Don't spawn conquerors

Edit: Problem solved.
Last edited by Esquireverec#3167 on Jan 9, 2020, 3:26:28 PM
For me it somehow works right now. I encounter influences subjectivly more often now.

Seems like there is a nug that reduces spawn rate between 20 and 24 ws. Once I hit Awakener level 7 i feel like there are more inluences happening. Might just be wrong and ahit is starting again.

But what helped for me was to sort the stones.

I put every stone in its atlas area where it belongs and just filled the missing stones in the area I was running red maps with pther stones to max tiers. Then they started popping again...

Still this mechanics sucks and I am not going through this grind a second time.

I am also stuck as well.
I have 19 stones and have not been able to continue any further then that.
No conqueror has spawned in days.
i have 21 ws.

Done almost 50 maps. Cant spawn any conqueror in any area.

I have 32 watchstones and a spawned guard. 2/3 times i got him, but the third time he do not spawns at all. I have spent 6h running maps at the guard's area and still have not 3/3 spawned ;(
Wanna contribute to this thread.

I've got 24 stones, 6 regions socketed with 4 stones. Run so many maps I don't even know how many.

Absolutely no influence spawning.

I'm sure Neon said at Exilecon we'd see Conquerors every six maps or so.

This must be bugged surely?

I got 24 Stones. I managed to influence another area. But now the cluster with the 4 Stones in that influenced area didn t disappear... I can take out Stones even though it s influenced.

Is that something that s newly implemented, or is this a bug?

I've ran over 50 maps in Haewark Hamlet and have been unable to get a conquerer to spawn.

Is it a bugged system, or is it just a garbage system? I have 24 stones so far.
~ Seph
I've been trying all weekend and I've tried everything, the Conqueros just stopped spawing even with 4 watchstones.

I'm done until this is fixed
Last edited by rectance#3109 on Jan 12, 2020, 12:22:16 PM

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