What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

could you clarify the wording of the new one?

"aura buffs from skills" does an aura granted by a rare monster mod or an aura bot in your party count?
Thanks for the explanation and the honest excuse, that's something very unusual in todays day and age.
Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance.
- John Oliver

Had a Chaos-DoT-Caster-guide for any class, then 2021 patches happened^^ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2485596
To late, the work/test should be done before the league.

For next league stop adding more content !

Focus on fixing performance and bugs that are present right now !

And you have a lot of work to do.

Do a legacy league 2 if you want

And work more and more on what is wrong with the game already !

And don't keep delirium core.
It was the right decision. Thanks for the explanation.
ilku wrote:

Finally there were a build, where the casual player could achieve what the "1%"ers achieves every league. We finally felt like we could brake the game ourself and for me that was fun.

'Casual' players have enough exalts to pump up that build? Lol you 're being so funny rly
Rather faith regained from the lost faith when you announced it wouldn't be nerfed mid league. :) Last nerf mid-league I remember was when you could one-shot 6-man bosses with mirrow arrow explosion.
Anyone that's upset about this change needs to take a serious review of their personal biases. OBVIOUSLY this was broken AF.
Illsonmedia wrote:
Anyone that's upset about this change needs to take a serious review of their personal biases. OBVIOUSLY this was broken AF.

And headhunter + tempchains in 5-way legion encounter isnt? BS
Nice explanation, but it doesn't change the fact that in the end I get punished for your mistake. You are the one who did not properly test those new notable, you are the one who announced you won't be nerfing the build mid league and yet you did. You released broken feature in a broken untested version (or had very little testing) This entire issue was on your mistake and yet in the end, I am the one paying for that mistake.

What I am mad about is that I don't nearly have the same time as I used to have in the past to play this game that I love so much. I got kind of lucky this league and managed to get a nice drop and saved up to 8 exalted orb. Decided to spent them into a build and chose to join this league bandwagon build because for once I had got currency. I haven't had the time to even play it that it is now nerfed to the ground and the character is pretty much useless now. This mean all the time I passed this league as been a complete waste of time and once again, this is due to your mistake and not mine. But once again I am the one who paid for that mistake in the end.

You broke the one golden rule that I trusted, how am I going to be able to enjoy anything from the game now or spend my currency not knowing if I will get nerf again right away. Now I do understand this is a peculiar situation but I do remember similar just as broken build that did last for the whole league. Remember voltaxic spark that was destroying absolutely everything in the game at that time without any investment?

To me this league is dead now, I don't even want to boot the game anymore and I am speaking of a game I love since its very release and supported, talked and encouraged my friends to join in. But this time the game totally betrayed me, my time and my investment into it. I used to play with 4 tabs for like 4 years because I was too poor to be able to pay anything in the game. Since the past 3 years, I had a job with decent income and was able to invest way more money into this game then any other single game I ever paid for. This will be put on ice now until you can get my thrust back. Knowing you, it shouldn't be that hard to get it back but for now, its completely broken.

Alright, time to go search for another game where my time invested into it won't get betrayed. Hopefully well see each other again in the future in better terms than at the moment of this message.

Sincerely yours,
Fair play to GGG and Bex for this post as honesty is in short supply especially when admitting fault or a mistake.

For those whining about "league is dead" now they can no longer run a game breaking build, seriously get a fkn grip of yourselves 😂😂😂

OP builds are one thing, but this was stupidly broken
~ If it moves, kill it ~

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