Edit: turns out the game was fine, I was not. I'm just an idiot.
Last edited by ShugisaPirate#1580 on Mar 19, 2020, 6:11:32 PM
Posted byShugisaPirate#1580on Mar 19, 2020, 11:53:26 AM
I've read the whole thread and still am not sure what to do.
Veritania appeared in Tirn's End and her "complete x more maps"-meter just won't go up.
I tried running different amounts of watchstones, no watchstone at all, swapping hideouts, log out, pretty much all I can think of.
Can please somebody spell out to me every step I have to do to get this fixed?
Posted bySkrouph#4771on Mar 21, 2020, 4:05:46 PM
I'm currently at 7 watchstones. I have regions with 2 obtained and regions with 0 obtained. All outer regions have one obtained watchstone (so I've killed every conqueror at least once).
My quest says I should search for Baran with 1 socketed watchstone, while all other 3 conquerors require 2 watchstones.
I'm running correct tier maps in regions with 1 socketed watchstone to spawn Baran and he's not spawning - after running many maps.
I've reset my hideout a bunch of times, so it's not about that.
Very disappointed that conqueror spawning is still so bugged.
Posted bytwisteddiana#1839on Mar 22, 2020, 2:08:20 AM
personally , got 8 watchstones , 2 of each , i now have to spawn conqueror with 2 socketed => run like 40 maps , no spawn.
Is there a map tier minimum with each number of watchstone required ?
I tryed all tier from 1 to 11
Posted byEl_Enfoiros#6487on Mar 22, 2020, 12:59:05 PM
Plains380 wrote:
If you run into the issue of not getting one of the first conquerors to spawn then check the following:
Do you already have influence up elsewhere?
I could not get my last 1st watchstone to spawn after I accidentally procced influence in another area with 1 watchstone on it. If this is happening you may need to clear that area of influence before your last 1st watchstone quest will unbug. This is what was tripping me up.
If that was not the iissue, or you are trying to resolve the issue of conquerors not spawning on lower watchstone influence areas (trying to get the 2+ watchstones, but not endgame), then here was what I had to do to resolve these issues (I had to do ALL of this before it would work):
Unequip the watchstone, then reequip it in the same area,
Swap hideout,
use a map of the appropriate level (not a lower level map from the same area),
give the map to a master, not slot it into the map device.
alch the map.
All of the above might not be necessary but I wanted to give everyone the complete details so if they run into the same issue they can hopefully fix it like I did.
Good luck all.
i had the same issue with +2 watchstone conquerors. this method worked for me to spawn it. thanks
Posted byAbek#6505on Mar 22, 2020, 9:03:53 PM
Plains380 wrote:
In fact now I have ANOTHER bug, as I spawned influence in Lex Proxima while farming ,maps for vastir maps, and after I spawned influence I tried Vastir first, which didnt work, then I went back to finish the influence in lex Proxima... and it will not spawn the conqueror anymore. I cannot pursue him.
Same here and btw buying high tier maps to try to spwan it again DOESN'T work too
Posted bymadziee#6272on Mar 22, 2020, 9:08:25 PM
Snibe wrote:
Rhys wrote:
The first time you spawn each Conqueror is special. There is one Conqueror per corner region, and you must explore all 4 corner regions (zero watchstones required) to unlock them before they will spawn elsewhere. You cannot keep farming the same corner region to spawn all four.
Unfortunately, the UI is misleading about this. We will fix it up to be more accurate. Sorry for the confusion.
hello, thanks for your reply. below is a screenshot of my atlas. in the bottom right corner you can see i have every map completed in lira arthain. i have run them all multiple times.
in the bottom of my list of regions, on the left, is lira arthain. it still indicates i need to run two maps to spawn the portals to the conqueror.
thanks for taking a look.
edit: just so we're clear i am on the "zero watchstones needed" progression point:
edit 2: i got him to spawn just now by socketing a watchstone and running a previously unfinished map now at tier 9. this is fine, but it seems to run contrary to the "0 watchstones required" note in my second screenshot above.
edit 3: upon completing drox it gave me one of the keystones that DID require 1 watchstone (it gave me yellow). thus i think i figured it out. if you spawn influence (first taunt) with a keystone socketed in the region, even if you have a keystone "quest" that requires zero keystones, you will need to run all the maps with a keystone socketed, because you have triggered the "requires 1 keystone" socketed requirement quest, regardless of the fact that you still have a different quest to run maps with no keystone socketed.
in other words it's not that you don't need a keystone to spawn the conqueror - literally it is required that you have zero keystones socketed to get that particular spawn
You have the hunter (green influence) spawned in the top right already so it can’t spawn anywhere else until you clear the influence
Posted bytBP_Lux#3120on Mar 23, 2020, 2:45:06 AM
Last edited by xtesterx#4950 on May 10, 2020, 1:26:38 PM
Posted byxtesterx#4950on Mar 23, 2020, 3:36:10 AM
I have had endless problems spawning conquerors. Got to 16 after much trial and error and then no conqs for 3 whole days!!!
Now finally got two more and now it won't work again.
Because Delerium is such a mess and kills me (due to lag, not to playing), I skip it, so doing conquerors and delve are my only options now. And delve is next to impossible because Niko never spawns (like 4 times in 8 days!!!!).
So, I am just trying to get all watchstones but am pulling my hair out in frustration. I'll go back to std soon if this almight hot mess is not sorted soon.
InsiderTradingX wrote:
And delve is next to impossible because Niko never spawns (like 4 times in 8 days!!!!).
FFS I was thinking it is my bad luck! SAME SHIT HERE! Fracking Alva which I hate and ignore especialy after drpo nerf is always getting missions and poor Niko almost NOT.
Alright GGG mb u messed up more in Delve? Bc I can' find since Delirium Start Vaal outpost to finally get my 3 colours craft recipe.
Also annoying shit from last league with Metemorph - Eyes are still RAREST spawn and stupid brains are everywhere. But I remember u said drop rate is now even. Hope u will fix your "randomize" algorythm couse it is broken as fk and doesn't work like random at all
Posted bymadziee#6272on Mar 23, 2020, 10:13:00 AM