Sirus fight is making me quit POE
They don't post here... ever...
Outside of mods editing/warning & MTX/announcements/patch notes. The fight was literally broken for a whole league, and they never said a word. Don't expect one. This place is just for people to vent/troll. Last edited by Chalace2#1463 on Apr 20, 2020, 6:18:34 PM
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Finally got him yestwrday. What a pos fight it is. I use culling strike with mirage archer on harder bosses in my clear skill. Only reason i killed him was of culling strike. He last teleported on his ginal sliver od health into one of the big clouds. I could not locate him for my barrage so i just kept shooting into his general direction with my culling and he went poof......that is not a reliable or good strategy....if i had been melee i would not have been able to get to him at all
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer |
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I finally realized what is happening. I had to read the patch notes again, very slowly, and then it made sense.
" You can see it right there. If he's no longer doing maze or corridor, because of storms nearby, or players are out of range, guess what, he's now stuck in beam mode until either the cloud clears or the person comes back in range. This is why in the past you would not get more than 2 beams in a row and you would slip into a normal rotation when you entered. Instead now you just get beamed until you can get to him or clouds clear. Also this explains why he beams you when you are just entering the arena... This is why the 4th phase is now not doing the normal rotation of mechanics that I'm used to and also why some people may not be seeing this at all if they a) don't die or b) clouds play nice and stay clear. Sirus Improvements my ass. I mean I just don't understand what kind of stubborn idiot wouldn't just make the clouds all disappear when you engage him instead of bandaiding this ridiculous encounter with this dumb fix. My guess is someone at GGG loves those clouds and thinks they somehow make the fight, when in reality, they are just annoying eye candy that really don't do anything but make the fight retarded. Last edited by Soulsucka#5124 on Apr 20, 2020, 9:08:07 PM
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" I haven't "given up", I am saying what needs to be fixed because you can't go from one league where you CAN beat him, to the next where you know the mechanics but it's still near impossible for some builds to be able to do it and so you feel forced to play builds that you otherwise wouldn't (either because you don't like it or it isn't your play style) just to be able to. And as others have noted in here, there are a LOT of his mechanics broken in phase 4. So don't try to make people feel bad with your "you gave up, that's sad" comments when you obviously aren't reading what people are actually saying. Had you read it all, you would have been able to leave a better comment than that. Just sayin. |
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" Posted by Shagsbeard on Dec 20, 2019, 11:13:16 AM Pepege |
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LOL - didn't even notice that. Idk why it came up under what I said for me. My bad. :)
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" Huh. Looks familiar. There are two types of POE players:
1) Those who want to walk uphill both ways barefoot on broken glass wearing a blindfold 2) F*cking noobs I identify as transnational Chinese. May I have access to their QOL features, please? |
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Been on a break since Synthesis league, came back to check out the new atlas and feel of the game. I can kill Sirus on A8 more often than not, but spending 5 portals and getting fed into the same Everlasting fire + offscreen teleport 1shot every time with 0 time to dps the boss in between them is just such a horrible design it would make me quit on its own without other notable league frustrations.
Quite a few of the problems with this league such as the fog catching up to you when interacting with previous league mechanics, fog being so map layout dependent and all the exploding mob effects that noone can see in the fog - could have been avoided if you had thought about it slightly harder in the design meeting. While i do not doubt you are all very capable intellectual individuals, i would assume time puts you in a squeeze more often than not. However, there is only 24 hours in a day and this production quality with its very obvious flaws just isn't worth my time, money or effort. Objectively it would seem like a good idea to involve people who actually play the game in the design process to let you know how your ideas interact with crucial aspects of the game. Hire real gamers, sign NDA's and for the love of this game - bring them into the design meetings and help yourselves from making these very obvious bad design choices. You dont play games, you code - and that's perfectly fine if you would just recognize your own shortcomings. |
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those storms are just pure bullshit - their graphics do not match the exact positioning i get insta glib right at the edge of the storm. so many one shot mechanics in this fight its just cancer.
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