What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

Setasuna wrote:
This purposeful harbringer thing actually makes me very disappointed in GGG for not nerfing it.

It is totally broken and spoils the competitive gameplay for many players.

So you are letting these kids to get away with exploiting all these?

WTF are you talking about? It's a god damn dungeon crawler ... this isn't some esports shit .... competitive gameplay LOL ...

The whole point of the game is to build find loot, and build a powerful character. I find it funny how people who are not smart enough to understand exactly how all the game mechanics work and interact end up accusing people of "exploiting" the game because people spend the time to create charts etc to figure out the best ways to create the most powerful character the game allows?

Is it OP as all hell, hell yea it is, but it's not fair to call those players who spent the time to create the build an exploiter, they just figured out the current games most powerful interactions.

And once again, there isn't a damn thing competitive in PoE, unless you are talking about the few hundred people who might actually do PvP.
xssarinx wrote:
I still think you should just leave things for the rest of the league, the economy can't even recover from it anyway, and we this is not an esports game where balance is all that important. An no I am not playing the build, I just hate anyone who back tracks on their word, especially when it isn't harming anything worse by just leaving it as is.

What's funny is that the economy was actually better then all the other leagues before they announced the nerf. Exatls were cheap, all the items for build that weren't PH were cheap and getting cheaper.

This was better for 90% of the playerbase, made some stuff more accessible to newbies.

But ever since they announced the nerf, everything is skyrocketing in price, the economy is fucked for everyone but those who were already wealthy.

They didn't want to break the game, but they did exactly that.
I feel like the nerf was needed, but maybe could have been done without destroying so many builds.
Achnod wrote:
xssarinx wrote:
I still think you should just leave things for the rest of the league, the economy can't even recover from it anyway, and we this is not an esports game where balance is all that important. An no I am not playing the build, I just hate anyone who back tracks on their word, especially when it isn't harming anything worse by just leaving it as is.

What's funny is that the economy was actually better then all the other leagues before they announced the nerf. Exatls were cheap, all the items for build that weren't PH were cheap and getting cheaper.

This was better for 90% of the playerbase, made some stuff more accessible to newbies.

But ever since they announced the nerf, everything is skyrocketing in price, the economy is fucked for everyone but those who were already wealthy.

They didn't want to break the game, but they did exactly that.

Totally agree with you.
gryxification wrote:
As one who were quite invested (as far as a fairly casual player goes, at least compared to many others), the good to go for this notable made me decide that i wanted to spend all i had into making a guardian rf around this, not with any aura uniques such as solstice, but use the PH to boost the armour, es, regen and phys reduction auras a guardian get from their ascendacy, and back it up with endbringer to scale rf damage, based off of the immortal build as this is where i saw it of cours, i though this was a good moment to get into rf again as ive felt it needed way too much investment before and quite often dont stand up as a main skill anymore, sadly PH was not intended to work with guardian auras, understandable but i quickly tried to get whatever i could get back of the 13exalt invest and got roughly 5 back, 3 of them from voices alone so a significant drop, not holding that against any of you as this indeed was in need of a severe fix, hopefully we’ll avoid something like this happening in the future :) but what i will really commend you all on is the level of transparancy, although yes i were showing for real that i were upset on the announcement, time to reflect a bit on that have me here so i can apologize for any offence anyone might have gotten from me, and a huge round of applause for you all for being transparent

Oh and i do hope you all are okay and stay healthy during this pandemic

Take care and of course this is not the end of the league, just a much rougher start than i had in mind for my next character :P

This. Sooo much this. i spent everything i had AFTER bex gave the greenlight on this, an apology is fine and dandy but man how do you trust future greenlit new interactions when this happens. this is just rough; i really loved this league but im just sitting here thinking... is it worth even trying a new toon this league? is it worth rushing to try the new skills and items they come out with in future leagues, because clearly they're becoming more distant with the actual game and arent aware of whats actually going on anymore. :/

a moment of silence,


If this have detered you from continuing i suggest you actually take a pause for a few days, after i sold my things, i took a couple days off path to think through wether or not i wanted to make a new toon this league, there were 2 things i knew, 1: that hollow palm wasnt something i wanted to continue on and 2: my guardian would be unusable, sure i could find other ways to build around endbringer and ph but i didnt really want to go back and plan that, so after some thinking and a couple days in minecraft (yep, minecraft) i decided to start with a new toon, stings a bit that i have to play around with much lower currency than i would have if i kept going woth rf, but thats just how it is, but just because this one slipped through their fingers and they went with the response they did (mostly because they dont want to nerf stuff mid league) doesnt mean they are out of touch woth their game nor their community, in fact bex said it herself that this whole ordeal had left her with a really bad feeling ever since we as a community started responding to what essentially is a needed fix, this one was by far the steongest beoken mechanic they had let come through, and so the only real thing they could do was to fix it, however unpopular that decission were and for many still is, still my suggestion to anyone else right now is going to be, take a few days off path, figure out what you feel is worth it right now, and if you do decide to play, dont dwell on this too much, its only going to deter you from enjoying what would otherwise be a fun build and actually good league (albeit i have some performance issues still) but im having fun so far with a frost blades character ^^

Whatever you do, dont take it out on bex or any other ggg staff because this while annoying and upsetting is an honest mistake that literally anyone could have done and lets be real, if any one else had done this, you would get no warning it was busted, no time to salvage your stuff, only wake up the next day with a brokem character (yes im looking at you blizzard/activision or the other way around, i cant tell anymore which of them is supposed to be the figurehead of their brand)
vtxAishi wrote:
Didn't help the trade api went to shit the day of announcements

Literally not their fault, it was 3rd party programs using insanely dumb tick rates. Read their previous posts regarding it.
As a casual player, I really don't understand this whole "league ruined two weeks in" mindset. If you can make 60 ex in the first two weeks, you can make 120 ex in a month, fund whatever ridiculous build you want, and then spend the next month and a half chasing 40/40 or whatever. It's like giving up on the league just because you can't get off work early on launch day.
Last edited by ekaye on Apr 1, 2020, 10:38:08 PM
The only reason you nerfed this is because none of your employees played that build. Thats also why you keep nerfing melee because none of GGGs crew is playing it.

You are fucking spell/minion/ranged metaslaves that only buff your own builds and playstyles while everything else has to die. You are just awful.

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GGG refuses to buff Melee and gives every surivability tool to Spell/Ranged/Minion Builds because they dont play the game or at least melee themself.
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-The Truth
Last edited by Nicholas_GGG on Apr 1, 2020, 11:16:25 PM
gryxification wrote:
is it worth even trying a new toon this league? is it worth rushing to try the new skills and items they come out with in future leagues, because clearly they're becoming more distant with the actual game and arent aware of whats actually going on anymore. :/

Just play Standard. Let everyone else be guinea pig beta testers.
Please message me on Discord from the MF Academy instead of PMing me on the forum.
You've got to know when to hold em
Know when to fold em
Know when to sell and run.... cash in all your ex
You never count your soltices, when your reading through the nerf notes
They'll be time enough for counting, when the nerfings done
Last edited by Diablo_4_ever on Apr 1, 2020, 11:06:33 PM

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