What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

One smart way of handling it would have been to exclude auras from items during the league with the intent of changing it at a later time. This way all those people who had leveled a guardian and were using it for the crazy defenses could still do such as the ascendencies would still scale and allow the defenses to persist without having 30-60 million DPS.

Another thing to consider is that maybe it's time to reconsider how some of these mechanics work. I don't think people would be nearly as upset if there were any regular builds that didn't require dozens of exalts in gear and literal expert level understanding in every mechanic in the game in order to play through the league content. It feels like you guys keep making the content take longer and longer by upping the health and dmg mitigation in hopes it will keep people playing through the league longer. T16 maps with 100% delirious are impossible for 99.99% of your player base. It feels shitty going from league to league never getting a chance to see more of the content.

No one wants to chase items for 2.5 months, finally get them and then start over again in 2 weeks. That burn out is what is fueling the desire for builds like this in the first place. You have to be sure you're playing optimally or else you're just wasting your time, further enforced by the league challenges.
I would come back the next league. Hope the next league would be a great one.
april fools...right? :( this totally kills my angst to keep playing this league.
Never played the build or planned to but from what I see people are mostly upset not about the nerf itself but about the fact that GGG's words about not nerfing the build until next league turned into, let's be honest, blatant lie. And yes, as you said, this does cause a loss of faith in GGG even for players unrelated to the build since it illustrates that promises can't be 100% trusted anymore.
So no nerfing oO , that weif they keep up like that , i have doubt
heff4222 wrote:
Did you really just fkn blame Coronavirus? I was mildly irritated before, but now your credibility has become a joke.

No they said they're sorry for doing this amidst the virus' impact when people need the most distraction :/
MPochoo wrote:
this does cause a loss of faith in GGG even for players unrelated to the build since it illustrates that promises can't be 100% trusted anymore.

I dont know man... You can't trust anyone by your logic, ever. Because.. anyone... like... everbody can do mistake or things can suddenly change. World is not static, not black and white. You cannnot be sure in next day for 100%. This is just... objective fact.
OK but what about the ABSURD performance issues that continue to get worse league to league? I have brand new hardware and the games runs horribly. Am I ever going to be able to play this game without massive framerate spikes again?
As one who were quite invested (as far as a fairly casual player goes, at least compared to many others), the good to go for this notable made me decide that i wanted to spend all i had into making a guardian rf around this, not with any aura uniques such as solstice, but use the PH to boost the armour, es, regen and phys reduction auras a guardian get from their ascendacy, and back it up with endbringer to scale rf damage, based off of the immortal build as this is where i saw it of cours, i though this was a good moment to get into rf again as ive felt it needed way too much investment before and quite often dont stand up as a main skill anymore, sadly PH was not intended to work with guardian auras, understandable but i quickly tried to get whatever i could get back of the 13exalt invest and got roughly 5 back, 3 of them from voices alone so a significant drop, not holding that against any of you as this indeed was in need of a severe fix, hopefully we’ll avoid something like this happening in the future :) but what i will really commend you all on is the level of transparancy, although yes i were showing for real that i were upset on the announcement, time to reflect a bit on that have me here so i can apologize for any offence anyone might have gotten from me, and a huge round of applause for you all for being transparent

Oh and i do hope you all are okay and stay healthy during this pandemic

Take care and of course this is not the end of the league, just a much rougher start than i had in mind for my next character :P
I still think you should just leave things for the rest of the league, the economy can't even recover from it anyway, and we this is not an esports game where balance is all that important. An no I am not playing the build, I just hate anyone who back tracks on their word, especially when it isn't harming anything worse by just leaving it as is.

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