What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

Am i the only one not liking this mid-league nerfs? I as casual player actually felt like the one percent in this game. For the first time i felt like the headhunter + temp chains gods in legion league. And did you do anything to them at the time?

Feels like you trashed my happiness for this league as i was struggling to find it fun. Which i felt when i got this character going.
No you're not the one, I didn't like it neither, not at all.
Last edited by burbigo1 on Mar 2, 2023, 10:38:23 AM
As a player who completeley avoided creating such build I must say you did the best decision you could. People who are mad that it got nerfed are either RMT, bad at customizing his own build and try to go easy path by just finding something completeley trivial to play or they are new players who didn't expect such move from the company.

There are way too many players that lost their interest in this league cause of that one build than people who abused it.

And no, saying "lol why won't you tried it yourself then" is the stupidest question person could asked. You would eventually found out why in just few days of playing it.
Yes, there are many players who lost interest in this game and this league because of one build that was nerfed. And each of them is right in their grief. This is not a PvP game, this specific build provided the fun people needed, especially now that there's a lot of sickness and death spreading through our families.

As for the coneheads that will cry that "there are other fun mechanics in the game", suck it up: yes there are but not everyone has the time and the energy to learn about them. Many just copy fun cheese builds designed by people who are fully dedicated to this game. Most people that left the game did it because they have been given the green light, invested whatever they had in replicating that build and were looking forward to have fun with it. GGG chose the worst time to become all righteous.
Last edited by LeAxe on Apr 2, 2020, 7:34:49 AM
I forgive you Bex. <3
A good heartfelt apology.

This won't happen again.

This, however, is unreasonable and unnecessary. GGG is staffed by human beings, and human beings are fallible. Saying mistakes won't be made again is a very understandable but ill-considered response. Humans make mistakes. That's what we do. Apologizing for them is a bonus, frankly. While I appreciate the spirit and intent behind "This won't happen again," any reasonable human being will know that simply isn't true.

Having said that, I do appreciate the spirit in which this statement was made. Thank you.
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
I didnt even play the build but was pretty pissed by the handling of this issue. Thank you for the sincere apology. Nerfing builds at the mid or end of the league should not be taken so lightly especially when the functionality of the build is destroyed.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Pushing half baked untested bugged trash every time.
This won't happen again.

Turned performance into complete garbage:

One mob in empty arena drops fps to 0 like 8-10 times.
Bunch of useless crooks.
ilku wrote:
Am i the only one not liking this mid-league nerfs? I as casual player actually felt like the one percent in this game. For the first time i felt like the headhunter + temp chains gods in legion league. And did you do anything to them at the time?

Feels like you trashed my happiness for this league as i was struggling to find it fun. Which i felt when i got this character going.


Really lame of them to do this. Shame on everyone complaining. Suck it up, there is plenty of OP shit out there.
Coronavirus is fucking people over left and right, and GGG has the balls to ruin people's fun mid-league over a mistake THEY made.

Absolutely disgusting.

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