What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

Mistakes happen. Thanks for keeping the game balanced, even if it likely felt to some people like they got screwed over.

Usually in games, if one thing is way, WAY more powerful than every other item/build, there is a bug or other issue involved, and I personally always avoid them, because things like this happen.
The only people butt hurt about this are the people who abused or wanted to abuse the game. Thankfully you did something
lithanna wrote:
HEADHUNTER EXISTS...non of your reasoning means anything to any of us. If its so broken it has to be fixed then HH should go and its all fair if not you need to leave it alone for a league since this is the same power lvl as headhunter.....

I'm sure you'd go raging as soon as they nerfed Headhunter. It's the same people that complained about Sirus being too easy that made it too hard now. Stop complaining and stop telling GGG to nerf things and then complain when they do.

It seems like GGG is in a lose-lose situation. People would complain if they did nothing and people complain when they do something. GGG, just do what is best for the game! We obviously trust you because you brought it this far. Props on you guys for being transparent. That is far more than what most game studios do and we damn well better realize that we are taking things for granted!

If you are intersted in true public opinion of the game do random sample surveys in-game.

TLDR: GGG, do what you think is right. People will complain regardless!
Well... there goes my build, my time, my vacations and my recently new Heralds MTX.
And now that i go back to work i can´t use my 3 free hours in a game that destroy all your efforts, so SEE YOU NEXT SEASON.

GGG thank you for explaining this to us.
When I started playing this I knew that this was too powerful and it was broken. Nevertheless, I`m ok with the mid-season change..Buuut please explain the change a little better. I saw that the change will be "Aura Buffs from Skills have 10% increased Effect on you for each Herald affecting you" but this does not make me understand better the exact change. What does it mean buffs from Skills...Does the elusive gem is considering buffs from skills and the note from the boots mods gain elusive does not? Does the "The Flow Untethered" buff from the summoned harbinger is considering skill...since it is his skill but not ours. Also, does the passive notes from the ascendancy is considering passive skills or just notes or what?
I know that the game is broken now with this situation but there is actually a better way to fix this, and to limit the power of this particular mechanics and that is very easy and to be honest, I`m not sure why this is there in the first place, but why don`t you put a limit to the voices cluster jewel? Put a limit that you can have just one jewel and there you go...you will fix a lot of abuse. Combining this with the things you think to do it will be a little better and not just to kill one class with one action...in this way(with the limit) all of the builds will suffer, not just to kill one particular.
Thank you in advance,
Thanks for the update. This is my thoughts on it in case someone actually reads the forums.

I agree in that you shouldnt just have fired of the blanket response before actually knowing what the problem is. And i totally agree with the decision on fixing what is internally broken (not nerfing, because it is a fix when something is not doing as intended), no matter the time in the league.
If u guys would have had spent more time on QA before the release, rather than focusing on pointless unnecessary nerfs, such blunder won't have happened.

with the increasing kiddos in your playerbase due to the game mechanic emphasizing on hype and clear speed + an incompetence team couldnt sort out the real priorities to bring this game to next level, I'd advise you Bex, that you should do more practice of the puppy face for future use.
Always happy to see metaslaves cry. GG, GGG.
All good, thanks!
At this point almost nothing about this change frustrates me minus something you all have yet to address. Namely, the spell effect sale in the shop following you as a a company telling people it was okay to play the build you 'adjusted'. Im not saying it was a bait in switch but, yeah I am saying that. But in the end this game is like digital heroin so no ones gonna leave and all the random crying/trolling doesn't matter to player retention. Perfect product, I commend the team.

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