Don't spawn conquerors

No methoed works for me. Fuck this league.

I am close to vaaling my headhunter and leaving this game forever since I seriously am pissed
Dex8172 wrote:
tweedledee111 wrote:
I have no idea whatsoever, why white maps seem to work, but red maps apparently don't.

I was stuck at 20 watchstones but the trick with playing lower versions of maps worked for me, and I've got them all now.

Every region has maps with 5 different versions (Beach, for example, has T1, T4, T8, T10 and T14 versions), corresponding the amount of watchstones in it (0-4). So, when a conqueror refuses to spawn and the region is locked at 4 watchstones for example, you need to play lower version of maps. It doesn't matter which maps you play from that particular region, just that they belong to different watchstone levels.

I usually start with zero watchstones map, I just enter it, kill some mobs and if the conqueror doesn't appear soon, I abandon it and proceed to next watchstone level. In my experience, it's completely random at which level you'll find the missing conqueror. But I never need to play more that 4 maps (watchstones level 0-3). I already know that watchstones level 4 doesn't work.

Even with 32 watchstones and awakener level 8, I get stuck more often than not. It's tiresome, but the trick still works. Hopefully GGG will fix this ASAP.

I am totally stuck and have tried everything. What do you mean by belonging to different watchstone levels? Do you mean play maps that are lower than the amount of watchstones you have in at the moment?
TheBlewit wrote:
What do you mean by belonging to different watchstone levels? Do you mean play maps that are lower than the amount of watchstones you have in at the moment?

Yes. Most of us here are stuck with enough watchstones unlocked to always need 4 in a particular region to spawn a conqueror. But sometimes, when you already have influence in some region, you just can't get that conqueror to appear again. As we need 3 such appearances (getting influence the first time + two more), you can play countless maps in that region and nothing will happen, if the bug has triggered.

The solution (that works for me and many others) is to check all other "watchstone levels": maps that belong to the same region but without any watchstones (level 0), then those tiers that appear with 1 watchstone, etc. When you hit the right level, the conqueror will appear in less than a minute. If not, go to the next one.

P.S. You need to play just one map from each watchstone level. When you hit the right one, the conqueror will appear. Never failed me so far.
Last edited by Dex#5296 on Jan 1, 2020, 8:37:36 PM
Stuck aswell at Awakener lvl 5, need everywhere 4 Watchstones to progress, but not getting any influence.
My character is completely broken.

I have 9 watchstones, I've ran over 50 maps, white, blue, yellow .. all colors. I've ran 3 in a row on certain areas.

NO conqueror fights will spawn. NOTHING
Blocked at 16 watchstones. Should i run white maps right now to find Exiles, or only after i will find exile's influence in T14-16 maps? (they require 4 soceted watchstones to spawn)
I'm level 97 currently and killed awakener 3 times and still cannot get my 27th watchstone... I've tried all the "solutions" nothing works.. spent 300 chaos today buying Tirn's end region maps, feels great!
Same issue here, bug reference number is 168456428.
New vastir is yellow, but despite running maps int he area, nothing is happening.

It makes the game less enjoyable.

boring here.

dont want spawn a conqueror anymore, is too work for nothing.

is a shame, so much developers work.
How do i spawn Conquerors:

1.) To spawn influence > run maps (map tier is the same as shown in current atlas)
2.) After influence is spawned i just spam white/yellow magic maps from that region and after ~10-15maps Conqueror finally spawn. You don't need to finish map, just kill few monster packs and if nothing happens do another map from that region.
Last edited by AcidMagic#4589 on Jan 2, 2020, 1:26:28 PM

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