growing annoyed at the inevitability of my deaths due to the seemingly impossible to notice banelings. I kept with it and pushed on, determined to complete my 36 challenges and claim my wings.

And then I met Sirus, Awakener of Worlds. Finally at my progression goal, I made a few final gear checks, and dps checks and set out to slay the foul man. Dismay and confusion set in when I failed my first Sirus of the league, the fight seemed to go so well... Storms were easy to navigate, the mechanics felt good to progress through, every grievance I had with the fight previously seemed polished. ~~ Final phase ~~ Instantly I regretted my decision to initiate the fight. I died instantly to what I thought I had down pat. Abilities seemed to come out of nowhere. Fury! Three deaths to Hyper Beam Barrage immediately. A fourth to the same attack and I wasn't even past the storms yet. At this point I basically gave up on the kill, frustration had taken over. I did manage to claim a Sirus kill fairly early in the league but it was tainted by frustrating deaths to what seemed like unfair mechanics, things I refer to as portal abilities, which are solely in place as dps checks.

The rest of the league went as expected, challenge progression seemed to go quicker than other leagues. Previous leagues have trained me to prioritize the challenges early and found myself finished faster than any other league. All in all I found this leagues content fun and engaging. I used delirium mirror's every map, and orbs regularly. I tightened up my loot filter and started crafting right away.

I managed to craft a +1 socketed gems level 1 fortify elder 2h mace, with avian and multi-mod minion stats.

Zombie builds are still strong, I farmed Sirus, Shaper, Elder, guardian maps with 100% delirium using them. Skeletons are as well, I managed to get to wave Simulacrum 19 using a 5 link skeleton setup early league.

Thank you for reading!


Last edited by Lochaven on Apr 12, 2020, 5:06:29 PM
This is not a challenge, if you can't enter simulacrum(20) without dying. With brands, I can't cast any and die instantly after entrance.
So if you died once, you fail all
p.s. w20 is ok(monsters hp and damage), but only if you not died. otherwise you never enter back
Last edited by RawDamage on Apr 12, 2020, 6:19:49 PM
Hardcore league has been amazing, truly.

While I do not play standard (haven't considered since 2013), I have overheard few difficulty gripes from the achievement pushers.

Many HC friends and streamers I've spoken with, myself included, appreciate GGG's efforts even more when: the RNG 1-shot deaths are often and unforgiving, currency accumulation isn't easy, and the glass-cannon builds--which are HC junkie adrenaline-pumping favorites--are viable.

I'm really enjoying the league. Thank you all infinitely.

Permadeath league, or bust.
GGG is the best.
Always and forever, amen.
Last edited by SpellDamage on Apr 12, 2020, 10:32:53 PM
Google Analytics (not Steam chart!)

This with lockdown and schools closed down....
You lost almost 80% of teh players who start playing Delirium, gj indeed

also, THIS!

If you chose the steam chart, witch may or may not be representative, you will see a bloodbath
Worst league in POE's history
Last edited by KopaKabana on Apr 13, 2020, 7:44:25 AM
I have actually stopped playing Delirium League (after Act 8 Sirus and 24 challenges completed) and am only playing Standard League now. Since all the Delirium League content can also be played in Standard with my already leveled and equipped characters that I can now min/max more, there is no incentive left to play Delirium League at all.

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