Don't spawn conquerors

Same here,

Got the glen zone under blue influence but can't make the conqueror spawn since then. I've tried with white yellow and red map. I've tried the HO trick aswell. Nothing works....
It's really boring
Hausgeist wrote:
Zenshii wrote:
Hausgeist wrote:
OK guys - found the solution :)

I the past I read dozens of guides, but none of them mentioned this little thing.

In fact, to make the conquerors appear, you need to play the maps with the right tier AND with the correct number of socketed watchstones. This means, in some areas the conquerors won't spawn by just progressing maps.

Let's take an example for Valdos Rest:
If you play the maps from scratch in that area, conquerors won't spawn at all. The reason for this is the correct number of watchstones socketed in the citadel. If you open the atlas and hover over the watchstone inventory for Valdos Rest, you will see a message for getting the red watchstone for this area which says: Number of socketed Watchstones: 3 required to spawn conqueror. So what you need to do is, take watchstones obtained from other ares and socket 3 of them in the citadel of Valdo Rest. Look at the map tier and purchase the maps for the required tier. While playing this tier, the conquerors will spawn.

This behaviour is kinda simple. in case someone would have mentioned it. But none does.

Hope, this will help all of you guys. For me, it worked perfectly :)

Lets say its true. I doubt it is because i did the exact same thing and didnt worked.
But even if it is, is very bad design since it force you to play maps at a tier u didnt had a chance to obtain by natural progression and dropping them. You need to buy them online, and trading state right now is worse than bubonic plague, i wouldnt touch it with a ten feet pole. Or you can try your lottery luck with Zana inventory RNG on missions...
And what about SSF, how they suddenly get yellow or red tier of maps they didnt ever run past white? O.o

I dont get it.

Completely agree with you towards design approach - thus I failed so often :(
I tried about hundred maps before this and nothing worked out. Then I did it the mentioned way and ALL conquerors spawned. So give it a try and tell me if it works for you as well.

Tried once more with 2 stones socketed in the only zone where i had a t10 map and it worked. Influence appeared and after 2 more maps on that zone, even if those were zoned just by name not tier too (were t3-t6 but in the area) Zana was able to spawn citadel map and got a new watchstone.
Thanks for sugestions.

Still think that design is kinda poorly implemented and in game tutorial on stone/atlas/socketing usage is required.
Is not self-explanatory by a long shot.
Anyway, good luck exiles.
I was stuck on 31 for 50+ maps (correct methodology). Spawning a conqueror ELSEWHERE, killing it, then killing sirius, unbricked my progress.
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.
Had the same problem. Failed Sirus that I spawned after getting 24 watchstones. Proceeded to run maps again and had no conquerors spawn for 50 or so maps that I ran in different regions, all being high red maps.

Read somewhere that dropping your awakening level back to what it was before you attempted Sirus last time would fix it. The 50 or so maps that I ran, were at full awakening level possible because of the bonuses, but then I dropped it to level 1 which I assumed (due to wanting only one region's red maps to drop) was the level I fought Sirus last time with. Lo and behold, ran one map and Baran immediately spawned. Then went to two other regions, this time with max available awakening level, and had two other conquerors spawn in less than 2 maps.

This might be worth checking out if you are having the same problem.
I have spawned Sirius once, and failed the boss fight. But now i cant spawn conqurer influance at all. I tryed running T16 white yellow tier maps in multiple diffrent areas with 4 Watchstone socketed in them, and no Influnce shows up. I even changed my Hideout multple times, because people told me i will help. Pls fix this, i want to experience the new content. I really want to trigger Sirius again to learn the fight, but i am stuck at my current Atas, nad cant do anything.
Eschron wrote:
I have spawned Sirius once, and failed the boss fight. But now i cant spawn conqurer influance at all. I tryed running T16 white yellow tier maps in multiple diffrent areas with 4 Watchstone socketed in them, and no Influnce shows up. I even changed my Hideout multple times, because people told me i will help. Pls fix this, i want to experience the new content. I really want to trigger Sirius again to learn the fight, but i am stuck at my current Atas, nad cant do anything.

after i failed sirius i was able to spawn 3 influences. the first boss even showed up. but after deafeating the 2nd boss he didnt drop a watchstone. since then i completed above 100maps and nothing happens...

im stuck now on 22 watchstones. its a really serious issue and ggg says nothing regarding this issue?
Last edited by Steppoo#4064 on Dec 30, 2019, 4:44:18 PM
I got stucked at 23 watchstones. Spawned hunter and redeemer influence, but only managed to fight redeemer. I ran around 20+ tier 15-16 maps in hunter's region - no hunter encounter spawned. It was fixed when i dropped awakening lvl from 3 to 1 (to lvl before my failed Sirus encounter).
bump, still not fixed
Same. 22 watchstones. Failed Sirus at 16 WS, Awakening lvl 4. Now i have a red influence zone in New Vastir since several days, that's not spawning a conqueror.

What i tried:

- reset hideout
- reduce awakening lvl back to 4
- spam white maps

Nothing worked.
dedadadadedoodoodoo is all i want to say to you
Ty for the tip, will try it later and report back.
dedadadadedoodoodoo is all i want to say to you

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