Can't spawn conqueror

Same for green. Shows 0 required but he won't spawn. Others need 4 watchstones in every region now.
Same problem. If we compare details it might help them find the source of the bug and fix it quicker. Ill give some details:

The 3 conquerors I spawned - the first map i did in their outer area spawned their watchtower and then I immediately did another map in their area and spawned the first conqueror appearance.
Vastir with blue conqueror though I did a map in her area, spawned the watchtower, and then logged for the day. Today I started with some azurite mine stuff and then mapped in Glennarch cairns because i didnt have enough Vastir maps to complete the conqueror spawning proccess (SSF). Once I got enough I ran another Vastir map and... Veritania and her mobs didnt pop. Ran another one and it didnt pop again. Now I only have 1 Vastir map left and i dont want to waste it as it took me over 20 Cairns maps to farm them up.

I think the issue might be spawning the watchtower and then not triggering the influence before the next daily reset?
Or it could be that I was online during the reset and that prevented something happening?

Can anyone else verify that when they had this problem they were either online during reset or logged after spawning the watchtower?
I cant spawn any conqueror, stuck at 1/0/0/0
So i read through couple of threads during 3.9 and it seems like it has to do something with hideouts. I switched to another hideout opened map in there and influence popped right away (i did 10+ maps before in my old hideout at 1/0/0/0 req. watchstones and nothing). If someone can confirm that it works for higher number of watchstones, that would be great. Good Luck :)
Trawe wrote:
So i read through couple of threads during 3.9 and it seems like it has to do something with hideouts. I switched to another hideout opened map in there and influence popped right away (i did 10+ maps before in my old hideout at 1/0/0/0 req. watchstones and nothing). If someone can confirm that it works for higher number of watchstones, that would be great. Good Luck :)

Didnt work for me. swapped hideouts, put map directly in device and not in a masters window. Still didnt trigger "pursue the conqueror" quest.

In fact now I have ANOTHER bug, as I spawned influence in Lex Proxima while farming ,maps for vastir maps, and after I spawned influence I tried Vastir first, which didnt work, then I went back to finish the influence in lex Proxima... and it will not spawn the conqueror anymore. I cannot pursue him. Great. Im SSF so i cant just buy maps. Completing the atlas was my only goal for this league and if these bugs persist that is simply not going to be possible =/

(if you saw this post before it was edited I was mistaken and got excited when I spawned a conqueror in another area, not the one i wanted)
Last edited by Plains380#3687 on Mar 16, 2020, 10:59:36 PM
two leagues in and this shit is still broken, with zero word from the developers. i have lira arthain yellow but i cannot get it to taunt again despite it saying "completing two more maps in the region will allow you to open portals to fight the warlord." about 20 maps in. it says i need zero watchstones to spawn the next conqueror, and i have tried it with zero, 1, and 2 watchstones socketed. extremely frustrating.
The first time you spawn each Conqueror is special. There is one Conqueror per corner region, and you must explore all 4 corner regions (zero watchstones required) to unlock them before they will spawn elsewhere. You cannot keep farming the same corner region to spawn all four.

Unfortunately, the UI is misleading about this. We will fix it up to be more accurate. Sorry for the confusion.
Code warrior
Last edited by Rhys#0000 on Mar 16, 2020, 11:54:22 PM
Rhys wrote:
The first time you spawn each Conqueror is special. There is one Conqueror per corner region, and you must explore all 4 corner regions (zero watchstones required) to unlock them before they will spawn elsewhere. You cannot keep farming the same corner region to spawn all four.

Unfortunately, the UI is misleading about this. We will fix it up to be more accurate. Sorry for the confusion.

I dont think i was having this kind of issue, i was exploring all corners at the same time and only one corner spawned conqueror, other did not (after 10+ maps ran in every corner) so i started to look for answers and then i find that hideout might cause this issue, so i tried to change my hideout and 1st map that i ran spawned influence, this might be a coincidence, but i guess something to look into.
Rhys wrote:
The first time you spawn each Conqueror is special. There is one Conqueror per corner region, and you must explore all 4 corner regions (zero watchstones required) to unlock them before they will spawn elsewhere. You cannot keep farming the same corner region to spawn all four.

Unfortunately, the UI is misleading about this. We will fix it up to be more accurate. Sorry for the confusion.

NOTE: I have fixed my issue. See later post for details.

I did as you said.
I did the the upper left corner first (spawned the watchtower, then the conqueror, killed him for the watchstone),
then upper right,
then lower right,
then I went lower left but it was bugged out.
Lower left spawned the Watchtower on the first map in the lower left area, but then next map in the lower left area is supposed to proc an appearance by the 4th conqueror (Veritania for me) and start the quest "pursue veritania" culminating in killing her and getting the watchstone. But she had not appeared, and I could not make her appear.

Since then I did Lex Proxima with 1 watchstone and procced another guardian, one I had already done. I procced him once and triggered the "pursue this guy" quest but then I tried to complete it and it wouldnt work til i tried swapping hideouts a few times. I was able to complete Lex proxima, but Lower left (vastir) still would not spawn its first conqueror.

I played last league and everything went fine.
Last edited by Plains380#3687 on Mar 17, 2020, 3:01:17 AM
Rhys wrote:
The first time you spawn each Conqueror is special. There is one Conqueror per corner region, and you must explore all 4 corner regions (zero watchstones required) to unlock them before they will spawn elsewhere. You cannot keep farming the same corner region to spawn all four.

Unfortunately, the UI is misleading about this. We will fix it up to be more accurate. Sorry for the confusion.

hello, thanks for your reply. below is a screenshot of my atlas. in the bottom right corner you can see i have every map completed in lira arthain. i have run them all multiple times.

in the bottom of my list of regions, on the left, is lira arthain. it still indicates i need to run two maps to spawn the portals to the conqueror.

thanks for taking a look.

edit: just so we're clear i am on the "zero watchstones needed" progression point:

edit 2: i got him to spawn just now by socketing a watchstone and running a previously unfinished map now at tier 9. this is fine, but it seems to run contrary to the "0 watchstones required" note in my second screenshot above.

edit 3: upon completing drox it gave me one of the keystones that DID require 1 watchstone (it gave me yellow). thus i think i figured it out. if you spawn influence (first taunt) with a keystone socketed in the region, even if you have a keystone "quest" that requires zero keystones, you will need to run all the maps with a keystone socketed, because you have triggered the "requires 1 keystone" socketed requirement quest, regardless of the fact that you still have a different quest to run maps with no keystone socketed.

in other words it's not that you don't need a keystone to spawn the conqueror - literally it is required that you have zero keystones socketed to get that particular spawn
Last edited by Snibe#1151 on Mar 17, 2020, 1:21:36 AM

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