Atlas Changes in 3.10.0

"Target-farming Maps and Cartographer's Seals"

almost all t16 was sucks for me in metamorph, bad layout or i just dont like some map. i dont whant run many types of maps when i grind like crazy for hours - thats make me bored. I like run one same map wich i like, thats good for monotone poe gameplay. I guess thats no problem make some new orb,getting through endgame, wich will make a map you choose to be t16 and grant a chance when t16 map drop it will be that map.
So much whine again, and again.
If you guys cant handle change, please stay on D3.

I want this, i want that.
Just play the game, if you guys dont have fun anymore.
Quit, and come next season.

I dont want to farm all t16 map, blablabla
I want to farm 1 map, blablablabla glacier farming so much fun blablabla...

So and if I WANT TO FARM all t16 ?
YOu can buy on bulk if you want to farm the same map over and over.
But remember you are not alone on the game.
Alot of people enjoy the new sistem
So please, stop whine.
Gaming comunity on 2020 is so kappa,kek,kthxbye...
Last edited by Dreamounette#3345 on Mar 4, 2020, 11:09:42 AM
Bex_GGG wrote:
Cartographer's Seals go against the natural progression of your Atlas

So regret orbs go against natural progression of character?
nebel wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:
Cartographer's Seals go against the natural progression of your Atlas

So regret orbs go against natural progression of character?

3.11 : Remove regret orbs. GGG : We don't like that Regret orbs go against the natural progression of your Passive Skill Tree
Last edited by d1rtiq#1275 on Mar 4, 2020, 11:12:58 AM
Cancer: reflect, no regen/leech.

1. ggg keeping those means they explicitly support cancer.
2. There is no reason for damage over time to not be reflected too - reflected damage over time.
make winter orb great again!
no, just make it playable
nebel wrote:
So regret orbs go against natural progression of character?
Orbs of Regret let you reallocate a limited resource. When you respec a passive node, it's usually not because that node is somehow harmful for your character, but because the point is better spent elsewhere. This is not analogous to the Atlas, where you can complete as many maps as you'd like.

As for target farming, you can unsocket Watchstones so that only one region has all four, so that any T14+ map is guaranteed to be in that region. Maybe not as good as eliminating all other drops, but it at least lets you concentrate on a few map types and eliminate the ones you really don't want to run.
Temple map room and delve map rewards are not dropping ANNYTHING, that is why players are unsatisfied with them. The map equity system is not explisitly stated, so the only visible thing to a player is that they did it for nothing... this needs to be fixed in correlation to watchstones, since it is there the probblem lays. The temple roome and delve maps simply just dont interact propperly with the atlas...
jer1993 wrote:

So what I get from this, according to your very scientific research the vast majority of players wants to get maximum rewards for minimum investment. Everything should just be easy and free and achievable for the worst players within a week. You're talking bout diablo 3. Go play diablo 3 honestly.
"some players can't farm a few dozen exalts" like, that's the point, you gotta get good to be good. If you don't spend any time, thought or dedication to a game you SHOULD see no results. Don't even claim you even put thought into it too because if you really did you would notice map drops aren't necessarily nerfed but just shifted back into the side content a little so players that actually want to play the game have a reason to. Like around 5% ADDITIVE mapdrop bonus lost boohoo, run the side area. Given a map of 400 monsters and a tiny side area of just 50 monsters you just got a 12.5% MULTIPLICATIVE bonus back, just by killing more shit which you essentially should've done anyway but probably didn't given you can't farm a dozen exalts in a league apparently let alone a week or so. Then when time really is an issue and you can only play an couple hours every league, why the f are you playing league then, there's a standard mode that doesn't remove your progress every 3 months.

Let's address what you said one thing at a time then.

First thing you are stating is disagreeing with the fact that players should just be locked out of content because of artificial barriers that do not in any way shape or form enhance the game. I will remind you that tier 15 maps are as CORE gameplay as you can get. It's not doing anything special, it's merely doing core gameplay at a tier where you can hope (and I really do mean hope, not expect by any reasonable degree whatsoever) to actually make some currency so that you stand a chance in hell of maybe, just maybe after a month, complete a not very expensive build. Saying that a yellow tier 15 map is maximum reward is ignorant in the extreme. This is the bare minimum players should hope to be doing back to back without restrictions.

