Don't spawn conquerors

Ok, i give up.

Cant spawn influence on atlas anymore. All went smooth till i got 8 stones randomly distributed (some regions have 2, some 1, some none).
Nevertheless, all indications on all side columns says all regions requires 2 socketed watchstones to spawn conqueror, even if that region doesnt have any watchstone obtained yet.
Tried regions with no watchstone, with 1, with 2, with white map, with yellow map, (reds i dont have yet), switched hideout, switched back, tried white map again, with zana, without zana, whatever.
Im out of ideas, after 3 days of running all kind of maps, no influence anywhere.

I know is working for some people, is just not working for me. It shouldnt require complicated operations and switch-a-roos to make it work. Maybe i screwed up the atlas progression somehow, by placing stones where they doesnt belong or something. Again, I shouldnt be able to screw the progression so easily.

So thats it. I got the same vibe like Synthesis. Maybe ill come back in a week or so, when some working fix which doesnt require voodoo stuff to progress in league is deployed. Maybe not.

MTG Arena, here i come again.
Peace out.

I dont get pissed easily, it takes some serious workout for that. I didnt even mentioned that i have to relog every 1-2 maps to shake off the memory leak lag (Win7, 8 Gb Ram, nvidia gtx 760), well i did now, but u get the idea.
Still, it became too much. Really sorry.
Last edited by Zenshii#3162 on Dec 29, 2019, 9:24:55 PM
OK guys - found the solution :)

I the past I read dozens of guides, but none of them mentioned this little thing.

In fact, to make the conquerors appear, you need to play the maps with the right tier AND with the correct number of socketed watchstones. This means, in some areas the conquerors won't spawn by just progressing maps.

Let's take an example for Valdos Rest:
If you play the maps from scratch in that area, conquerors won't spawn at all. The reason for this is the correct number of watchstones socketed in the citadel. If you open the atlas and hover over the watchstone inventory for Valdos Rest, you will see a message for getting the red watchstone for this area which says: Number of socketed Watchstones: 3 required to spawn conqueror. So what you need to do is, take watchstones obtained from other ares and socket 3 of them in the citadel of Valdo Rest. Look at the map tier and purchase the maps for the required tier. While playing this tier, the conquerors will spawn.

This behaviour is kinda simple. in case someone would have mentioned it. But none does.

Hope, this will help all of you guys. For me, it worked perfectly :)
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." - Albert Einstein
Last edited by Hausgeist#5228 on Dec 29, 2019, 11:06:39 PM
Do you really think people are so stupid? No, this does not solve the problem. These are just obvious things that everyone already knows.
Stuck on 31. Doing everything correct for >50 maps in one region and influence won't appear. Tried every level-appropriate map of the entire zone. Going to try lower tiers, and spawning other regions first, will report back if anything works.

Footnote: You can sustain a region by making sure it's the only one with those levels up (IE, put everything else where it has nothing above t13 showing)
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.
Last edited by Cassie322#7934 on Dec 29, 2019, 11:50:12 PM
Hausgeist wrote:
OK guys - found the solution :)

I the past I read dozens of guides, but none of them mentioned this little thing.

In fact, to make the conquerors appear, you need to play the maps with the right tier AND with the correct number of socketed watchstones. This means, in some areas the conquerors won't spawn by just progressing maps.

Let's take an example for Valdos Rest:
If you play the maps from scratch in that area, conquerors won't spawn at all. The reason for this is the correct number of watchstones socketed in the citadel. If you open the atlas and hover over the watchstone inventory for Valdos Rest, you will see a message for getting the red watchstone for this area which says: Number of socketed Watchstones: 3 required to spawn conqueror. So what you need to do is, take watchstones obtained from other ares and socket 3 of them in the citadel of Valdo Rest. Look at the map tier and purchase the maps for the required tier. While playing this tier, the conquerors will spawn.

This behaviour is kinda simple. in case someone would have mentioned it. But none does.

Hope, this will help all of you guys. For me, it worked perfectly :)

Lets say its true. I doubt it is because i did the exact same thing and didnt worked.
But even if it is, is very bad design since it force you to play maps at a tier u didnt had a chance to obtain by natural progression and dropping them. You need to buy them online, and trading state right now is worse than bubonic plague, i wouldnt touch it with a ten feet pole. Or you can try your lottery luck with Zana inventory RNG on missions...
And what about SSF, how they suddenly get yellow or red tier of maps they didnt ever run past white? O.o

I dont get it.
Last edited by Zenshii#3162 on Dec 30, 2019, 6:40:11 AM
Zenshii wrote:
Hausgeist wrote:
OK guys - found the solution :)

I the past I read dozens of guides, but none of them mentioned this little thing.

In fact, to make the conquerors appear, you need to play the maps with the right tier AND with the correct number of socketed watchstones. This means, in some areas the conquerors won't spawn by just progressing maps.

Let's take an example for Valdos Rest:
If you play the maps from scratch in that area, conquerors won't spawn at all. The reason for this is the correct number of watchstones socketed in the citadel. If you open the atlas and hover over the watchstone inventory for Valdos Rest, you will see a message for getting the red watchstone for this area which says: Number of socketed Watchstones: 3 required to spawn conqueror. So what you need to do is, take watchstones obtained from other ares and socket 3 of them in the citadel of Valdo Rest. Look at the map tier and purchase the maps for the required tier. While playing this tier, the conquerors will spawn.

This behaviour is kinda simple. in case someone would have mentioned it. But none does.

Hope, this will help all of you guys. For me, it worked perfectly :)

Lets say its true. I doubt it is because i did the exact same thing and didnt worked.
But even if it is, is very bad design since it force you to play maps at a tier u didnt had a chance to obtain by natural progression and dropping them. You need to buy them online, and trading state right now is worse than bubonic plague, i wouldnt touch it with a ten feet pole. Or you can try your lottery luck with Zana inventory RNG on missions...
And what about SSF, how they suddenly get yellow or red tier of maps they didnt ever run past white? O.o

I dont get it.

Completely agree with you towards design approach - thus I failed so often :(
I tried about hundred maps before this and nothing worked out. Then I did it the mentioned way and ALL conquerors spawned. So give it a try and tell me if it works for you as well.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." - Albert Einstein
Last edited by Hausgeist#5228 on Dec 30, 2019, 7:17:08 AM
Hello. I posted a possible workaround about this problem.
The details are in this thread:

For those who are busy, the solution for me was this:
1. Make sure proper number of watchstones are socketed in region to spawn conquerors(As guided in game)
2. Put the matching tier of map in device
3. Activate the map
4. Quickly Press G to open the Atlas before the portals appear
5. Watch a wave-like animation cover the region
6. Boom. The Conqueror shows up.

I don't know how, but it worked for me.
Does this also work for you?
Dont works. I watch waves all the time but no Conqueror spawn.
Only solution is to GGG fix the damn bug.
Dont works. I watch waves all the time but no Conqueror spawn.
Only solution is to GGG fix the damn bug.

My god that's awful. Maybe the workaround was all by luck...
Anyway thanks for the reply.
Same problem here. Leveling new character, no conquerors, and runnin same maps as the zone, tried all, nothing works.

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