Can't spawn conqueror

I ran over 100 maps so far and i am still not able to spawn blue conqueror. I have spawned the red one 3 times, yellow and green twice. Do not know what to do.

Last bumped on Apr 10, 2020, 8:32:44 PM
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I am having the same issue as well. 2 red 2 yellow 2 green. Cannot get the blue conq to spawn no matter what.
Have been able to spawn blue once, but am having the same issue today.
2 red, 2 green, 2 yellow & 1 blue.

Zone is influenced, but running the maps regardless of how many stones I add does not increment the counter.
same problem
shows 0 required (for green), am at 2/2/2 for the others
Sometimes making an offer is better than asking for a price.
Same issue, 0 required for green and 2/2/2 others. I have unsocketed all watchstones, tried running all different map regions - still can't get it to spawn after over 50~ maps.
Same. Got 3/3/3 red/blue/green, but havent received a single orange yet and i've done ALOT of maps.
i have a similar problem, i have 2/2/2/2 and need 2 watchstones socketed in, which i have, but they wont spawn
I have the same problem, but i have only Baran (red) and Veritania (blue) spawned, hunter and drox doesn't spawn...
same i am currently at 3/3/3/2 and can't get the yellow one to spawn at all

the yellow one for me is the one that requires 0 watchstones as well (like the the main posters picture)

RIP my season its definitely not going to spawn, ive ran countless maps and wasted heaps of time at this point
Last edited by ThiccAsDay#0931 on Mar 16, 2020, 7:08:18 PM
Same. No blue spawns. 3/4/2/0

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