Atlas Changes in 3.10.0
" Seriously this "git gud" mentality got to stop when commenting on other players. Ironically as someone who has between last league and this one, four characters above 95 (100, 98 95 and 95), I feel the person you commented on have some legitimate points to make. Should people weigh my ideas more simply because I play more and "better"? I don't think so. Talking about map drop rates and equate this to "rewards" simply does not make sense. That is very the problem shown by the devs in this manifesto. When maps don't drop, people need to STOP playing the game to acquire maps in order to continue, which is very disruptive to the experience. That is something the devs don't want to acknowledge right now, and it simply makes no sense. |
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People might have a lot of T14+ maps dropping this league but because you can't force certain maps to drop, a lot of those drops are shitty layout maps that they will never be run anyway.
So decreasing the map drop rate and not allowing people to target farm maps is going to make a lot of people quit sooner. Having an abundance of map drops this league so people could just ignore the bad map layouts just hid an underlying problem which will come to light as soon as map drop rates are nerfed. |
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Good changes, i like it.
I'm curious about the new improved temple of atzoatl. By the end of the league i had around 200 Alva missions. It's too tidious and random. |
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" The nature of the risk is more important than the degree of the risk, Bex. There is a HUGE difference between the two: A. Careless players are far more likely to die. B. Unlucky dice rollers are far more likely to die. GGG's seemingly perennial conflation of A and B is perhaps a distilled description of the design decisions that most consistently enrage players, new and old alike. I hope you someday can adequately convey this fundamental concept to the team. They need to understand it before they can design around it well. Wash your hands, Exile!
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Wow, it sure seems like a lot of people are upset with the changes to the Atlas - either with the 3.9 overhaul or the bonus completion nerf. Gee, if there were only another endgame system already in the game that could mitigate dissension with unpopular changes. Probably too hard to implement, though.
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Just bring back the Atlas manipulation mechanics, let us decide which maps we want to run and you got me back in the game supporting it.
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We haven't had problems with map sustain since at least legacy.
And your answer is to drop even more maps. Like this: " Your post-league integration and maintenance is just complete shit. That's why they are not rewarding. Delve feels completely unrewarding because it still requires 300+ depth (more like 600) to even feel good for side rewards. Cities didn't even drop T16 Boss maps. To be fair it proabbly still is the most rewarding content, but also the most mind numbing. There is not a single interesting room that doesn't make you vomit while holding a button for 1-2 minutes without moving or waiting for monsters to spawn (except the wolf's den). I mean, the concept doesn't have to be 500iq genius level, just don't make them ass across the board. They don't have to drop riches, but it's faster to just log out and not get the shit node instead of waiting for xy to spawn. Same with the Temple. The mechanic of upgrading the temple is bad. The rooms themselves are bad (except the T3 corruption). The quantity is bad, the pack size kinda, too. It doesn't help that your master system is still ass. The reward gap between masters is too high. Unveiling is a system that should've been tied to master xp, if at all. Bestiary is so irrelevant you couldn't be bothered to put a stash there for one year. Sadly nothing will change since you made rewards generic. Everything can drop from anything. You'll even go so far to flush more down the players with Delirium. Resulting in us getting more rewards and everything else still feeling pointless. It's like pre-nerf Torment, but without the effort. It doesn't have to be a marathon, but let players use the items you give them, like sextants. Want more map drops? Tie them to sextants and make them drop accordingly. Pull out the rewards and put them in an endgame that was actually designed to be that. Not 5 bosses that were designed with half a brain (seriously, even though they are cool, you put the worst mechanics imaginable in those bosses). Or maybe get rid of the idea that your endgame needs some incredibly stupid boss farming. There are more things to do. You could easily tie the masters to the awakening level. Higher sulphite %, chance for red beasts, chance new temple to spawn with higher lvl rooms, something something unveil, and so on. Obviously not the best suggestion, but it's likely that I put more thought into this than a multimillion chinese company. |
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" I just wanted to point out that you said that without showing any sign of having supported the game in the slightest. Just sayin .... SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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I am impressed about all the whining....
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The solution is simple, if not easy.
Remove maps. Keep the atlas. You can unlock a region and play it as many times as you want (like story areas.) But you use the atlas and items to control that experience. Put a button on map tabs "Delete for points." Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
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