What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

You misspelled "flu". Figures
What's hilariously ironic about this is they literally announced Delirium on their Twitters saying

"We're proud to announce Path of Exile: Delirium! Unravel your mind in the mists of delirium where reality turns to nightmare. Let greed drive you as you plunge deep into its horrors."

Only to have your greed get nerfed mid-league...

Really fucking unbelievable.

Dude there was a bug, they fixed a bug, whats wrong with fixing bugs... nothing.. thats what. Do you honestly think GGG intended for people to be invulnerable while going the most damage of any build ever? No. Those people should have just known how broken it was, and instead of abuse it, tried to help resolve it when GGG was experiencing difficulty because of an epidemic? You are unbelievable.
Rikets92 wrote:
"This won't happen again." you said that last time.... the trust is broken and there is really no fixing it.. you continue to ignore game breaking bugs during testing each league and it just gets worse and worse... want the trust and faith back? announce you hired 40+ QA testers dedicated to only fixing bugs/shit we've been bringing up for years

I am not playing anymore and GGG lost my trust a long time ago, so I just wanted to quote this because it's true.

Anexx wrote:
Stop blowing this way out of proportion. I'm tired of seeing these "you betrayed my trust" posts. This is the most organic and human form of communication I've ever seen from any game development company in the industry to date. The world is literally falling apart right now. Step back and give them a break because they more than deserve it.

1. No, the world is not falling apart, it isn't because some country are just grossly over reacting (which is making the situation worse in some or even many ways) that the world is falling apart or in a red zone.

2. GGG has been giving no shit to the game balance and quality for years now, it has been getting worse league after league, they have been communicating stuff and doing the opposite afterwards in development, and if you haven't seen any other game development company in the industry to better, LOOK AGAIN.
What was true 5 years ago isn't necessarily true anymore.

Those broken things should have been foreseen 200 times before going live if GGG was doing some proper testing and balancing, they have no excuse.

Vertal0 wrote:
Wow, you seriously tried to blame this partially on the virus/pandemic. You've got some issues at GGG and this isn't a very good attempt at damage control. Consider this:
1. You didn't test the league before releasing it
2. You admitted this mechanic was game-breakingly overpowered but said you will ignore it for the rest of the league
3. Only after days of massive player complaints did you decide to do anything despite knowing how it was affecting the game


PS : that shit is still going to be the most broken stuff up to date, by pretty far, by the way.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
AcidRizzle wrote:
What's hilariously ironic about this is they literally announced Delirium on their Twitters saying

"We're proud to announce Path of Exile: Delirium! Unravel your mind in the mists of delirium where reality turns to nightmare. Let greed drive you as you plunge deep into its horrors."

Only to have your greed get nerfed mid-league...

Really fucking unbelievable.

Dude there was a bug, they fixed a bug, whats wrong with fixing bugs... nothing.. thats what. Do you honestly think GGG intended for people to be invulnerable while going the most damage of any build ever? No. Those people should have just known how broken it was, and instead of abuse it, tried to help resolve it when GGG was experiencing difficulty because of an epidemic? You are unbelievable.



ggg should give everyone who played this league a harbinger pet , to remind us of the lols :D

Still best league hands down , challenging and rewarding content
for next league can we just have this one again <3
Love the insight, love the apology and the support. You guys are amazing, and mistakes happen! Stay safe! All the love <3
All these salty pepega's who don't like nerfs because they wanna play their game and not gggs game XD, you dont own the game lol. go become a share holder if you need a broken build in a game.
Dungeons IIII
Bootpants wrote:
Love the insight, love the apology and the support. You guys are amazing, and mistakes happen! Stay safe! All the love <3

You are one of those guys. Anyone can fuck you over as many times as they wish, as long as they apologize later you're happy.

For perspective.
Memory leaks in the beginning of the year. They didn't give a shit their mess was leaking 1 gb per second for 50% players. Casually looked into it after 2 months.
Awakeners orb was giving usable items - fixed that in a day, it was Christmas by the way.
The definition of scum.
Black__Dawn wrote:
Bootpants wrote:
Love the insight, love the apology and the support. You guys are amazing, and mistakes happen! Stay safe! All the love <3

You are one of those guys. Anyone can fuck you over as many times as they wish, as long as they apologize later you're happy.

For perspective.
Memory leaks in the beginning of the year. They didn't give a shit their mess was leaking 1 gb per second for 50% players. Casually looked into it after 2 months.
Awakeners orb was giving usable items - fixed that in a day, it was Christmas by the way.
The definition of scum.

you can compare these, with eachother...
why is that its always only the negatives that are looked at from a person like you XD as you yourself would word it.
GGG has given us greats amount of content over 8-9 years for free all you gotta do is play and have fun. bugs are there to be fixed not exploited. be it a build like this, breachstones in breach league(people got banned for that as i remember). or some internal error because some dude couldnt wait for patchnotes.
this game is fantastic in my eyes and shit in yours, who cares go play something else, no loss here its a free game, your time has been spent for free by your own volition :D
have a great day(forgot to write "day" pepega)
and i hope you find a game soon that will cater to your specific needs cuz this isnt it. :P
Dungeons IIII
Last edited by Lolomawisoft on Apr 2, 2020, 12:10:24 PM
Noooova wrote:
DarkHoffa wrote:

So little compassion left in the world. Your fellow gamers were harmed by this change and so many of you are excited to see that blood. Shame on you. You are most of the problem with this situation.

DarkHoffa wrote:

I'm a gamer like the rest of you. Go to work. Handle adult responsibilities. Squeeze in all the game time I can. Yet here you are, gathered around those who were stolen from with glee in your eyes. Your envy is sickening.

How compassionate are you towards the thousands of people that are being pushed out of business because your government decided it was a good idea going full retard over a flue?

My guess is not much or otherwise you wouldn't be crying over a change in a virtual game and a broken promise that they apologized for.

"My gov" has destroyed well over 300 billion of our people's money in the past 5 years and destroyed countless of lives on top of it and they don't apologize for it, they are proud and expect a pad on the back for it.

You guys are really gifted in starting shitstorms over nothing. Karma shall teach you a lesson if you don't man up.

I don't see how your whole block of text makes Nova's argument invalid lol.

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