What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

Zuezzz wrote:
Gud wrote:
Zuezzz wrote:
rip 8 exa. TY ggg and thanks for nothing. I love getting punished for your mistakes. Such a great user experience. I understand it have been overpowered and need a nerf, but now my league is ruined. #uninstall

buhuu, 8 ex... i lost 20+ when i died in hc earlier this league, get over it.
If you can't accept this apology from a company that gave you a game for free, I'm sure no one in this community will miss you.

keep up the amazing job GGG and thanks for fixing broken stuff.

Muppet you are playing HC and therefore you are willing to loose the EXA. Just such a stupid comment it hurts...you don't get it- We getting punished for their mistakes is bad UX.

Small person you are not being able to take an apology from a company that made a game for you to play for free.

You made a decision to exploit a char that was clearly bugged and way too op. And now you're mad because they fixed the game so you cant faceroll the whole game content and ruin the game economy anymore?
If you are not in the loop, here's what happened - The Cluster Jewel system in Path of Exile: Delirium introduced 281 new notable passive skills, including one called Purposeful Harbinger. This notable grants "10% increased Effect of Aura Buffs on You for each Herald affecting you". There were two issues with this notable. Firstly, it is severely numerically overpowered.

Yes. And you could see it before you introduced the patch. You have to be blind not to see that stacking these bonuses is overpowered. No other passive skill in skilltree can be stacked. Why do new cluster jewels allow this?

However, we are aware of how mid-league nerfs affect players' enjoyment and try to avoid doing this whenever possible. So with these things in mind, we announced that we would not be nerfing its power until next league.

Thank you for keeping your word, GGG. You always stick to the rule - do not nerf during the league. Respect.

Once we realised what was going on, and that this passive skill had become one the most unintentionally and counterintuitively powerful mechanics to ever exist in Path of Exile, we realised that there was no option but to fix it.

Oh.. Ok.. So you lied to us. That's sad. But it's understandable that there are hard times (coronavirus etc), and mistakes happen to everyone. If this is the first and only such situation, then probably people who lost a lot of time will get some compensation? Some premium points? Or MTX boxes?

As soon as we made the decision to fix the functionality, we announced it to give people as much notice as possible. However, this did not mitigate the time and currency that people had invested into playing this build based on our previous comment.

Yyy.. Ok.. So there will be no compensation for lost time. That's also sad.

This won't happen again. We are so sorry for people's loss of time, currency and faith.

But you said earlier:
However, we are aware of how mid-league nerfs affect players' enjoyment and try to avoid doing this whenever possible.

So since you'll avoid it whenever possible, it's not true that it can't happen again.

That really sucks.

We are so sorry.

Empty words. Just for PR. If you were really sorry, you would make up for lost time for all these people. But you regret even the virtual currency.

I read other players' posts out of curiosity. People are divided into 2 groups here.
- On those who played this build and lost a lot of their time relying on your promises
- And for those who played something else and were pissed that they are not so strong with their build.
The first are angry because they have lost a lot of time. Others are happy in their envy because it does not concern them.

I hope your studio will learn from this situation because I'm not going to keep playing this season and maybe waste more time, because again someone will find a cool build (which I will want to test), which "break the game" in your opinion. Nerf headhunter. This is real gamebreaker for rich people.
Gud wrote:
Zuezzz wrote:
rip 8 exa. TY ggg and thanks for nothing. I love getting punished for your mistakes. Such a great user experience. I understand it have been overpowered and need a nerf, but now my league is ruined. #uninstall

Small person you are not being able to take an apology from a company that made a game for you to play for free.

You made a decision to exploit a char that was clearly bugged and way too op. And now you're mad because they fixed the game so you cant faceroll the whole game content and ruin the game economy anymore?

