What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

i dont want to talk anymore about the time and currency i spend in this build, do u just realize how many ppl buy the herald skill effect because of it, now u earned the money and then kicked the ass of all those ppl
Damn sure won't happen again to me since I'm not going to touch this game again after today.

I'll be playing some hideout poe for today corrupting my gear and vendoring it, since my guardian can't even do t1 now without getting 1 shot, and having some all-around "great time" with my favorite game in the last 7 years, while looking for some other game to keep me occupied during this world wide pandemic. I was counting on poe to be that, but then again apparently I was using a broken build, even if I did not use any of the aura giving items and no solstice vigil, and no hh. The only thing i was using was the auras of the guardian, you know, that ascendency that is a big aura basically ...

Anyway enough drama, is not like I have to keep playing this game. Been with poe since alfa on and off. I guess is time to move one.
Last edited by smokedust on Apr 2, 2020, 2:01:04 AM
With all bugs happned in the last league everyone told u to take time to test your stuff before putting it live yet here you are another league with new mistakes cuz of the lack of good testing
I dont get it.
They made a mistake. They clarified it. What do u guys expect? if they let this shit mechanic in the game, the economy would corrupt itself, and every player in tradeleague would be soft-forced into this shit build that should never exist in the first place. this would lead into cutting off of what we love about poe -> DIVERSITY! they have to touch it.

yes, they made a mistake, and now they correct it. and some of you guys are paying the price. i understand that. but please see the bigger picture.

good day

Thank you for beeing that honest, this is the GGG I believe in. Thank you for recognizing the mistakes and talk to us clearly. Everything is okay, keep up the good work.
lithanna wrote:
HEADHUNTER EXISTS...non of your reasoning means anything to any of us. If its so broken it has to be fixed then HH should go and its all fair if not you need to leave it alone for a league since this is the same power lvl as headhunter.....

Same power level as HH kappa
My version have now 1300 less ES, lose dome dps and regen.What a nerf.
Keep up a facepalm work
Then why nerf it at all? It's not like this is some E-sport game where balance is essential. Just let people faceroll the content for 1 league what's the big deal?
While you're at it,can you do something about the fog timer and the way it moves through maps?
What's the point of having to rush through maps in whatever direction the fog dictates and then turn around to clear the rest mobs and collect loot.
What percentage of your playerbase enjoys this bullshit?
Edit: The fog should be inescapablewherever we go it should find us.
That's the definition of madness,not the other way around.
Now is "i'll just hang here until this madness goes away".
Last edited by PsOfOs on Apr 2, 2020, 3:11:21 AM
It sounds so stupid when people talk about credibility loss because of this. I mean why now? Why only this is the magic moment when you realize that they lie?

We don't like the clearspeed meta -> So here is multiple time based league mechanic

We don't want you to look at the map in overlay -> So we realesed blight where it was almost a must.

We want the game to be dark etc so here is a clown pack.

Or when every league the same things happen: Many many bugs,bad things that people can tell even before the league start -> Fixing it, saying sorry, saying you will be more carefull -> new league anad doing the exact same errors

And I am pretty sure it could be goes on an on, yet this is the big thing when you realize that "oh my god! they are not my friends, they are just a company like any others"

Even this post , if you think this is anything more than damage controlling then you are too naive.

And at the end as I said in an other post already. Nothing will change. There will be no better testing, no better balancing, no better performance and such, as long as people pay. And of course you will pay, either because all you do is yelling angiliy without actually doing anything and forgot it for the next league, or you are in the group that cannot write a single comment without mentioning how good is ggg, or without the word of "cry".

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