Don't spawn conquerors
Failed Sirus, let last portals decay naturally and rerolled from melee. Level 92, 5 awakening and haven't seen a single Elderslayer on new character. Definately broken and no word of GGG being aware of the issue and investigating. Changed hideouts, ran white, yellow and t15+ on 4 watchstone area's and nothing is fixing it.
After my 16th stone dropped I've run 100s of maps in areas with the correct number of allocated watchstones for conqueror's to spawn and haven't had any sign of them. Tried switching hideouts and numerous other "fixes" to no avail. GGG please
IGN: Gemaq
Got this text since today. Quite weird because I have never had this text since the launch. Usually, after ''obtained'' there is no text and next to ''not obtained'' you have the usual text you need X amount of watchstones to spawn conqueror.
Last edited by Provin915#4607 on Jan 3, 2020, 7:21:47 PM
put this bug in "Known Issues & How to Report Bugs" is a "know" bug. |
Edit: Problem solved.
ㅤ Last edited by Esquireverec#3167 on Jan 9, 2020, 3:26:28 PM
For me it somehow works right now. I encounter influences subjectivly more often now.
Seems like there is a nug that reduces spawn rate between 20 and 24 ws. Once I hit Awakener level 7 i feel like there are more inluences happening. Might just be wrong and ahit is starting again. But what helped for me was to sort the stones. I put every stone in its atlas area where it belongs and just filled the missing stones in the area I was running red maps with pther stones to max tiers. Then they started popping again... Still this mechanics sucks and I am not going through this grind a second time. |
I am also stuck as well.
I have 19 stones and have not been able to continue any further then that. No conqueror has spawned in days. Help! |
i have 21 ws.
Done almost 50 maps. Cant spawn any conqueror in any area. =( |
I have 32 watchstones and a spawned guard. 2/3 times i got him, but the third time he do not spawns at all. I have spent 6h running maps at the guard's area and still have not 3/3 spawned ;(