I'm a early access player so i payed for the game to help them getting it developed so don't come here with you FTP bullshit. There is many ways to fix an issue and they haven't addressed what the issue was with the build. For instace the damage wasn't broken compare to other builds with 8 exa+ so was it he amount of es or the phys reduction? They could add a soft cap to those numbers so the builds would work but getting bombed down a little. I didnt even go RF and changed into a mjølner build and now i lost so much es that the build doesnt work... if they set a cap to 8k or 7k es then it would be fine and fair. set a cap for like 60 or 40 phys reduc then the build would be fine... just bad fix and again why am i getting punished for their mistakes?
Everything is okay, but tell me why GGG must take it as their mistake when players could predict that? Paying for someone's stupidity? It's not fair :)
Zuezzz wrote:

I'm a early access player so i payed for the game to help them getting it developed so don't come here with you FTP bullshit. There is many ways to fix an issue and they haven't addressed what the issue was with the build. For instace the damage wasn't broken compare to other builds with 8 exa+ so was it he amount of es or the phys reduction? They could add a soft cap to those numbers so the builds would work but getting bombed down a little. I didnt even go RF and changed into a mjølner build and now i lost so much es that the build doesnt work... if they set a cap to 8k or 7k es then it would be fine and fair. set a cap for like 60 or 40 phys reduc then the build would be fine... just bad fix and again why am i getting punished for their mistakes?

Nobody cares about your 8ex build. Think about what happened when others start using HH. You only look at yourself. Bravo... I also lost money and time playing this build. I prefer GGG to fix the game rather than ignore the obvious problem.
Iselor008 wrote:
Zuezzz wrote:

I'm a early access player so i payed for the game to help them getting it developed so don't come here with you FTP bullshit. There is many ways to fix an issue and they haven't addressed what the issue was with the build. For instace the damage wasn't broken compare to other builds with 8 exa+ so was it he amount of es or the phys reduction? They could add a soft cap to those numbers so the builds would work but getting bombed down a little. I didnt even go RF and changed into a mjølner build and now i lost so much es that the build doesnt work... if they set a cap to 8k or 7k es then it would be fine and fair. set a cap for like 60 or 40 phys reduc then the build would be fine... just bad fix and again why am i getting punished for their mistakes?

Nobody cares about your 8ex build. Think about what happened when others start using HH. You only look at yourself. Bravo... I also lost money and time playing this build. I prefer GGG to fix the game rather than ignore the obvious problem.

I dont mind the fix stuff just do it right. Address what the concrete issue is and fix it in a smart way. The point about exa is they represent time spent in the game witch now is wasted. Yet again wrong way to address the issue
[Removed by Support] i just spent 7 painful days to put together my hard farmed jewels. So you should just freaking changed it at the end of the league.
Last edited by Al_GGG on Apr 2, 2020, 5:48:57 AM
The lack of perspective from some people in this thread is amazing.

A game accidentally made one of its mechanics massively overpowered, so the developers nerfed it. Some players managed to successfully exploit this OP mechanic for massive returns before the nerf hit; some late-comers invested in it, but didn't manage to make a return before the nerd and lost their investment.

In what other game would this be considered unacceptable? Or even, other than entirely normal?

Don't beat yourself up @Bex, @GGG. Avoiding mid-league nerfs is desirable, but far from a supreme goal, overriding all others.

Except the PH node is still OVERPOWERED AS FUCK.

If you whiners had half a brain, you would keep quiet and continue enjoying your broken character before the real nerf next league.
Please. No more labyrinth.
The best thing about GGG is that they are so active and passionate about Path of Exile. They are real people like the rest of us, prone to mistakes and learning to fix them and improve. It needed to be nerfed, end of story.

This league has been weird from the start. Probably one of the most aggravating leagues for me to date with bugs, constant performance issues, DC's and now I guess we can throw this whole situation in there too.

Meanwhile, the MTX gets released thick and fast seemingly every week at prices that boggle my mind. Let's just move on from the Herald MTX that was on sale during the whole Herald/Aura stacking situation. Keeping my tinfoil hat close by on that one.

I really want to know one thing though - How is the testing conducted for new upcoming leagues? Is there any behind the scenes videos on this? Is there some kind of manifesto detailing the process at all? Is the process the same? I just feel like there's new issues making their way into each league that could have been avoided with more thorough testing.

Just a few examples that I can recall - the visibility of ground effects in the fog, the timer continuing through other league mechanics, Sirius bugs, Untextured Oak in Act 2.. the list definitely continues.

In closing, it seems to me like trying to deliver a new league every 3 months is getting slightly out of control. It's like when you have a loose thread on a T-shirt and you pull it and instead of it snapping off, it starts creating a hole that gets bigger over time.

If the constant generation of new MTX is taking up too many resources AT ALL, please consider calming down on that just a touch. :|
Last edited by Silenkurri on Apr 2, 2020, 6:02:52 AM

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