Don't throw the get good at me, that's not gonna glue. The problem of the game isn't getting good. There core issue is that if you don't pass the gear check, you don't progress. This is a fact and this fact has become more and more expensive with every single league but guess what, for the majority of the players who can't make that much currency, they've only been left further and further behind because they are still making the same profits but everything that was previously already impossible to get, now costs 3x as much as before. This is not good balance.

Maps drops being shifted somewhere else is not a solution. In fact they weren't. For starters, it's a fact you can't sustain high tier maps with just alching a map. It never was and it isn't now and this will make it much harder to do so. Nothing was added to these side areas (well, ok it was for the vaal areas I guess but small exception). But what you call side areas are things with their own speficic rewards and doing them should not be for maps but for those specific rewards. Uniques that drop, special modifiers, special currency and so on. Using side content which generally is harder than normal content as an escuse to say it's ok for map sustain to not exist is a ridiculous notion.

You realise that the VAST majority of players has a life right? They are either students or have a job and really, having a couple hours to play a day is quite nice because work doesn't ends when you leave work. You usually have stuff to do at home. What you are talking about stems from someone who has no responsabillities whatsoever and by luck can just spend the entire day playing games. However this is not the reality of the majority of the world nor the majority of the players in any given game. PoE is no exception to this of course. With that in mind, leagues are fun to play with the new mechanics. Not only that but standard still suffers from 2 problems. The first being that the economy is non existant. It's already bad in league, standard is amplified x10, if a normal player can't farm a full gear set to finish a build in 1 month in leagues. Then in standard he wouldn't be able to do so in a year just due to the prices. Secondly, the idea of permanence is an illusion (to borrow our "good" emepror's words). Your character may not be deleted, but it is a fact that nerfs and tree changes affect it just the same. So if I had a good ol' trapper build that before used to be able to do any map content without problems on budget gear. Now it wouldn't be able to do it because of the nerfs.

It is not me who hasn't put any thought into it. It is you who hasn't put any thought into it yourself. Consider a few things here. How would doing tier 15 maps easily for the majority of the player base affect the game?

Would it trivialise the game and make it easy? No, it would only allow more players to do the core game loop which is pretty fun. The hard things like awakener and elder and so on will still be just as hard and just as impossible to do unless they get gear. However doing high tier maps gives these player more of a chance to actually finish a build and be able to start doing harder content too.

Would this do anything to the economy of the game? Yes, but actually a positive impact. You see, there are 2 things that contribute to why gear has been becoming more expensive (aside from the flippers). The first is that for the people who pass the gear check they can make a lot more currency and thus prices rise due to a higher amount of currency in the market. Secondly a lot of players leaving the game anywhere between the 2 weeks mark and the 4 weeks mark (and it gets worse as more time passes). For the economy of the game to actually work well, you need a sizable playerbase, but the fact is, you are losing that playerbase very early in the league because players are being barred from even doing core content.

You are just afraid that the game will become less hardcore when you fail to realise even the most important factor. It's not that the game is hard. It's a gear check. Some people are ridiculously good that they can make due by skimping on defenses early on and that's how they gear. But it's also true that only people who play the game for hours and hours without end and do everything to optimise how fast they run the maps are able to do it. You forget that this is often not fun too.

Fact is, the game is not really hardcore, it's just made so that only a specific number of people pass the gear checks. This is what needs changing, at least where the core gameplay loop is concerned which is maps.
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out
And under the ashes of infinity
Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last."
Fruz wrote:
ettanportion wrote:
I can't believe how entitled some people are. Seriously, some of you are like "oh no the game doesn't cater to all my personal needs so the game sucks and GGG sucks I'm not gonna play anymore buhuu".
Well you know what? Good riddance. There are thousands of players that like the game and will keep playing. You leaving won't make a dent. Actually, it will make the community better, because nobody likes toxic whiners anyway.
Good riddance, please don't come back! Cheers

I just wanted to point out that you said that without showing any sign of having supported the game in the slightest.

Just sayin ....

I've spent some money on stash tabs. Don't see how spending makes a difference though. Buying supporter packs is a choice, and it does not mean that your opinion is worth more than someone who didn't spend a dime.

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